
jQuery select by class name allows us to find a specific HTML element with the value of its class attribute.


jQuery按类别选择 (jQuery select by class)

Here is the general syntax for using the jQuery select by class name:




ID could be any value provided in the id attributes of the HTML element. You should use period character ( .) followed by the class name specified in the html element.

ID可以是HTML元素的id属性中提供的任何值。 您应该使用句点字符( ),后跟html元素中指定的类名。

$(".myClass"): This will select all HTML elements with class name equal to “myClass”.

$(".myClass") :这将选择所有类名称等于“ myClass”HTML元素。

For example if there is a HTML element in the document like <div class="myClass"> some text </div>, $(“.myClass”) will select this div and do the intended action on it. All the manipulations will affect only the elements specified with the given class name in the selector.

例如,如果文档中有一个HTML元素,例如<div class="myClass"> some text </div> ,则$(“。myClass”)将选择该div并对其执行预期的操作。 所有操作只会影响选择器中使用给定类名指定的元素。

jQuery按类选择示例 (jQuery select by class example)

This example demonstrates the use of jQuery select by its class name and changing the CSS style of the selected element.

此示例通过其类名演示jQuery select的用法以及如何更改所选元素CSS样式。

<title>jQuery select by Class</title><style>
div, span {
width: 130px;
height: 50px;
float: left;
padding: 15px;
margin: 15px;
background-color: #EEEEEE;
</style><script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.js"></script></head>
<div class="class1">div element className="class1"</div>
<div class="class2">div element className="class2"</div>
<span class="class3">span element className="class3"</span>
$( ".class2" ).css( "border", "5px solid green" );

You can see that <div> element with class=”class2″ is selected for manipulation and some other styles are added to it.

您会看到选择了带有class =“ class2”的<div>元素进行操作,并向其中添加了其他样式。

Below image shows the output page rendered by the browser.


jQuery按类选择演示 (jQuery Select by Class Demo)

jQuery按类别选择 (jQuery select by class summary)

jQuery class selector makes it easy to apply CSS class to any number of elements in the html document. This selector is very helpful in keeping uniformity of certain elements.

jQuery类选择器使将CSS类轻松应用于html文档中任意数量的元素变得容易。 该选择器对于保持某些元素的一致性非常有帮助。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/4544/jquery-select-class



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