一、口语对话 看医生

1、 急诊

a:  hello. how can I help you.
b:  I have been experiencing chest pains.
a:  sorry to hear that.how long have you been experiencing the pain?
b:  I have been in pain for a week now.
a:  have you been experiencing any other discomfort?
b:  yes. shortness of breath.
a:  on a scale of one to five how much pain are you in now?
b:  Hmmm. a three
a:  please fill out this form and return it.
b:  how long will I have to wait to see a doctor?
a:  once you fill out the form a doctor will be with you in 20 minutes.


a:  you have been experiencing chest pains for a week now?
b:  yes,and it's getting worse.
a:  are you taking any medicating?
b:  no,I am not.
a:  have you been under any stress lately?
b:  yes.things have been extremely busy at work.
a:  can you recall what you were doing when you began to experience the pain?
b:  my boss and I were discussing the deadline for a project.
a:  I would like to run some tests to determine what's going on.
b:  how soon can I get the results?
a:  within a day or two.
b:  great !


w:  I would like to discuss your test results.
m:  okay.what's wrong with me?
w:  your blood pressure and cholesterol leves are very high.do you smoke?
m:  yes !
w:  these factors put you at risk for a stroke.
m:  my goodness !
w:  I am going to write you a prescription for some medication,but I'd like you to make an appointment to see a specialist.
m:  okay.
w:  you are going to have to make some lifestyle changes if you want to prolong ypur life.
m:  I do ! there are so many things I have not accomplished with my life.


w: good day,how may I help you?
m: I need a prescription filled.
w: Do you have insurance or are you paying out-of-pocket?
m: I am paying out-of-pocket.
w: prescription,please,have a seat and wait a moment.
m: okay,thank you.w:sir,take this to the cashier on the third floor and bring the recript back to me.
m: do I have to jion the line again?
w: no,come straight to the counter.
m: okayw: sir,the receipt please.
m: here you are.
w: this is your medication.please follow the doctor's instructions carefully.
m: yes,thank you and have a nice day.


w: hellow,specialist's office. how may I help you.
m: I would like to make an appointment to see the specialist.
w: Is this your first time to see the specialist?
m: yes.the doctor referred me to see your specialist.
w: okay,our next available appointment is on the 5th.dose that work for you?
m: yes,is it possible to see the specialist early in the morning ? I have a meeting at noon.
w: yes .I can schedule you for 8:15 am.
m: perfect.
w: dou you have insurance?
m: yes.I'm covered by HIP Medical and my client number is 1 2 3 4 5 6.
w: thank you.see you on the 5th.


W: I have reviewed your medical records and it seems that your lifestyle puts you at risk for a stroke.
M: yes,the doctor prescribed medication and recommended I come see you andmake some lifestyle changes.
W: I would like to run some specific tests to see how well your heart is functioning.
M: the doctor mentioned that I would have to change my diet,Is that necessary?
W: once we get the results,we will have a conversation about your diet andexercise and ways to deal with stress.
M: will I have to take medication for the rest of my life?
W: without your test results I cannot determine that.
M: my father took heart medication for years and the side effects made him miserable.
W: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.I won't know the details of your longterm treatment until we get your test results.


W: your test results are good,however ,they have revealed a minor condition that can be addressed with surgery.
M: surgery,that sounds very serious!
W: yes,surgery is serious,However,this condition is easily treated with minimally invasive surgery.
M: how long will I have to stay in the hospital?
W: the procedure itself will only take two hours.you will only be required to stay in the hospital for 24 hours.
M: how long will I have to be out from work?
W: including the surgery,a week,But ,don't limit yourself to a week,make that decision on how you feel.
M: will you be performing the surgery?
W: yes.there is nothing to worry about.I have carried out hundreds of these surgeries with no complications.M: okay.how soon will I have to do the surgery? I'll need to give my boss notice.
W: I'd like to schedule it within the next week.
M: so soon?
w: Yes.the sooner the better,and the quicker we can get you on a regimen towards a better quality of life.


W: good morning.are you ready to have your surgery?
M: yes.
W: do you have any questions before we begin?
M: yes.are there any complications to this type of surgery?
W: yes.However,you are not at risk for any of them due to your age,health,and medical history.
M: will I be awake during the surgery?
W: NO,you will be under general anesthesia.
M: will I be in pain after the surgery?
W: you will experience minor discomfort and will be given pain medication after the surgery.
M: I think that's it,No further questions for now.
W: relax,you are in good hands.


W: the surgery went well,I'm very happy with the results.
M: great. so there is nothing to be concerned about?
W: No ,but,I'd like to talk a little about the changes you will have to make in your life.
M: okay,are these long-term or short-term changes?
W: they are all long-term changes.I am hoping with time they will become second nature.
M: what changes will I have to make?
W: I recommend you change your diet,reduce alcohol consumption,exercise daily,and practice yoga or meditation.
M: that all seems doable.But I'm not sure about yoga and meditation.
W: it dosen't have to be either.However,you need to find a way to manage your stress.
M: dose playing golf count? I used to enjoy playing,but then things got busy at work.
W: yes,as long as it relaxes you.


W: hello,It's good to see you.you look well.
M: thank you ,I followed your advice and made some changes .I even practice yoga.
W: wonderful.how have you been feeling? have you experienced any chest pains,shortness of breath or dizziness lately?
M: No.I have been feeling really good.dose this mean that I can stop taking the medication?
W: I'd like to perform a general exam before we make that decision.
M: okay.
W: based on your results,I'd like to decrease the doses of your medication gradually to a stop.
M: how long will that take?
W: I would say 6 to 8 weeks.
M: I would like that very much.Is there anything else I should be doing?
W: Just maintain the progress you have made and schedule regular doctor visits.

二、Health issue,Health care,Health lifestyle

mental health includes our emotional,psychological,and social well-being .It affects how we think,feel,and act.It also helps determine how we handle stress,relate to others,and make choices.Mental health is important at every stage of life,from childhood,and adolescence through adulthood.

over the course of your life,if you experience mental health problems,your think,mood and behavior could be affected.Many factors contribute to mental health problems,including:
Biological factors,such as genes or brain chemistry;
life experience,such as trauma and abuse;
family history of mental health problems

mental health problems are common but help is available.People with mental health problems can get better and many recover completely.

early warning signs

  1. Pulling away from people and usual activities
  2. feeling numb or like nothing matters
  3. having unexplained aches and pains
  4. feeling unusually confused,forgetful,on edge,angry,upset(不安),worried,or scared
  5. experiencing severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships
  6. having persistent thoughts and memories you can’t get out of your head.

Mental health and wellness

positive mental health allows people to:

  1. cope with the stresses of life
  2. work productively
  3. make meaningful contributions to their communities

ways to maintain positive mental health include:

  1. getting professional help if you need it
  2. getting physically active
  3. helping others
  4. developing coping skills


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