
具体概念详见[UVM 事务级建模TLM 单向/多向通信 端口 FIFO通信](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40456702/article/details/126682331?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501)

component A 每隔 50ns 往 tlm_fifo 写入一个 transaction,component B 每隔 100ns 从 tlm_fifo 读出一个 transaction

1. 定义 transaction

// Packet (transaction)继承自uvm_object,其在组件之间传输class Packet extends uvm_object;randbit[7:0] addr;randbit[7:0] data;`uvm_object_utils_begin(Packet)`uvm_field_int(addr, UVM_ALL_ON)`uvm_field_int(data, UVM_ALL_ON)`uvm_object_utils_endfunction new(string name = "Packet");super.new(name);endfunction

2. 定义 component A

// 创建component A,定义 put_port,实现 transaction 的生成、约束和发送class componentA extendsuvm_component;`uvm_component_utils (componentA)uvm_blocking_put_port #(Packet) m_put_port;int m_num_tx = 2;function new (string name = "componentA", uvm_component parent= null);super.new (name, parent);endfunctionvirtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);super.build_phase(phase);m_put_port = new ("m_put_port", this);endfunctionvirtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);phase.raise_objection(this);repeat (m_num_tx) begin  //  component A每隔 50个时钟周期, 往 tlm_fifo 写入一个 transaction,写两次。Packet pkt = Packet::type_id::create ("pkt");assert(pkt.randomize ());#50;   //Print the packet to be displayed in log`uvm_info ("COMPA", "Packetsent to CompB", UVM_LOW)pkt.print (uvm_default_line_printer);//Call the TLM put() method of put_port class and pass packet as argumentm_put_port.put(pkt);endphase.drop_objection(this);endtask

3. 定义 component B

// 创建component B,定义get_port,实现transaction的接收
// 可以看出,uvm_tlm_fifo的两端都是export,都是put()和get()的实现端,而不是发起端class componentB extendsuvm_component;`uvm_component_utils (componentB)//Create a get_port to request for data from componentAuvm_blocking_get_port #(Packet) m_get_port;int m_num_tx = 2;function new (string name, uvm_component parent);super.new (name, parent);endfunctionvirtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);super.build_phase(phase);m_get_port = new ("m_get_port", this);endfunctionvirtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);Packet pkt;phase.raise_objection(this);repeat (m_num_tx) begin  // component B 每隔 100个时钟周期 从 tlm_fifo 读出一个 transaction,写两次#100;m_get_port.get(pkt);`uvm_info ("COMPB", "ComponentAjust gave me the packet", UVM_LOW)pkt.print (uvm_default_line_printer);endphase.drop_objection(this);endtask

4. 在上层 env 定义 uvm_tlm_fifo

// 在更高的测试平台层次中定义uvm_tlm_fifo
// 连接 comp A 的 put_port 和 tlm_fifo 的 put_export,以及 comp B 的 get_port 和 tlm_fifo 的 get_exportclass my_test extendsuvm_env;`uvm_component_utils (my_test)componentA compA;componentB compB;int m_num_tx;//Create the UVM TLM Fifo that can accept simple_packetuvm_tlm_fifo #(Packet)   m_tlm_fifo;function new (string name = "my_test", uvm_component parent = null);super.new (name, parent);endfunctionvirtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);super.build_phase(phase);//Create an object of both componentscompA = componentA::type_id::create ("compA", this);compB = componentB::type_id::create ("compB", this);std::randomize(m_num_tx) with {m_num_tx inside {[4:10]}; };compA.m_num_tx = m_num_tx;compB.m_num_tx = m_num_tx;// 创建tlm fifo 深度为2m_tlm_fifo = new ("uvm_tlm_fifo", this, 2);endfunction//Connect the ports to the export of FIFO.virtual function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);compA.m_put_port.connect(m_tlm_fifo.put_export);compB.m_get_port.connect(m_tlm_fifo.get_export);endfunction// 查询fifo是否为满virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);forever begin#10;if(m_tlm_fifo.is_full ())`uvm_info ("UVM_TLM_FIFO", "Fifo isnow FULL !", UVM_MEDIUM)         endendtask


# UVM_INFO tb_classes/componentA.sv(33) @50: uvm_test_top.compA [COMPA] Packet sent to CompB
# pkt: (Packet@543) { addr: 'h10  data: 'hcc }
# UVM_INFO tb_classes/componentB.sv(26) @100: uvm_test_top.compB [COMPB] ComponentA just gave me the packet
# pkt: (Packet@543) { addr: 'h10  data: 'hcc }
# UVM_INFO tb_classes/componentA.sv(33) @100: uvm_test_top.compA [COMPA] Packet sent to CompB
# pkt: (Packet@544) { addr: 'h3e  data: 'h92 }
# UVM_INFO tb_classes/componentA.sv(33) @150: uvm_test_top.compA [COMPA] Packet sent to CompB
# pkt: (Packet@545) { addr: 'hde  data: 'h65 }
# UVM_INFO tb_classes/my_test.sv(40) @ 150:uvm_test_top [UVM_TLM_FIFO] Fifo is now FULL !
# UVM_INFO tb_classes/my_test.sv(40) @ 160:uvm_test_top [UVM_TLM_FIFO] Fifo is now FULL !
# UVM_INFO tb_classes/my_test.sv(40) @ 170:uvm_test_top [UVM_TLM_FIFO] Fifo is now FULL !
# UVM_INFO tb_classes/my_test.sv(40) @ 180:uvm_test_top [UVM_TLM_FIFO] Fifo is now FULL !
# UVM_INFO tb_classes/my_test.sv(40) @ 190:uvm_test_top [UVM_TLM_FIFO] Fifo is now FULL !
# UVM_INFO tb_classes/componentB.sv(26) @200: uvm_test_top.compB [COMPB] ComponentA just gave me the packet
# pkt: (Packet@544) { addr: 'h3e  data: 'h92 }

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