topic 4: My hometown
My hometown is Huai’an. Although there is no famous mountain or big river, she has a long history and many celebrities.
In history, it is also known as Suzhou, Hangzhou and Yangzhou as the “four major cities” along the canal. As to celebrities, Han Xin, a great strategist in our country’s history, Wu Chengen, the author of Journey to the West, and the great Premier Zhou.We regard Premier Zhou as an example . For the rise of China to study.
In my opinion, Huai’an is not an industrialized city, but a land of fish and rice with rich products. There is Hongze Lake in the west, Gaoyou Lake and Baima Lake in the east . It is a famous green agricultural and sideline product base in the country. And there are also many delicious foods.
I enjoy the peace and quite there.In the past,the pace of life was not too fast and stressful、the cost of living was not too high、the traffic was relatively stable. but In the past few years, with the development of the economy, high-rise buildings have been built in many places. When I go home during Chinese New Year, I will often find that I am trapped on the road.
In a word,I love my hometown.

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