
Priority inheritance in the kernel


Priority inheritance in the kernel


[Posted April 3, 2006 by corbet]

Imagine a system with two processes running, one at high priority and the other at a much lower priority. These processes share resources which are protected by locks. At some point, the low-priority process manages to run and obtains a lock for one of those resources. If the high-priority process then attempts to obtain the same lock, it will have to wait. Essentially, the low-priority process has trumped the high-priority process, at least for as long as it holds the contended lock.

Now imagine a third process, one which uses a lot of processor time, and which has a priority between the other two. If that process starts to crank, it will push the low-priority process out of the CPU indefinitely. As a result, the third process can keep the highest-priority process out of the CPU indefinitely.

This situation, called "priority inversion," tends to be followed by system failure, upset users, and unemployed engineers. There are a number of approaches to avoiding priority inversion, including lockless designs, carefully thought-out locking scenarios, and a technique known as priority inheritance. The priority inheritance method is simple in concept: when a process holds a lock, it should run at (at least) the priority of the highest-priority process waiting for the lock. When a lock is taken by a low-priority process, the priority of that process might need to be boosted until the lock is released.

There are a number of approaches to priority inheritance. In effect, the kernel performs a very simple form of it by not allowing kernel code to be preempted while holding a spinlock. In some systems, each lock has a priority associated with it; whenever a process takes a lock, its priority is raised to the lock's priority. In others, a high-priority process will have its priority "inherited" by another process which holds a needed lock. Most priority inheritance schemes have shown a tendency to complicate and slow down the locking code, and they can be used to paper over poor application designs. So they are unpopular in many circles. Linus was reasonably clear about how he felt on the subject last December:

"Friends don't let friends use priority inheritance".

Just don't do it. If you really need it, your system is broken anyway.

Faced with this sort of opposition, many developers would quietly shelve their priority inheritance designs and go back to working on accounting code. The kernel development community, however, happens to have a member who has a track record of getting code merged in spite of this sort of objection: Ingo Molnar. History may well repeat itself, as Ingo (working with Thomas Gleixner) has posted a priority-inheriting futex implementation with a request that it be merged into the mainline. This approach, says Ingo, provides a useful functionality to user space (it is not meant to provide priority-inheriting kernel mutual exclusion primitives) while avoiding the pitfalls which have hit other implementations.

The PI-futex patch adds a couple of new operations to the futex() system call: FUTEX_LOCK_PI and FUTEX_UNLOCK_PI. In the uncontended case, a PI-futex can be taken without involving the kernel at all, just like an ordinary futex. When there is contention, instead, the FUTEX_LOCK_PI operation is requested from the kernel. The requesting process is put into a special queue, and, if necessary, that process lends its priority to the process actually holding the contended futex. The priority inheritance is chained, so that, if the holding process is blocked on a second futex, the boosted priority will propagate to the holder of that second futex. As soon as a futex is released, any associated priority boost is removed.

As with regular futexes, the kernel only needs to know about a PI-futex while it is being contended. So the number of futexes in the system can become quite large without serious overhead on the kernel side.

Within the kernel, the PI-futex type is implemented by way of a new primitive called an rt_mutex. The rt_mutex is superficially similar to regular mutexes, with the addition of the priority inheritance capability. They are, however, an entirely different type, with no code shared with the mutex implementation. The API will be familiar to mutex users, however; in brief, it is:

    #include <linux/rtmutex.h>void rt_mutex_init(struct rt_mutex *lock);void rt_mutex_destroy(struct rt_mutex *lock);void rt_mutex_lock(struct rt_mutex *lock);int rt_mutex_lock_interruptible(struct rt_mutex *lock, int detect_deadlock);int rt_mutex_timed_lock(struct rt_mutex *lock,struct hrtimer_sleeper *timeout,int detect_deadlock);int rt_mutex_trylock(struct rt_mutex *lock);void rt_mutex_unlock(struct rt_mutex *lock);int rt_mutex_is_locked(struct rt_mutex *lock);

The alert reader may have noticed that this looks much like the realtime mutex type found in the realtime preemption patch. Ingo once said that the realtime patches would slowly trickle into the mainline, and that is what appears to be happening here. With this patch set, the PI-futex code is the only user of the new rt_mutex type, but that could certainly change over time.

The PI-futex patch also includes a new, priority-sorted list type which could find users elsewhere in the kernel.

There has been relatively little discussion of this patch so far; it has been included in recent -mm trees. It is too late for 2.6.17, but, if no real opposition develops, the PI-futex code might just find its way into a subsequent kernel.








面对这种反对,许多开发人员会悄悄搁置其优先级继承设计,然后重新开始使用会计代码。然而,尽管有这样的反对,内核开发社区碰巧拥有一个拥有合并代码的记录的成员:Ingo Molnar。历史可能会重演,因为Ingo(与Thomas Gleixner合作)发布了优先级继承的futex实现,并要求将其合并到主线中。Ingo说,这种方法为用户空间提供了有用的功能(这并不意味着提供具有优先级的内核互斥基元),同时避免了打击其他实现的陷阱。

PI-futex补丁向futex() 系统调用添加了两个新操作:FUTEX_LOCK_PI和FUTEX_UNLOCK_PI。在无竞争的情况下,就像普通的futex一样,可以完全不涉及内核地获取PI-futex。发生争用时,而是 从内核请求FUTEX_LOCK_PI操作。请求进程被放入一个特殊的队列中,并且,如果有必要,该进程将其优先级赋予实际持有竞争的futex的进程。优先级继承是链接在一起的,因此,如果在第二个futex上阻止了保持过程,则提升后的优先级将传播到该第二个futex的持有者。释放后缀后,所有关联的优先级提升都将被删除。

与常规futex一样,内核只需要在竞争PI futex时就知道它。因此,系统中的futex数量可以变得非常大,而不会在内核方面造成严重的开销。


    #include <linux/rtmutex.h>void rt_mutex_init(struct rt_mutex *lock);void rt_mutex_destroy(struct rt_mutex *lock);void rt_mutex_lock(struct rt_mutex *lock);int rt_mutex_lock_interruptible(struct rt_mutex *lock, int detect_deadlock);int rt_mutex_timed_lock(struct rt_mutex *lock,struct hrtimer_sleeper *timeout,int detect_deadlock);int rt_mutex_trylock(struct rt_mutex *lock);void rt_mutex_unlock(struct rt_mutex *lock);int rt_mutex_is_locked(struct rt_mutex *lock);




Index entries for this article
Kernel Futex
Kernel Locking mechanisms/Mutexes
Kernel Priority inheritance
Kernel Realtime


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