Strange: the IoC framework for Unity


It is hard to adequately credit the creators of the open source Actionscript framework Robotlegsfor their influence on the creation of StrangeIoC. While Strange is not a port of Robotlegs, the ensigns of that library are copiously reflected throughout this one. For their great service to my professional development, I offer that team my sincerest thanks. And a donut. Seriously, if you’re ever in town, let me buy you a donut.

Kudos to Will Corwin for contributing the awesome Signals implementation (and implicit bindings, now on the dev branch).

I also need to thank and congratulate the folks at ThirdMotion who inexplicably gave me time to build Strange and license to open source it.


This document uses lots of words which have lots of meaning to engineers...but little to non-engineers...and sometimes not that much to engineers who come from different backgrounds. If you run across a word you don't understand never fear! Check out this glossary to see if we've explained it there.


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