

  • BMP文件格式详解
  • C语言实现生成BMP图片文件(BMP文件格式,二进制文件读写)
  • C语言生成BMP文件



module main;/* rgb_565 to rgb_888 */
function [23:0] rgb_888 (input [15:0] rgb_565
beginrgb_888[23:16] = rgb_565[15:11] / 31.0 * 255.0;//rrgb_888[15:8]  = rgb_565[10:5]  / 63.0 * 255.0; //grgb_888[7:0]   = rgb_565[4:0]   / 31.0 * 255.0;  //b
endfunction/* small to big: 0x12345678 -> 0x78563412 */
function [31:0] to_small_endian(input [31:0] big_endian
beginto_small_endian[31:24] = big_endian[7:0];to_small_endian[23:16] = big_endian[15:8];to_small_endian[15:8]  = big_endian[23:16];to_small_endian[7:0]   = big_endian[31:24];
endfunction/* num to char: 5->"5" */
function [7:0] num_to_ascii(input [3:0] num
);num_to_ascii[7:0] = num + "0";
endfunction/* num to filename string: 7890->"7890.bmp" */
function [8*8-1:0] num_to_filename(input [13:0] num
beginnum_to_filename[8*8-1 : 8*8-8] = num_to_ascii(num / 1000);   //1num_to_filename[7*8-1 : 7*8-8] = num_to_ascii(num / 100 % 10); //2num_to_filename[6*8-1 : 6*8-8] = num_to_ascii(num / 10 % 10);  //3num_to_filename[5*8-1 : 5*8-8] = num_to_ascii(num % 10);     //4num_to_filename[4*8-1 : 0    ] = ".bmp";
endfunctionfunction [31:0] width_4byte_align(input [31:0] width
);width_4byte_align = ((width * 24) / 8 + 3) / 4 * 4;
endfunction//close bmp file
task bmp_file_close(input integer fd
begin$fclose(fd);$display("file is close!");
endtask//bmp write rgb data 565 format
task bmp_file_write(input integer fd,input [15:0] rgb_data_565
);reg [23:0] rgb_data_888;beginrgb_data_888 = rgb_888(rgb_data_565);// B G R$fwrite(fd, "%c%c%c", rgb_data_888[7:0], rgb_data_888[15:8], rgb_data_888[23:16]);end
endtask//write num zero
task bmp_file_write_zero(input integer fd,input integer zero_num
integer idx;
beginif(zero_num > 0)beginfor(idx = 0; idx < zero_num; idx = idx + 1)$fwrite(fd, "%c", 0);end
endtasktask bmp_file_new(input [13:0] filenum,input [31:0] width,input [31:0] height,output reg [31:0] width_real,output integer fd
);/* file header(14 Byte) and map info(40 Byte) */reg [7:0] bmp_head_map [53:0]; reg [31:0] bfSize;  /* = w*h*3*/reg [31:0] width_small;reg [31:0] height_small;reg [8*8-1:0] filename;reg [23:0] rgb_data_888;integer idx;begin//width 4 byte alignwidth_real = width_4byte_align(width);$display("width: %03d, width_real: %03d", width, width_real);//width and height to small endianwidth_small  = to_small_endian(width);height_small = to_small_endian(height);bfSize       = to_small_endian(width_real * height + 54 + 2);filename     = num_to_filename(filenum);bmp_head_map[0 ] = 'h42;bmp_head_map[1 ] = 'h4d;//bfSizebmp_head_map[2 ] = bfSize[31:24];bmp_head_map[3 ] = bfSize[23:16];bmp_head_map[4 ] = bfSize[15:8] ;bmp_head_map[5 ] = bfSize[7:0]  ;bmp_head_map[6 ] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[7 ] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[8 ] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[9 ] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[10] = 'h36;bmp_head_map[11] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[12] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[13] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[14] = 'h28;bmp_head_map[15] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[16] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[17] = 'h0;//widthbmp_head_map[18] = width_small[31:24];bmp_head_map[19] = width_small[23:16];bmp_head_map[20] = width_small[15:8] ;bmp_head_map[21] = width_small[7:0]  ;//heightbmp_head_map[22] = height_small[31:24];bmp_head_map[23] = height_small[23:16];bmp_head_map[24] = height_small[15:8] ;bmp_head_map[25] = height_small[7:0]  ;bmp_head_map[26] = 'h01;bmp_head_map[27] = 'h0;//24Bit RGB_888bmp_head_map[28] = 'h18;bmp_head_map[29] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[30] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[31] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[32] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[33] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[34] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[35] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[36] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[37] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[38] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[39] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[40] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[41] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[42] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[43] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[44] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[45] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[46] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[47] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[48] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[49] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[50] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[51] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[52] = 'h0;bmp_head_map[53] = 'h0;fd = $fopen(filename,"wb+"); if(fd != 0)begin$display("filename: %08s, width: %04d, height: %04d", filename, width, height);for(idx = 0; idx <= 53; idx = idx + 1)$fwrite(fd, "%c", bmp_head_map[idx]);endelse $display("file create failed: %d", fd);end
endtaskinteger fd = 0, i = 0, j = 0;
reg [31:0] width_real = 0;
reg [31:0] w = 0, h = 0;initial
beginw = 301;h = 401;bmp_file_new(w, w, h, width_real, fd);for(i = 0; i < h; i = i + 1) beginfor(j = 0; j < w; j = j + 1)bmp_file_write(fd, 16'b01000_000111_01111); /* BGR */bmp_file_write_zero(fd, width_real - w * 3);endbmp_file_write_zero(fd, 2);bmp_file_close(fd);// $finish;




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