矩阵、坐标变换、相控阵天线拟合方向图 代码


  • 矩阵、坐标变换、相控阵天线拟合方向图 代码
    • 矩阵
      • Matrix.h
      • Matrix.cpp
    • 坐标变换
      • CConvert.h
      • CConvert.cpp
    • 相控阵天线分段拟合方向图
      • CAntennaPattern.h
      • CAntennaPattern.cpp
      • ShowGragh.py
      • CDetectedPattern.h
      • CDetectedPattern.cpp
      • CRadar.h
      • CRadar.cpp
      • CJam.h
      • CJam.cpp
      • RadarParam.ini
      • JamParam.ini
      • in.txt



#pragma once
#include <vector>
using namespace std;#define PI 3.14159265358979323846struct Matrix {int m = 0, n = 0;vector<vector<double>> data;Matrix();Matrix(int, int);Matrix operator +(const Matrix B);Matrix operator *(const double k);Matrix operator *(const Matrix B);void operator =(const Matrix B);void operator =(const double B[3][3]);void operator =(const double B[3][1]);void operator =(const vector<vector<double> > vec);void rotx(double);   //角度制输入void roty(double);   //角度制输入void rotz(double);   //角度制输入void disp_matrix();


#include "Matrix.h"Matrix::Matrix() {data.resize(0);
}Matrix::Matrix(int mm, int nn) {m = mm; n = nn;data.resize(mm);for (int i = 0; i < mm; i++)data[i].resize(nn);for (int i = 0; i < mm; i++)for (int j = 0; j < nn; j++)data[i][j] = 0;
}Matrix Matrix::operator+(Matrix B) {Matrix tmp;tmp = *this;if (m != B.m || n != B.n) return tmp;else {for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)tmp.data[i][j] += B.data[i][j];return tmp;}
}Matrix Matrix::operator *(const double k) {Matrix tmp(m, n);for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)tmp.data[i][j] = k * data[i][j];return tmp;
}Matrix Matrix::operator *(const Matrix B) {        //m*n n*k -> m*kMatrix ans(m, B.n);if (n != B.m) return ans;else {for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)for (int j = 0; j < B.n; j++)for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)ans.data[i][j] += data[i][k] * B.data[k][j];return ans;}
}void Matrix::operator =(const Matrix B) {m = B.m;n = B.n;data.resize(B.m);for (int i = 0; i < B.m; i++)data[i].resize(B.n);data = B.data;
}void Matrix::operator =(const double B[3][3]) {int B_m = 3;int B_n = 3;m = B_m;n = B_n;data.resize(B_m);for (int i = 0; i < B_m; i++)data[i].resize(B_n);for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)data[i][j] = B[i][j];
}void Matrix::operator =(const double B[3][1]) {int B_m = 3;int B_n = 1;m = B_m;n = B_n;data.resize(B_m);for (int i = 0; i < B_m; i++)data[i].resize(B_n);for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)data[i][j] = B[i][j];
}void Matrix::operator =(const vector<vector<double> > vec) {data = vec;m = vec.size();n = vec[0].size();
}void Matrix::rotx(double phi) {phi = PI * phi / 180;double tmp[3][3] ={{1,   0, 0},{0, cos(phi), sin(phi)},{0, -sin(phi), cos(phi) }};*this = tmp;
}void Matrix::roty(double phi) {phi = PI * phi / 180;double tmp[3][3] ={{cos(phi), 0, -sin(phi)},{0, 1, 0},{sin(phi), 0, cos(phi)}};*this = tmp;
}void Matrix::rotz(double phi) {phi = PI * phi / 180;double tmp[3][3] ={{cos(phi), sin(phi), 0},{-sin(phi), cos(phi), 0},{0, 0, 1}};*this = tmp;
}void Matrix::disp_matrix() {for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)printf("%lf ", data[i][j]);putchar('\n');}


