
A stack is a linear data structure, collection of items of the same type.

堆栈是线性数据结构 ,是相同类型的项目的集合。

Stack follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) fashion wherein the last element entered is the first one to be popped out.


In stacks, the insertion and deletion of elements happen only at one endpoint of it.


1.在堆栈上执行的操作 (1. Operations performed on Stacks)

The following are the basic operations served by the Stacks.


  • Push: This function adds an element to the top of the Stack.推送 :此功能将元素添加到堆栈顶部。
  • Pop: This function removes the topmost element from the stack.Pop :此函数从堆栈中删除最顶层的元素。
  • IsEmpty: Checks whether the stack is empty.IsEmpty :检查堆栈是否为空。
  • IsFull: Checks whether the stack is full.IsFull :检查堆栈是否已满。
  • Top: Displays the topmost element of the stack.顶部 :显示堆栈的最顶部元素。

2.栈的工作 (2. Working of Stacks)

Initially, we set a pointer Peek/Top to keep the track of the topmost item in the stack.

最初,我们设置一个指针Peek / Top来跟踪堆栈中最顶层的项目。

Initialize the stack to -1. Then, we check whether the stack is empty through the comparison of Peek to -1 i.e. Top == -1

初始化堆栈为-1。 然后,我们通过比较Peek与-1(即Top == -1)来检查堆栈是否为空

As we add the elements to the stack, the position of the Peek element keeps updating every time.


As soon as we pop or delete an item from the set of inputs, the top-most element gets deleted and thus the value of Peek/Top gets reduced.

一旦我们从一组输入中弹出或删除一个项目,最顶层的元素就会被删除,因此Peek / Top的值会减少。

3.在C中实现Stack (3. Implementing Stack in C)

Stacks can be represented using structures, pointers, arrays or linked lists.

堆栈可以使用结构 , 指针 , 数组或链表表示。

Here, We have implemented stacks using arrays in C.


#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#define Size 4 int Top=-1, inp_array[Size];
void Push();
void Pop();
void show();int main()
{int choice;while(1)    {printf("\nOperations performed by Stack");printf("\n1.Push the element\n2.Pop the element\n3.Show\n4.End");printf("\n\nEnter the choice:");scanf("%d",&choice);switch(choice){case 1: Push();break;case 2: Pop();break;case 3: show();break;case 4: exit(0);default: printf("\nInvalid choice!!");}}
}void Push()
{int x;if(Top==Size-1){printf("\nOverflow!!");}else{printf("\nEnter element to be inserted to the stack:");scanf("%d",&x);Top=Top+1;inp_array[Top]=x;}
}void Pop()
{if(Top==-1){printf("\nUnderflow!!");}else{printf("\nPopped element:  %d",inp_array[Top]);Top=Top-1;}
}void show()
{if(Top==-1){printf("\nUnderflow!!");}else{printf("\nElements present in the stack: \n");for(int i=Top;i>=0;--i)printf("%d\n",inp_array[i]);}



Operations performed by Stack
1.Push the element
2.Pop the element
4.EndEnter the choice:1Enter element to be inserted to the stack:10Operations performed by Stack
1.Push the element
2.Pop the element
4.EndEnter the choice:3Elements present in the stack:
10Operations performed by Stack
1.Push the element
2.Pop the element
4.EndEnter the choice:2
Popped element:  10Operations performed by Stack
1.Push the element
2.Pop the element
4.EndEnter the choice:3

4.堆栈操作的时间复杂度 (4. Time Complexity of Stack Operations)

As mentioned above, only a single element can be accessed at a time in Stacks.


While performing push() and pop() operations on the stack, it takes O(1) time.


5.堆栈的应用 (5. Applications of Stack)

As soon as the compiler encounters a function call, it gets pushed into the stack.


In the case of nested functions, the inner functions get executed before the outer functions. This is totally managed by stacks.

对于嵌套函数,内部函数先于外部函数执行。 这完全由堆栈管理。

The Stack is used to solve a few of the general problems like:


  1. Tower of Hanoi 河内塔
  2. N queens problemN皇后问题
  3. Infix to prefix conversion, etc.前缀转换前缀

六,结论 (6. Conclusion)

Thus, in this article, we have understood the concept of Stack data structure and its implementation using Arrays in C.


7.参考 (7. References)

Official Documentation of C++ Stacks

C ++堆栈的官方文档

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/35172/stack-in-c



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