The first night in prison

  • Lights out (熄灯)
  • The boy scared of the dark
  • keep it down(小点声)
  • The boys always go fishing with first-timers, and they don’t quit till they reel someone in.(把某人卷进来)
  • I know a couple of big queers that love to make you acquaintance,mushy butt of yours.
  • I don’t belong here.
  • This place isn’t so bad.I’ll introduce you around make you feel right at home.
  • I want to go home
  • he took the Lord’s name in vain.
  • It’s Fat ass by a nose.(险胜)
  • If I here so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night.I swear by God,you will all visit the infirmary(医院) .Every last in here.(这里的每一个人)
  • open the cell
  • Me either,they run this place like a prison
  • take it easy
  • call the trustees.take that tub of shit down to the infirmary.
  • His first night in joint.cost me two packs of cigarettws.He never made a sound.
  • That’s a terrible shame your horse coming in last(最后一名) and all.I sure love that winning horse of mine.
  • Jake says thank you.fell out of his nest by the plate shop.I’m gonna look after him till he’s big enough to fly.
  • Why don’t you give him some of your cigarettes instead?
  • You pull infirmary duty,How’s that horse of mine doing anyway.
  • Dead.Hardly busted his head(打坏头了) Doctor had already gone home for the night.
  • Poor bastard lay there till this morning.
  • What was his name?

  1. The horse won the race by a nose. (这匹马险胜)
  2. The clild has bust up the alarm.(孩子砸了闹钟)

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