输入/输出 大地Cat 地心Cat 雷达Cat 雷达Sph 阵面Cat 阵面Sph
大地Cat (3)/ (3)a (6)ac (6)ace (8)aci (8)acig
地心Cat (3)b (3)/ (6)c (6)ce (8)ci (8)cig
雷达Cat (6)db (6)d (3)/ (3)e (5)i (5)ig
雷达Sph (6)fdb (6)fd (3)f (3)/ (5)fi (5)fig
阵面Cat (8)jdb (8)jd (5)j (5)je (3)/ (3)g
阵面Sph (8)hjdb (8)hjd (5)hj (5)hje (3)h (3)/

Cat 表示直角坐标系(笛卡尔系) Sph表示球坐标系

/ 表示自己变换为自己,不需要特别的函数

字母 a-j 分别对应手册上 a-j 的坐标变换方程

(x) 表示需要传入 x 个参数


(5)表示输入除了需要变换的三坐标,还需要 方位角、俯仰角

(6)表示输入除了需要变换的三坐标,还需要 经度、纬度、高程

(8)表示输入除了需要变换的三坐标,还需要 经度、纬度、高程、方位角、俯仰角

转换路径:如 hjdb 表示需要将输入坐标依次按照 h -> j -> d -> b 的顺序进行变换


#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "Matrix.h"
using namespace std;struct Coordinate {double d_c1 = 0;double d_c2 = 0;double d_c3 = 0;
};/*****basic functions*****/
Coordinate a_1to2(double, double, double);
Coordinate b_2to1(double, double, double);
Coordinate c_2to3(double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate d_3to2(double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate e_3to4(double, double, double);
Coordinate f_4to3(double, double, double);
Coordinate g_5to6(double, double, double);
Coordinate h_6to5(double, double, double);
Coordinate i_3to5(double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate j_5to3(double, double, double, double, double);
/*****basic functions*****/
/*****self convert functions*****/
void self_1to1(double, double, double);
void self_2to2(double, double, double);
void self_3to3(double, double, double);
void self_4to4(double, double, double);
void self_5to5(double, double, double);
void self_6to6(double, double, double);
/*****self convert functions*****/
/*****indirect convert functions*****/  //含 cd,额外添加经纬度和高程;含 ij,额外添加方位角和俯仰角(double)
Coordinate ac_1to3(double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate ace_1to4(double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate aci_1to5(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate acig_1to6(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate ce_2to4(double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate ci_2to5(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate cig_2to6(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate db_3to1(double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate ig_3to6(double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate fdb_4to1(double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate fd_4to2(double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate fi_4to5(double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate fig_4to6(double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate jdb_5to1(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate jd_5to2(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate je_5to4(double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate hjdb_6to1(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate hjd_6to2(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate hj_6to3(double, double, double, double, double);
Coordinate hje_6to4(double, double, double, double, double);
/*****indirect convert functions*****/
/****************convert fuctions***************/


