jQuery select by ID allows you to find a specific HTML element with the value of its attribute – “id”. You can select and do the intended action on an element by making its id unique.

jQuery按ID选择可以让您找到具有其属性值“ ID”的特定HTML元素。 您可以通过使元素的ID唯一来选择元素并对其执行预期的操作。

jQuery按ID选择 (jQuery select by ID)

Here is the general syntax for using the jQuery select by id:


$(“# ID”)


ID could be any value provided in the id attributes of the HTML element. You should use # followed by its ID in the selector.

ID可以是HTML元素的id属性中提供的任何值。 您应该在选择器中使用#后跟ID。

For example, if there is a HTML element in the document like <div id=”text”> some text </div>, $(“#text”) will select the div with id equal to ‘text’ and do the intended action on it.

例如,如果文档中有一个HTML元素,例如<div id =“ text”>一些文本</ div>,则$(“#text”)将选择id等于“ text”的div并执行预期的操作对其采取行动。

The main importance of this jquery selector is we will get separate control over each element by its unique id and the manipulations will affect only that element.


jQuery按ID选择示例 (jQuery Select by ID Example)

This example demonstrates the use of jQuery select by id and changing the CSS style of the selected element.

此示例演示了如何通过id使用jQuery select以及如何更改选定元素CSS样式。

<title>jQuery select by ID</title><style>
div {
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
float: left;
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;
background-color: #eee;
</style><script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script></head>
<div id="div1"><p>id="div1"</p></div>
<div id="div2"><p>id="div2"</p></div>
$( "#div1" ).css( "border", "5px solid green" );

In this example you can see that <div> element with id=’div1′ is selected for manipulation.

在此示例中,您可以看到选择了id ='div1'的<div>元素进行操作。

Above HTML produces output as shown in below image.


jQuery按ID选择摘要 (jQuery select by id summary)

Every HTML element can have unique id attribute. Therefore, it’s easy to get control over the element using the jQuery select by ID.

每个HTML元素都可以具有唯一的id属性。 因此,很容易使用jQuery select by ID来控制元素。

We can use this selector whenever we want to access a specific element to execute some task. Using this selector in combination could enhance the flexibility as well.

每当我们要访问特定元素以执行某些任务时,都可以使用此选择器。 组合使用此选择器也可以增强灵活性。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/4549/jquery-select-id


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