1.Read the following paragraph and underline the irrelevant sentences.

Everybody wants to work in Mr. Robinson’s department. Many of the new employees request assignment to his area. mployees at the entity level are particularly eager because of Mr. Robinson’s attitude towards advancement. oth promotions and salary increases are very common in his department. He believes in supplementing periodic review with raises given on merit. lso, Mr. Robinson’s department is very popular because everything is run efficiently and fairly. The work starts at 9:00 a.m., since the employees are always on time. ven Mr. Robinson, himself, is in by 9:00 a.m. He considers it important to meet the same standards of punctuality as everybody else. learly, Mr. Robinson has all the necessary attributes for work of a supervisory nature. Yet he still has some shortage. use he gives his employees both monetary and personal encouragement, he can depend on them to respond with astrong commitment to their work.
A.Many of the new employees request assignment to his area.
B.oth promotions and salary increases are very common in his department.
C.He believes in supplementing periodic review with raises given on merit.
D.Yet he still has some shortage.

2.Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph.

Literary persons, even the greatest, are seldom spectacular. Those who lead lives of heroic action have neither the time nor usually the desire, even if they have the ability, to express themselves in writing. Those who gallop down valleys of death do not sing about that experience; they leave it to gentle poets living comfortably in country retreats. Moreover, to be a great writer one must spend more of one’s time at a table in the laborious and wholly prosaic act of writing. Few writers attract a Boswell, and unless the details of their lives, their sayings, and their oddities happen to be preserved in writing, they soon become little more than a name. ven with all the elaborate apparatus of modern publicity, few readers could without notice write more of the biography of any living writer than could be contained on a postcard. The word is always so much greater than the man.
A.Most literary men would prefer to lead lives of action.
B.What writers write is more significant than what they do.
C.The man of action is often a poor writer.
D.Most readers are uniformed about the lives of writers.

3.Read the following paragraph and underline the irrelevant sentences.

Hotels are found in every country and city of the world, and generally, we can classify them into three large groups based on location. ch group has its own merit. First, airport hotels are located near airports. Their guests include passengers with short stayovers or canceled flights and travelers who are in business. The second kind is downtown hotels, also called commercial hotels. These hotels are near large office complexes and retail stores in the major metropolitan areas. They are attractive to people attending meetings and conventions, and many tourists as well. Third, there are also the resort hotels located near the beaches or mountains. Resort hotels accommodate vacationers and recreation-minded people. Though there may be a few other general areas where hotels are found, such along the highways, most of them are located near airports, in the downtown areas, and in resort areas.
A.h group has its own merit.
B.Their guests include passengers with short stayovers or canceled flights and travelers who are in business.
C.These hotels are near large office complexes and retail stores in the major metropolitan areas.
D.Resort hotels accommodate vacationers and recreation-minded people.

4.Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph.

Vending machines sell many different types of items. Some of them sell cold drinks like soda, or hot drinks like coffee or hot chocolate. Others sell candy, stamps, tickets, newspapers, and other types of small merchandise. These machines have been successful for two reasons. They save time and they are convenient. Merchandise sold in machine eliminates the need for a sale clerk or cashier. In many places the customer puts a coin into the machine and then pushes a button, pulls a lever, or opens a door to receive the merchandise. Some machines will also return change to the customer, and a few will make change for paper money. ut the basic idea is the same. ustomers like to save time and are usually willing to pay a higher price for this convenience. The sale of snacks in vending machines has always been very successful. However, machines now sell hot meals with only limited success. In New York city, automates used to sell a lot of hot foods in vending machines. ut in recent years, fast food establishments have replaced automates.
A.Fast food establishments have always been successful.
B.Vending machines have been successful.
C.So far, vending machines have won only limited success.
D.Vending machines sell many different kinds of goods.

5.Read the following paragraph and select the irrelevant sentence.