#include "CConvert.h"
#include <cmath>#define PI 3.14159265358979323846/*** Self Functions ***/
void self_1to1(double input1, double input2, double input3) {Coordinate ans;ans.d_c1 = input1;ans.d_c2 = input2;ans.d_c3 = input3;return;
void self_2to2(double input1, double input2, double input3) {Coordinate ans;ans.d_c1 = input1;ans.d_c2 = input2;ans.d_c3 = input3;return;
void self_3to3(double input1, double input2, double input3) {Coordinate ans;ans.d_c1 = input1;ans.d_c2 = input2;ans.d_c3 = input3;return;
void self_4to4(double input1, double input2, double input3) {Coordinate ans;ans.d_c1 = input1;ans.d_c2 = input2;ans.d_c3 = input3;return;
void self_5to5(double input1, double input2, double input3) {Coordinate ans;ans.d_c1 = input1;ans.d_c2 = input2;ans.d_c3 = input3;return;
void self_6to6(double input1, double input2, double input3) {Coordinate ans;ans.d_c1 = input1;ans.d_c2 = input2;ans.d_c3 = input3;return;
/*** Self Functions ***//*****basic functions*****/
Coordinate a_1to2(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****/double L = PI * Input1 / 180, B = PI * Input2 / 180, H = Input3;double a = 6378140, b = 6356755, e2 = 0.00669;double N = a / (sqrt(1 - e2 * sin(B) * sin(B)));/***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans.d_c1 = (N + H) * cos(B) * cos(L);ans.d_c2 = (N + H) * cos(B) * sin(L);ans.d_c3 = (N * (1 - e2) + H) * sin(B);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate b_2to1(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****/double x0 = Input1, y0 = Input2, z0 = Input3;double a = 6378140, b = 6356755, e = 0.00669;/***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/if (x0 > 0) {ans.d_c1 = 180 * atan(y0 / x0) / PI;}else if (x0 < 0) {ans.d_c1 = 180 * (PI + atan(y0 / x0)) / PI;}else if (abs(x0) <= 0.0001 && y0 > 0) {ans.d_c1 = 180;}else if (abs(x0) <= 0.0001 && y0 < 0) {ans.d_c1 = -180;}else ans.d_c1 = 0;double tmp0 = pow(1 - e * e, -1);ans.d_c2 = 180 * atan(z0 / (sqrt(x0 * x0 + y0 * y0)) * tmp0) / PI;double tmp1 = a * a * z0 * z0 / (x0 * x0 + y0 * y0 + z0 * z0), tmp2 = b * b * (1 - (z0 * z0) / (x0 * x0 + y0 * y0 + z0 * z0));ans.d_c3 = sqrt(x0 * x0 + y0 * y0 + z0 * z0) - a * b / sqrt(tmp1 + tmp2);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate c_2to3(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****/Coordinate Cod_r = a_1to2(lambda_r, phi_r, HR);Matrix A(3, 3), B(3, 3), C(3, 3), D(3, 1), res(0, 0);double x0 = Input1, y0 = Input2, z0 = Input3;double xr0 = Cod_r.d_c1, yr0 = Cod_r.d_c2, zr0 = Cod_r.d_c3;double X = x0 - xr0, Y = y0 - yr0, Z = z0 - zr0;D.data[0][0] = X; D.data[1][0] = Y; D.data[2][0] = Z;A.roty(-90); B.rotx(phi_r); C.rotz(lambda_r - 90);/***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/res = A * B * C * D;ans.d_c1 = res.data[0][0];ans.d_c2 = res.data[1][0];ans.d_c3 = res.data[2][0];/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate d_3to2(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****/Coordinate Cod_r = a_1to2(lambda_r, phi_r, HR);Matrix A(3, 3), B(3, 3), C(3, 3), D(3, 1), res(0, 0);double x0 = Input1, y0 = Input2, z0 = Input3;double xr0 = Cod_r.d_c1, yr0 = Cod_r.d_c2, zr0 = Cod_r.d_c3;D.data[0][0] = x0; D.data[1][0] = y0; D.data[2][0] = z0;A.rotz(90 - lambda_r); B.rotx(-phi_r); C.roty(90);/***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/res = A * B * C * D;ans.d_c1 = res.data[0][0] + xr0;ans.d_c2 = res.data[1][0] + yr0;ans.d_c3 = res.data[2][0] + zr0;/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate e_3to4(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****/double x = Input1, y = Input2, z = Input3;/***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans.d_c1 = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);if (z > 0) {ans.d_c2 = 180 * acos(x / (sqrt(x * x + z * z))) / PI;}else if (z < 0) {ans.d_c2 = 360 - 180 * acos(x / (sqrt(x * x + z * z))) / PI;}else z = 0;ans.d_c3 = 180 * asin(y / ans.d_c1) / PI;/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate f_4to3(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****/double r = Input1, theta = PI * Input2 / 180.0, phi = PI * Input3 / 180.0;/***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans.d_c1 = r * cos(phi) * cos(theta);ans.d_c2 = r * sin(phi);ans.d_c3 = r * cos(phi) * sin(theta);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate g_5to6(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****/double x = Input1, y = Input2, z = Input3;/***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans.d_c1 = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);if (y > 0) {ans.d_c2 = 180 * acos(x / sqrt(x * x + y * y)) / PI;}else if (y < 0) {ans.d_c2 = 360 - 180 * acos(x / sqrt(x * x + y * y)) / PI;}else ans.d_c2 = 0;ans.d_c3 = 180 * acos(z / ans.d_c1) / PI;/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate h_6to5(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****/double r = Input1, theta = PI * Input2 / 180, phi = PI * Input3 / 180;/***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans.d_c1 = r * sin(phi) * cos(theta);ans.d_c2 = r * sin(phi) * sin(theta);ans.d_c3 = r * cos(phi);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate i_3to5(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****/double x = Input1, y = Input2, z = Input3;/***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/Matrix A(3, 3), B(3, 3), C(3, 1), res(0, 0);A.rotx(-Ep); B.roty(-Ap);double t[3][1] = { {x},{y},{z} };C = t;res = A * B * C;ans.d_c1 = res.data[0][0];ans.d_c2 = res.data[1][0];ans.d_c3 = res.data[2][0];/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate j_5to3(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****/double x = Input1, y = Input2, z = Input3;/***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/Matrix A(3, 3), B(3, 3), C(3, 1), res(0, 0);A.roty(Ap); B.rotx(Ep);double t[3][1] = { {x},{y},{z} };C = t;res = A * B * C;ans.d_c1 = res.data[0][0];ans.d_c2 = res.data[1][0];ans.d_c3 = res.data[2][0];/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
