67. Add Binary
My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution
Total Accepted: 81992 Total Submissions: 299902 Difficulty: Easy
Given two binary strings, return their sum (also a binary string).

For example,
a = “11”
b = “1”

Return “100”.

class Solution {
public:string addBinary(string a, string b) {string s;int lena = a.length() - 1;int lenb = b.length() - 1;int temp = 0;char c;while(lena >= 0 && lenb >= 0) {c = (a[lena] - '0') + (b[lenb] - '0') + temp + '0';temp = 0;if((c - '0') >= 2) {temp = 1;c = c - 2;}s = c + s;lena--;lenb--;}while(lena >= 0) {c = (a[lena] - '0') + temp + '0';temp = 0;if((c - '0') >= 2) {temp = 1;c = c - 2;}s = c + s;lena--;}while(lenb >= 0) {c =(b[lenb] - '0') + temp + '0';temp = 0;if((c - '0') >= 2) {temp = 1;c = c - 2;}s = c + s;lenb--;}if(temp == 1) {s = '1' + s;}return s;}

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