Physical gestures and body language have different meanings in different cultures, and misunderstanding these signals can sometimes be embarrassing. So we must learn how to tolerate. lthough I had spent a lot of time among non-Americans, I had never realized what this could mean in practical terms. I had an experience that taught me well, however. Some years ago, I organized and accompanied a small group of visiting foreign students to New York for four days of sightseeing by bus. use these students were rather young, and because New York was such an overwhelming city, I was constantly counting heads to be sure we hadn’t lost anyone. In the USA , it is very common to count people or things by pointing the index finger and, of course, I used this method. One young man became extremely quiet and pensive, and I thought that perhaps he wasn’t enjoying himself. When I asked him what the matter was, he replied, “In my country, we count people with our eyes. We use our fingers to count pigs.”
A.Physical gestures and body language have different meanings in different cultures, and misunderstanding these signals can sometimes be embarrassing.
B.So we must learn how to tolerate.
C.lthough I had spent a lot of time among non-Americans, I had never realized what this could mean in practical terms.
D.I had an experience that taught me well, however.

6.Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph.

Perhaps the most startling theory to come out of kinesics, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Birdwhistell. He believes that physical appearance is often culturally programmed. In other words, we learn our books, but we are not born with them. baby has generally unformed facial features. baby, according to Birdwhistell, learns where to set the eyebrows by looking at those around family and friends. This helps explain why the people of some regions of the United States look so much alike. New Englanders or Southerners have certain common facial characteristics that cannot be explained by genetics. The exact shape of the mouth is not set at birth;it is learned after. In fact, the final mouth shape is not formed until well after permanent teeth are set. For many, this can be well in adolescence. husband and wife together for a long time often come to look somewhat alike. We learn our looks from those around us. This is perhaps why in a single country there are areas where people smile more than those in other areas. In the United States, for example, the South is the part of the country where the people smile more frequently. In New England they smile less, and in the western part of New York state still less. Many Southerners find cities such as New York cold and unfriendly, partly because people on Madison Avenue smile less than people on Peachtree Street in Atlanta, Georgia. People in densely populated urban areas also tend to smile and greet each other in public less than do people in rural areas and small towns.
A.Ray Birdwhistell can tell what region of the United States a person is form by how much he or she smiles.
B.Ray Birdwhistell is a leader in the field of kinesics.
C.Ray Birdwhistell says that our physical appearance is influenced by the appearance of people around us.
D.People who live in the country are more friendly than people who live in densely populated areas.

Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the requirements.

7.Mary made up her mind to study abroad though she had a good job in her country. (periodic sentence)

8.The God will give happiness to anyone in want of it. (complex sentence)

9.The heavy rain started suddenly. We decided not go to the stadium. (compound sentence)

10.Fast-food restaurant are very popular in. The service is fast and the food is inexpensive. (complex sentence)

11.When older men retire, they make way for the younger men to take their places. (compound sentence)

12.From her I learned to tell the truth, to refrain from waste, and considerate of the weak and respectful to the age. (parallel structure)

13.He came too late to see the first part of the movie. (compound sentence)

14.We didn’t know how to reply to such a curious question. We turned around and asked why. (simple sentence)

15.The population ofChinais larger than. (parallel structure)

16.I’ve been away only for three years. Yet I can hardly recognize my hometown. (complex sentence)

Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the requirements.

17.Jerry is an excellent worker. ven Jerry could not work out the problem. (simple sentence)

18.I like Jack and Jack also likes me. (simple sentence)

19.They think they’re so superior because they make more money than I do. (periodic sentence)

20.The pioneers started out bravely enough with a Mormon guide. ut there was no trail marked. Water holes were scarce and the pioneers were always thirsty. (compoundsentence)

21.My father warned me not to watch TV and that I should not smoke. (simple structure)

22.Mike is very happy today. He received a letter from his girlfriend, Kathy, just now. (complex sentence)

23.Tom was poor in health, and therefore he was unable to work. (periodic sentence)

24.I placed the book on the chair, and it is still there. (complex sentence)

25.You should make sure of its being genuine before buying this painting. (periodic sentence)

26.In order that they may solve the energy problem, scientists will probably also try to make more use of solar energy. (simple sentence)

Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the requirements.