/*****basic functions*****//*****indirect convert functions*****/   //含 cd,额外添加经纬度和高程;含 ij,额外添加方位角和俯仰角(double)
Coordinate ig_3to6(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = i_3to5(Input1, Input2, Input3, Ap, Ep);ans = g_5to6(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate fi_4to5(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = f_4to3(Input1, Input2, Input3);ans = i_3to5(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, Ap, Ep);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate fig_4to6(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = f_4to3(Input1, Input2, Input3);ans = i_3to5(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, Ap, Ep);ans = g_5to6(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate je_5to4(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = j_5to3(Input1, Input2, Input3, Ap, Ep);ans = e_3to4(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate hj_6to3(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = h_6to5(Input1, Input2, Input3);ans = j_5to3(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, Ap, Ep);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate hje_6to4(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = h_6to5(Input1, Input2, Input3);ans = j_5to3(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, Ap, Ep);ans = e_3to4(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
}Coordinate ac_1to3(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = a_1to2(Input1, Input2, Input3);ans = c_2to3(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate ace_1to4(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = a_1to2(Input1, Input2, Input3);ans = c_2to3(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);ans = e_3to4(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate ce_2to4(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = c_2to3(Input1, Input2, Input3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);ans = e_3to4(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate db_3to1(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = d_3to2(Input1, Input2, Input3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);ans = b_2to1(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate fdb_4to1(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = f_4to3(Input1, Input2, Input3);ans = d_3to2(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);ans = b_2to1(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate fd_4to2(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = f_4to3(Input1, Input2, Input3);ans = d_3to2(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
}Coordinate aci_1to5(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = a_1to2(Input1, Input2, Input3);ans = c_2to3(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);ans = i_3to5(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, Ap, Ep);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate acig_1to6(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = a_1to2(Input1, Input2, Input3);ans = c_2to3(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);ans = i_3to5(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, Ap, Ep);ans = g_5to6(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate ci_2to5(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = c_2to3(Input1, Input2, Input3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);ans = i_3to5(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, Ap, Ep);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate cig_2to6(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = c_2to3(Input1, Input2, Input3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);ans = i_3to5(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, Ap, Ep);ans = g_5to6(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate jdb_5to1(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = j_5to3(Input1, Input2, Input3, Ap, Ep);ans = d_3to2(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);ans = b_2to1(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate jd_5to2(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = j_5to3(Input1, Input2, Input3, Ap, Ep);ans = d_3to2(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate hjdb_6to1(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = h_6to5(Input1, Input2, Input3);ans = j_5to3(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, Ap, Ep);ans = d_3to2(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);ans = b_2to1(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
Coordinate hjd_6to2(double Input1, double Input2, double Input3, double lambda_r, double phi_r, double HR, double Ap, double Ep) {Coordinate ans;/***** basic variables *****//***** basic variables *****//***** Convert Function *****/ans = h_6to5(Input1, Input2, Input3);ans = j_5to3(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, Ap, Ep);ans = d_3to2(ans.d_c1, ans.d_c2, ans.d_c3, lambda_r, phi_r, HR);/***** Convert Function *****/return ans;
}/*****indirect convert functions*****/



