A few days ago, I visited the Xamarin.com website and noticed this. The word "Pricing" looks like "Prioing."

几天前,我访问了Xamarin.com网站并注意到了这一点。 “定价”一词看起来像“优先”。

It's not an illusion. It looks wrong in Google Chrome. See this zoomed-in shot.

这不是幻想。 在Google Chrome中看起来不对。 看到这个放大的镜头。

Here's the same menu in IE. Note the subtle"bites" that have been taken out of the g and s, but the c is OK. The hinting is OK, but the font is somehow "wrong."

这是IE中的相同菜单。 注意从g和s中删除的细微“叮咬”,但c可以。 提示是可以的,但是字体有点“错误”。

I emailed support@xamarin, and mentally blamed Google Chrome as it's well know they've been having trouble with their Web Font rendering of late. In fact, Jin Yang (@jzy) had to abandon Montserrat, our Web Font of choice, for a more conservative one whilst doing the Hanselman.com redesign due to Google Chrome's poor font rendering on Windows. (It's lovely on Mac.)

我通过电子邮件发送了电子邮件至support @ xamarin,并在精神上指责Google Chrome,因为众所周知,他们最近在使用Web字体渲染时遇到了麻烦。 实际上,由于Google Chrome在Windows上的字体渲染效果较差,在进行Hanselman.com重新设计时,Jin Yang( @jzy )不得不放弃了我们的首选Web字体Montserrat,以使其更为保守。 (在Mac上非常可爱。)

I also happened to be at the Xamarin Evolve conference this week, so I mentioned it to the team down there, thinking they could pick another font.

我也刚好在本周的Xamarin Evolve会议上,所以我向附近的团队提到了它,以为他们可以选择其他字体。

Fast forward, and I'm on the plane, checking my email with Gmail Offline (the HTML5 offline version of Gmail) and noticed this.


这些字体看起来也像废话! (These fonts look like crap too!)

What's going on here? What's changed? Doesn't it seem like "What's changed?" is the question we engineer-types ask the most?

这里发生了什么? 有什么变化? 好像不是“发生了什么变化?” 工程师类型问得最多的问题是什么?

Well, what's changed is that I gave a talk at Xamarin Evolve this week, and in preparation, installed Helvetica Neue. It's a lovely font and I think it worked nicely for my talk and looked great in PowerPoint.

好吧,变化是我本周在Xamarin Evolve上进行了演讲,并准备安装Helvetica Neue。 这是一种可爱的字体,我认为它很适合我的演讲,并且在PowerPoint中看起来很棒。

However, Helvetica is super common font that is mentioned in Stylesheets - often explicitly when CSS is designed on a Mac - and Arial on Windows usually steps in as the replacement on Windows.


The Helvetica Neue font that I installed for my presentation is very poorly hinted (if at all) at small sizes like the one's being used. It's just not a Web Font, and while it's great for the giant sizes I needed for my talk, it's lousy for the web.

我为演示文稿安装的Helvetica Neue字体很难暗示(如果有的话)小字体(如正在使用的字体)。 它不仅不是Web字体,而且对于我演讲所需的超大字体非常有用,但对于Web来说却很糟糕。

Both  IE and Chrome were picking up that my system had a Helvetica available on the system and used it instead. The Stylesheet said "hey, gimme Helvetica" and the browser said "Cool, here's one."

IE和Chrome都发现我的系统上有Helvetica,并且改用了Helvetica。 样式表说“嘿,吉姆·赫尔维蒂卡”,浏览器说“很酷,这是一个。”

While it's obvious it would have major effects in retrospect, I had never realized that a machine-wide "common" font installation like this could mess up font rendering in my browser. I think the best solution (even though I'm deleting Helvetica Neue) would be to use an explicit Web Font in your stylesheets when possible rather than relying on a system font like Helvetica, even though they are the ultimate fallback. Any designers want to  weigh-in the comments?

显然,回顾起来会产生重大影响,但我从未意识到像这样的机器范围内的“通用”字体安装会弄乱浏览器中的字体渲染。 我认为最好的解决方案(即使我要删除Helvetica Neue)也将是在可能的情况下在样式表中使用显式的Web字体,而不是依赖像Helvetica这样的系统字体,即使它们是最终的后备。 任何设计师都想权衡这些评论吗?

Here's Chrome now on Windows with Helvetica Neue removed:

这是Windows上现在删除了Helvetica Neue的Chrome:

And IE


I hope this post helps someone who might bump into this font issue. My sincerely apologies to the lovely Xamarin employees who took my "bug" seriously! Thanks to Damian Guard for his Font insight!

我希望这篇文章对可能碰到这种字体问题的人有所帮助。 我真诚地对认真对待我的“ bug”的Xamarin员工表示歉意! 感谢Damian Guard的字体洞察力!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/installing-helvetica-neue-fonts-with-google-chrome-on-windows-considered-harmful

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