27.The Williams went out for picnic in spite of the bad weather. (periodic sentence)

28.It was only nine o’clock. There were few people in the streets. (complex sentence)

29.He succeeded through hard, persistence and maybe he also had a bit of luck. (simple structure)

30.Jane works at the Family Planning Clinic. Her husband Smith does research work for the same unit. (compound sentence)

31.In these restaurants, people stand at the center. They order their food. They wait just a few minutes. They carry the food to a table themselves. (A long sentence)

32.My father decided to cut out smoking and drinking at the age of eighty. (periodic sentence)

33.You must take exercise every day to preserve your health. (compound sentence)

34.In fact, any new source of energy will be very welcome, for there is already a shortage of petroleum. (complex sentence)

35.No one doubted his being sincere in his beliefs. (complex sentence)

36.Just look at Japan to see how much of an impact “bullet train” can make. (periodic sentence)


In China, there is a special social mentality called “resentment toward the rich”, meaning the generalpublic is, to a lesser or greater extent, holding grudge against those rich people. This resentment has been growing for the past years. What do you think are the major causes that lead to this mentality?Write a composition of about 400 words on the issue. You should title your composition appropriately.


Due to the soaring living cost in China, young lovers now are opting for naked marriages—those without the once-required trappings of an apartment, a car, wedding rings and a luxurious ceremony. Some people think that naked marriages should not be encouraged, as the material foundation is not solid enough; while others hold the opposing view simply for the reason that naked marriage show that love, above anything else, is what really matters. What is your opinion? Do you encourage naked marriage among Chinese youngsters? Write a composition of about 400 words on the issue. You should title your composition appropriately.


According to a study conducted by China Population Communication Center, 75% of high school students in China admitted that they found it difficult to talk with their parents. s a college student, what measures would you recommend to bridge the widening generation gap? Write a composition of about 400 words on the issue. You should title your composition appropriately.


7.Though she had a good job in her country, Mary made up her mind to study abroad.
8.The God will give happiness to whoever wants it.
9.The heavy rain started suddenly, so we decided not go to the stadium.
10.Fast-food restaurant are very popular inbecause the service is fast and the food is inexpensive.
11.Older men retire, and they make way for the younger men to take their places.
12.From her I learned to tell the truth, to refrain from waste, to be considerate of the weak and respectful to the age.
13.He came late, so he couldn’tsee the first part of the movie.
14.Not knowing the answer to such a curious question, we turned around and asked why.
15.The population of Chinais larger than that of America.
16.Though I’ve been away only for three years, I can hardly recognize my hometown.

17.Jerry, an excellent worker, could not work out the problem.
18.Jack and I like each other.
19.ause they make more money than I do, they think they’re so superior.
20.The pioneers started out bravely enough with a Mormon guide, but there was no trail marked and water holes were scarce and the pioneers were always thirsty.
21.My father warned me not to watch TV and not to smoke.
22.Mike is very happy today because he received a letter from his girlfriend, Kathy, just now.
23.ause of ill health, Tom could not work.
24.The book that I placed on the chair is still there.
25.fore buying this painting, you should make sure of its being genuine.
26.To solve the energy problem, scientists will probably also try to make more use of solar energy.

27.In spite of the bad weather, the Williams’ went out for picnic.
28.Though it was only nine o’clock, there were few people in the streets.
29.He is succeeding through hard work, persistence and maybe also a bit of luck.
30.Jane works at the Family Planning Clinic, and her husband Smith does research work for the same unit.
31.In these restaurants, people stand at the center, order their food, wait just a few minutes, and carry the food to a table themselves.
32.t the age of eighty, my father decided to cut out smoking and drinking.
33.You must take exercise every day or you won’t preserve your health.
34.In fact, any new source of energy will be very welcome, as there is already a shortage of petroleum.
35.No one doubted that he was sincere in his beliefs.
36.To see how much of an impact “bullet train” can make, just look at Japan.


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