#pragma once
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>#define PI 3.14159265358979323846class CAntennaPattern
private:double m_G0_dB;double m_thetab;double m_alpha1;double m_alpha2;double m_alpha3;double m_A1_dB;double m_angle_floor;double m_angle_ceil;double m_angle_step;public:void Get_Param();double AntennaPatternModel_SelfParam(double Delta);void Antenna_PrintDataToFile_SelfParam();
};inline double angle_to_rad(double angle); //turn angle to radiant
inline double dB_to_Gain(double dB);
double Sa(double rad);                      //radiant system input//Antenna Pattern Model, Input Antenna Parameters and differencial angle, Output Amplitude Gain
double AntennaPatternModel_Function_F(double thetab, double alpha1, double alpha2, double alpha3, \double A1_dB, double Delta);//Antenna Pattern Model, Input Antenna Parameters and differencial angle, Output Antenna Gain_dB
double AntennaPatternModel(double G0, \double thetab, double alpha1, double alpha2, double alpha3, \double A1_dB, double Delta);double Cal_Delta(double thetat, double phit, double thetar, double phir);//阵面直角坐标系的应用


#include "CAntennaPattern.h"inline double angle_to_rad(double angle) {return PI * angle / 180;
}inline double dB_to_Gain(double dB) {return pow(10, dB / 20.0);
}double Sa(double rad) {if (abs(rad) <= 1e-10) return 1;else return sin(rad) / rad;
}double AntennaPatternModel_Function_F(double thetab, double alpha1, double alpha2, double alpha3, \double A1_dB, double Delta) {Delta = abs(Delta);double tmp_A1 = dB_to_Gain(A1_dB);/***** Function_F *****/if (abs(Delta - 2) <= 1e-10) return 0.000002338429523806;   //人为定义 +-2 奇异点的值if (Delta < thetab / 2) return Sa(2.7834 * Delta / thetab);else if (Delta < alpha1)return Sa(1.3917 + (3.4998) / (2 * alpha1 - thetab) * (Delta - thetab / 2));else if (Delta < alpha2)return abs((tmp_A1 / 0.2172) * Sa(1.3518 / (alpha2 - alpha1)\* (Delta - alpha1) + PI));elsereturn abs((tmp_A1 / 0.2172) * Sa(1.7898 / (alpha3 - alpha2)\* (Delta - alpha2) + 4.4934));/***** Function_F *****/
}double AntennaPatternModel(double G0_dB, \double thetab, double alpha1, double alpha2, double alpha3, \double A1_dB, double Delta) {if (abs(Delta - 2) <= 1e-10) return -72.62;                    //人为定义 +-2 奇异点的值else {double F = abs(AntennaPatternModel_Function_F(thetab, alpha1,\alpha2, alpha3, A1_dB, Delta));return G0_dB + 20 * log10(F);}
}double Cal_Delta(double thetat, double phit, double thetar, double phir) {thetat = angle_to_rad(thetat);thetar = angle_to_rad(thetar);phit = angle_to_rad(phit);phir = angle_to_rad(phir);double Delta = acos(sin(thetar) * sin(thetat) * cos(phir - phit)\+ cos(thetar) * cos(thetat));while (Delta < 0) Delta += PI;while (Delta > PI) Delta -= PI;return 180 * Delta / PI;
}void CAntennaPattern::Get_Param() {freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);std::cin >> m_G0_dB >> m_thetab >> m_alpha1 >> m_alpha2 \>> m_alpha3 >> m_A1_dB >> m_angle_floor >> m_angle_ceil >> m_angle_step;
}double CAntennaPattern::AntennaPatternModel_SelfParam(double Delta) {return AntennaPatternModel(m_G0_dB, m_thetab, \m_alpha1, m_alpha2, m_alpha3, m_A1_dB, Delta);
}void CAntennaPattern::Antenna_PrintDataToFile_SelfParam() {FILE* pFile = fopen("out.txt", "w");for (double i = m_angle_floor; i <= m_angle_ceil; i += m_angle_step) {fprintf(pFile, "%.18lf %lf\n", i, AntennaPatternModel_SelfParam(abs(i)));}fclose(pFile);system("python C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\Desktop\\Python_Project\\ShowGragh.py");


