



MPU-6500模块(三轴陀螺仪 + 三轴加速度)

模块型号 GY-6500 使用芯片 MPU-6500 供电电源 3-5v(内部低压差稳压) 通信方式 标准IIC/SPI通信协议 芯片内置16bit AD转换器,16位数据输出 陀螺仪范围 ±250 500 1000 2000  °/s 加速度范围 ±2±4±8±16g  采用沉金PCB,机器焊接工艺保证质量 引脚间距 2.54mm




合宙ESP32C3 MPU6500







Wire.begin(4,5); //将GPIO4作为SDA,将GPIO5作为SLK


* Example sketch for the MPU6500_WE library
* This sketch shows how to get acceleration, gyroscocope and temperature
* data from the MPU6500. In essence, the difference to the MPU9250 is the
* missing magnetometer. The shall only show how to "translate" all other
* MPU9250 example sketches for use of the MPU6500
* For further information visit my blog:
* https://wolles-elektronikkiste.de/mpu9250-9-achsen-sensormodul-teil-1  (German)
* https://wolles-elektronikkiste.de/en/mpu9250-9-axis-sensor-module-part-1  (English)
***************************************************************************/#include <MPU6500_WE.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#define MPU6500_ADDR 0x68/* There are several ways to create your MPU6500 object:* MPU6500_WE myMPU6500 = MPU6500_WE()              -> uses Wire / I2C Address = 0x68* MPU6500_WE myMPU6500 = MPU6500_WE(MPU6500_ADDR)  -> uses Wire / MPU6500_ADDR* MPU6500_WE myMPU6500 = MPU6500_WE(&wire2)        -> uses the TwoWire object wire2 / MPU6500_ADDR* MPU6500_WE myMPU6500 = MPU6500_WE(&wire2, MPU6500_ADDR) -> all together* Successfully tested with two I2C busses on an ESP32*/
MPU6500_WE myMPU6500 = MPU6500_WE(MPU6500_ADDR);void setup() {Serial.begin(115200);Wire.begin(4,5);if(!myMPU6500.init()){Serial.println("MPU6500 does not respond");}else{Serial.println("MPU6500 is connected");}/* The slope of the curve of acceleration vs measured values fits quite well to the theoretical * values, e.g. 16384 units/g in the +/- 2g range. But the starting point, if you position the * MPU6500 flat, is not necessarily 0g/0g/1g for x/y/z. The autoOffset function measures offset * values. It assumes your MPU6500 is positioned flat with its x,y-plane. The more you deviate * from this, the less accurate will be your results.* The function also measures the offset of the gyroscope data. The gyroscope offset does not   * depend on the positioning.* This function needs to be called at the beginning since it can overwrite your settings!*/Serial.println("Position you MPU6500 flat and don't move it - calibrating...");delay(1000);myMPU6500.autoOffsets();Serial.println("Done!");/*  This is a more accurate method for calibration. You have to determine the minimum and maximum *  raw acceleration values of the axes determined in the range +/- 2 g. *  You call the function as follows: setAccOffsets(xMin,xMax,yMin,yMax,zMin,zMax);*  Use either autoOffset or setAccOffsets, not both.*///myMPU6500.setAccOffsets(-14240.0, 18220.0, -17280.0, 15590.0, -20930.0, 12080.0);/*  The gyroscope data is not zero, even if you don't move the MPU6500. *  To start at zero, you can apply offset values. These are the gyroscope raw values you obtain*  using the +/- 250 degrees/s range. *  Use either autoOffset or setGyrOffsets, not both.*///myMPU6500.setGyrOffsets(45.0, 145.0, -105.0);/*  You can enable or disable the digital low pass filter (DLPF). If you disable the DLPF, you *  need to select the bandwdith, which can be either 8800 or 3600 Hz. 8800 Hz has a shorter delay,*  but higher noise level. If DLPF is disabled, the output rate is 32 kHz.