
jQuery select by name or jQuery element selector allows us to find all HTML elements with the given tag name. You can do any sort of manipulation like animating or any other special effects after selecting the element and that change will take effect in all the elements of the same type or tag name. Earlier we learned using jQuery select by id and jQuery select by class.

jQuery按名称选择或jQuery元素选择器允许我们查找具有给定标签名称的所有HTML元素。 选择元素后,您可以进行任何类型的操作,例如动画设置或任何其他特殊效果,并且更改将在相同类型或标记名称的所有元素中生效。 之前我们学习过使用jQuery按id 选择和按类选择jQuery 。

jQuery按名称选择 (jQuery select by Name)

Here is the general syntax for using the jQuery select by name:



Any standard HTML elements like div, li, img,  p, em  etc could be used as the tagName. For example;

任何标准HTML元素(例如div,li,img,p,em等)都可以用作tagName 。 例如;

$('div') : This element selector will select all the div elements in the document.

$('div') :此元素选择器将选择文档中的所有div元素。

$('p') : This jquery select by name will consider all the paragraph elements in the document.

$('p') :按名称选择的此jquery将考虑文档中的所有段落元素。

If there are multiple <div> elements, you can change all the <div> elements in the document with this single expression $(‘div’).


You can hide, show or do any kind of manipulations on that <div> element. This is the most powerful advantage of using this jQuery selector.

您可以在该<div>元素上隐藏,显示或进行任何类型的操作。 这是使用此jQuery选择器的最大优势。

jQuery按名称选择示例 (jQuery select by Name Example)

This example demonstrates the use of jQuery select by name of tag, we will change the CSS style of the selected element.


<head><title>jQuery selector By Name</title><style>div, span {width: 70px;height: 70px;float: left;padding: 12px;margin: 12px;background-color: #eee;}</style><script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<body><div>DIV 1</div>
<span>SPAN 1 </span>
<div>DIV 2</div>
<span>SPAN 2 </span><script>
$( "div" ).css( "border", "5px solid green" );

In this example, you can see the selector $("div") is selected to change the CSS style. The only change in the code modified all the div elements uniformly. This is the strength of jQuery selector by name.

在此示例中,您可以看到选择器$("div")被选中以更改CSS样式。 代码中的唯一更改是统一修改了所有div元素。 这就是jQuery选择器的强项。

Below image shows the output produced by above HTML page.


Therefore, in the case of enforcing a uniform behavior on html elements, you can use jQuery select by name in the code.


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/4552/jquery-select-name



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