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as npfile = open(r"C:\Users\xxxxx\Desktop\C++_Project\out.txt")
dat = file.readlines()tmp_x = []
tmp_y = []
for i in range(len(dat)):tmp=dat[i].split(' ')tmp_x.append(float(tmp[0]))tmp_y.append(float(tmp[1][0:-1]))
x = np.array(tmp_x)
y = np.array(tmp_y)plt.plot(x,y)


#pragma once
#include "CJam.h"
#include "CRadar.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <Windows.h>#define PI 3.14159265358979323846class CDetectPattern
public:double m_RCS;        // m*mdouble m_start;       // m but take km as inputdouble m_end;      // m but take km as inputdouble m_step;     // m but take km as inputbool m_isJamed;        // consider jam or notCRadar m_radar;       CJam m_jam;public:CDetectPattern(double RCS, int start, int end, int step, bool isJamed);void Set_Range(int start, int end, int step);  //set display rangevoid Set_isJamed(bool isJamed);                  //set it is jamed or notdouble Ps_Echo_Power(double R);                 //Calculate Ps which is Echo Wave Powerdouble Prj_Jam_Power(double R);                  //Calculate Prj which is Jam signal Powerdouble Pn_Receiver_Noise_AvgPower();           //Calculate Pn which is Receiver Noise Average Powerdouble Cal_SNR(double R);                       //Calculate SNR return (dB)double Cal_Pd(double R);                     //Calculate Pd ¼ì²â¸ÅÂÊ £» Pf Ð龯¸ÅÂÊvoid Print_SNR_to_File();                     //print SNR result to outSNR.txtvoid Print_Pd_to_File();                        //print Pd result to outPd.txt
};inline double dB_to_Gain_20log(double dB);
inline double Gain_to_dB_20log(double Gain);
inline double dB_to_Gain_10log(double dB);
inline double Gain_to_dB_10log(double Gain);double showPdFit(double x,int p);


