
Given two binary strings, return their sum (also a binary string).

For example,
a = "11"
b = "1"
Return "100".

题意及分析:求两个用字符串表示 的二进制数的和。主要是判断每次相加的和是否大于2,大于2便进1取余。


class Solution {public String addBinary(String a, String b) {String temp = "";int i = a.length()-1,j=b.length()-1;int count = 0;while(i>=0&& j>=0){count = count + (a.charAt(i)-'0') + (b.charAt(j)-'0');if(count > 1){temp = ((count)%2) + temp;count = 1;}else{temp = count + temp;count = 0;}i--;j--;}//a长一些while(i>=0){count += a.charAt(i)-'0';if(count > 1){temp = ((count)%2) + temp;count = 1;}else{temp = count + temp;count = 0;}i--;}//b长一些while(j>=0){count += b.charAt(j)-'0';if(count > 1){temp = ((count)%2) + temp;count = 1;}else{temp = count + temp;count = 0;}j--;}if(count == 1)temp = count + temp;return temp;}



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