*  MPU6500_BW_WO_DLPF_3600 *  MPU6500_BW_WO_DLPF_8800*/myMPU6500.enableGyrDLPF();//myMPU6500.disableGyrDLPF(MPU6500_BW_WO_DLPF_8800); // bandwdith without DLPF/*  Digital Low Pass Filter for the gyroscope must be enabled to choose the level. *  MPU6500_DPLF_0, MPU6500_DPLF_2, ...... MPU6500_DPLF_7 *  *  DLPF    Bandwidth [Hz]   Delay [ms]   Output Rate [kHz]*    0         250            0.97             8*    1         184            2.9              1*    2          92            3.9              1*    3          41            5.9              1*    4          20            9.9              1*    5          10           17.85             1*    6           5           33.48             1*    7        3600            0.17             8*    *    You achieve lowest noise using level 6  */myMPU6500.setGyrDLPF(MPU6500_DLPF_6);/*  Sample rate divider divides the output rate of the gyroscope and accelerometer.*  Sample rate = Internal sample rate / (1 + divider) *  It can only be applied if the corresponding DLPF is enabled and 0<DLPF<7!*  Divider is a number 0...255*/myMPU6500.setSampleRateDivider(5);/*  MPU6500_GYRO_RANGE_250       250 degrees per second (default)*  MPU6500_GYRO_RANGE_500       500 degrees per second*  MPU6500_GYRO_RANGE_1000     1000 degrees per second*  MPU6500_GYRO_RANGE_2000     2000 degrees per second*/myMPU6500.setGyrRange(MPU6500_GYRO_RANGE_250);/*  MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_2G      2 g   (default)*  MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_4G      4 g*  MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_8G      8 g   *  MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_16G    16 g*/myMPU6500.setAccRange(MPU6500_ACC_RANGE_2G);/*  Enable/disable the digital low pass filter for the accelerometer *  If disabled the bandwidth is 1.13 kHz, delay is 0.75 ms, output rate is 4 kHz*/myMPU6500.enableAccDLPF(true);/*  Digital low pass filter (DLPF) for the accelerometer, if enabled *  MPU6500_DPLF_0, MPU6500_DPLF_2, ...... MPU6500_DPLF_7 *   DLPF     Bandwidth [Hz]      Delay [ms]    Output rate [kHz]*     0           460               1.94           1*     1           184               5.80           1*     2            92               7.80           1*     3            41              11.80           1*     4            20              19.80           1*     5            10              35.70           1*     6             5              66.96           1*     7           460               1.94           1*/myMPU6500.setAccDLPF(MPU6500_DLPF_6);/* You can enable or disable the axes for gyroscope and/or accelerometer measurements.* By default all axes are enabled. Parameters are:  * MPU6500_ENABLE_XYZ  //all axes are enabled (default)* MPU6500_ENABLE_XY0  // X, Y enabled, Z disabled* MPU6500_ENABLE_X0Z   * MPU6500_ENABLE_X00* MPU6500_ENABLE_0YZ* MPU6500_ENABLE_0Y0* MPU6500_ENABLE_00Z* MPU6500_ENABLE_000  // all axes disabled*///myMPU6500.enableAccAxes(MPU6500_ENABLE_XYZ);//myMPU6500.enableGyrAxes(MPU6500_ENABLE_XYZ);delay(200);
}void loop() {xyzFloat gValue = myMPU6500.getGValues();xyzFloat gyr = myMPU6500.getGyrValues();float temp = myMPU6500.getTemperature();float resultantG = myMPU6500.getResultantG(gValue);Serial.print("Acceleration in g (x,y,z):");Serial.print(gValue.x);Serial.print("   ");Serial.print(gValue.y);Serial.print("   ");Serial.print(gValue.z);Serial.print("Resultant g: ");Serial.println(resultantG);Serial.print("Gyroscope data in degrees/s: ");Serial.print(gyr.x);Serial.print("   ");Serial.print(gyr.y);Serial.print("   ");Serial.println(gyr.z);Serial.print("Temperature in °C: ");Serial.println(temp);Serial.println("********************************************");delay(1000);




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