#include "pch.h"
#include "CDetectPattern.h"double FittingParam[3][13] =
{{-2.97653932377928e-11,  3.62018347014853e-09, -1.91340754314287e-07,  5.74551189234617e-06, -0.000107298352060326, 0.00127409114954349, -0.00923478177990487, 0.032817704051691, 0.039525045009544, -0.965588439831872,  4.27745426576399,  -8.6470366058232,  6.88883923340686},{-7.30274553849313e-11,  1.06540825657799e-08, -6.90474119074791e-07,  2.62247829417352e-05, -0.000648591127757693,   0.010978807795127,   -0.130144003844152,  1.08652678714639, -6.33045320808385,   25.0706731077309, -64.0035482290751,  94.5254653110359, -61.0756433489587},{ 1.69780417128538e-10, -2.26832918097651e-08,  1.34905924407883e-06, -4.71367079340838e-05,   0.00107563568762147, -0.0168583158625442,    0.185773997054586, -1.44813888121954,  7.91473911168946,  -29.5455326351864,  71.4458835346225, -100.436187508087,  62.0670879041075}
};inline double dB_to_Gain_20log(double dB){return pow(10, dB / 20.0);
}inline double Gain_to_dB_20log(double Gain){return 20 * log10(Gain);
}inline double dB_to_Gain_10log(double dB) {return pow(10, dB / 10.0);
}inline double Gain_to_dB_10log(double Gain) {return 10 * log10(Gain);
}CDetectPattern::CDetectPattern(double RCS, int start, int end, int step, bool isJamed)
{m_RCS = RCS;m_start = 1000 * start;      //ͳһΪ m m_end   = 1000 * end;m_step  = 1000 * step;m_isJamed = isJamed;m_radar.Get_Radar_Config();m_jam.Get_Jam_Config();
}void CDetectPattern::Set_Range(int start, int end, int step){m_start = 1000 * start;      //ͳһΪ m m_end   = 1000 * end;m_step  = 1000 * step;
}void CDetectPattern::Set_isJamed(bool isJamed){m_isJamed = isJamed;
}double CDetectPattern::Ps_Echo_Power(double R)
{int    Pt = m_radar.m_peakPower;          double L  = dB_to_Gain_10log(m_radar.m_generalLoss);double Gt = dB_to_Gain_10log(m_radar.m_maxGain);double Gr = Gt;double lambda = 3e8 / m_radar.m_carryFreq;double fenzi = Pt * Gt * Gr * lambda * lambda;double fenmu = pow(4 * PI, 3) * pow(R, 4) * L;return fenzi / fenmu;
}double CDetectPattern::Prj_Jam_Power(double R)
{int    Bj  = m_jam.m_jamBand;int    Pj  = m_jam.m_jamPower;int    Br  = m_radar.m_instantBand;double Gj  = dB_to_Gain_10log(m_jam.m_maxGain);double Grj = dB_to_Gain_10log(m_radar.m_maxGain);double Lj  = dB_to_Gain_10log(m_jam.m_transmitLoss);double Lr  = dB_to_Gain_10log(m_jam.m_receiveLoss);double lambda = 3e8 / m_radar.m_carryFreq;double fenzi = Pj * Gj * Grj * lambda * lambda * Br;double fenmu = pow(4 * PI * R, 2) * Lj * Lr * Bj;return fenzi / fenmu;
}double CDetectPattern::Pn_Receiver_Noise_AvgPower()
{int    T0 = 290;double k  = 1.38e-23;double Bn = m_radar.m_instantBand;double NF = dB_to_Gain_10log(m_radar.m_noiseFig);return k * T0 * Bn * NF;
}double CDetectPattern::Cal_SNR(double R){  //return (dB)if(m_isJamed) return Gain_to_dB_10log( Ps_Echo_Power(R) / (Pn_Receiver_Noise_AvgPower() + Prj_Jam_Power(R)) );else return Gain_to_dB_10log( Ps_Echo_Power(R) / Pn_Receiver_Noise_AvgPower() );
}double CDetectPattern::Cal_Pd(double R)
{double Pf  = m_radar.m_falseAlarmRate;double SNR = Cal_SNR(R);if (SNR <= 3) {if (abs(Pf - 1e-6) < 1e-10) return 1e-3;else if (abs(Pf - 1e-9) < 1e-10) return 1e-4;else if (abs(Pf - 1e-12) < 1e-10) return 1e-7;else return -1;}else if (SNR >= 20) {return 0.999999;}else {double ans = 0;if (abs(Pf - 1e-6) < 1e-10) {for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++)ans += FittingParam[0][i - 1] * pow(SNR, 13 - i);if (ans > 1)ans = 0.999999;return ans;}else if (abs(Pf - 1e-9) < 1e-10) {for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++)ans += FittingParam[1][i - 1] * pow(SNR, 13 - i);if (ans > 1)ans = 0.999999;return ans;}else if (abs(Pf - 1e-12) < 1e-10) {for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++)ans += FittingParam[2][i - 1] * pow(SNR, 13 - i);if (ans > 1)ans = 0.999999;return ans;}else return -1;}
}void CDetectPattern::Print_SNR_to_File()
{FILE* pFile = fopen("outSNR.txt", "w");for (int R = m_start; R >= m_end; R += m_step) {fprintf(pFile, "%d %lf\n", R/1000, Cal_SNR(R));}fclose(pFile);system("python showSNR.py");
}void CDetectPattern::Print_Pd_to_File()
{FILE* pFile = fopen("outPd.txt", "w");for (int R = m_start; R >= m_end; R += m_step) {fprintf(pFile, "%d %lf\n", R/1000, Cal_Pd(R));}fclose(pFile);system("python showPd.py");
}double showPdFit(double x,int p)
{double ans = 0;for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++)ans += FittingParam[p][i - 1] * pow(x, 13 - i);return ans;


#pragma once
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#include <iostream>class CRadar
public:double m_peakPower;          //KW - Wdouble m_carryFreq;         //MHz - Hzdouble m_maxGain;         //dB - Lineardouble m_generalLoss;      //dB - Lineardouble m_instantBand;      //MHz - Hzdouble m_noiseFig;            //dB - Lineardouble m_falseAlarmRate;void Get_Radar_Config();   //read & parse RadarParam.inivoid print_Radar_Param();


#pragma warning(disable:6031)
#include "pch.h"
#include "CRadar.h"void CRadar::Get_Radar_Config()
{FILE* pFile;pFile = fopen("RadarParam.ini","r");fscanf(pFile, "[雷达参数]\n");fscanf(pFile, "峰值功率(kW)=%lf\n", &m_peakPower);         m_peakPower *= 1000;   //功率统一为 瓦fscanf(pFile, "载频(MHz)=%lf\n", &m_carryFreq);               m_carryFreq *= 1000000;fscanf(pFile, "天线最大增益(dB)=%lf\n", &m_maxGain);fscanf(pFile, "雷达系统综合损耗(dB)=%lf\n", &m_generalLoss);fscanf(pFile, "接收机瞬时带宽(MHz)=%lf\n", &m_instantBand); m_instantBand *= 1000000;fscanf(pFile, "噪声系数(dB)=%lf\n", &m_noiseFig);fscanf(pFile, "虚警概率=%lf\n", &m_falseAlarmRate);fclose(pFile);
}void CRadar::print_Radar_Param() {printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %.8lf\n", m_peakPower, m_carryFreq, m_maxGain, m_generalLoss,\m_instantBand, m_noiseFig, m_falseAlarmRate);


#pragma once
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#include <iostream>class CJam
public:double m_jamPower;           //Wdouble m_centerFreq;     //MHz - Hzdouble m_jamBand;         //MHz - Hzdouble m_maxGain;         //dB - Lineardouble m_transmitLoss;     //dB - Lineardouble m_receiveLoss;      //dB - Linearvoid Get_Jam_Config();void print_Jam_Param();


#pragma warning(disable:6031)
#include "pch.h"
#include "CJam.h"void CJam::Get_Jam_Config()
{FILE* pFile;pFile = fopen("JamParam.ini", "r");fscanf(pFile, "[干扰参数]\n");fscanf(pFile, "干扰功率(W)=%lf\n", &m_jamPower);fscanf(pFile, "中心频率(MHz)=%lf\n", &m_centerFreq);     m_centerFreq *= 100000;fscanf(pFile, "干扰带宽(MHz)=%lf\n", &m_jamBand);        m_jamBand *= 1000000;fscanf(pFile, "天线最大增益(dB)=%lf\n", &m_maxGain);fscanf(pFile, "干扰机发射综合损耗(dB)=%lf\n", &m_transmitLoss);fscanf(pFile, "雷达接收综合损耗(dB)=%lf\n", &m_receiveLoss);fclose(pFile);
}void CJam::print_Jam_Param()
{printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n", m_jamPower, m_centerFreq, m_jamBand,\m_maxGain, m_transmitLoss, m_receiveLoss);






1 300 10 -1 0


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