
1. 打开Visio时提示需要重新配置,要选择安装文件“VisioWW.msi”,选择到安装包文件后,安装界面卡死不动。

2. 打开安装包,双击“setup.exe”进行安装,弹出安装界面后闪退。


1. 使用微软清理工具Windows Installer Clean Up,选择Visio对应的项目,然后点击Remove移除。

2. 点击安装包中的“setup.exe”重新进行安装。


1. 微软官网:https://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/help/290301


2. https://dl.pconline.com.cn/html_2/1/62/id=9753&pn=0.html


当您在计算机上运行而且正在安装新程序时,安装突然失败。现在您只安装了部分程序。您再次尝试安装该程序,但还是失败。或者,也许您在尝试删除旧程序时因为安装文件损坯而发生问题。 不要担心。Windows Installer 清理实用工具或许可以帮忙。您可以使用该工具为使用 Windows Installer 安装的程序删除安装信息。请注意,Windows Installer 清理实用工具将不会从计算机删除实际程序,但是它会删除安装文件,以便您可以启动安装、升级,或卸载。

Windows Installer CleanUp Utility是微软官方推出的Windows Installer 清理实用工具,可彻底删除由 Windows Installer安装的任何程序。Windows Installer Clean UP可完美卸载Microsoft的系列软件,如果你遇到安装无法完成问题,使用这款软件可彻底删除程序的 Windows Installer 配置信息,顺利完成安装。

Windows Installer Clean Up Utility - Microsoft Community

From my experience with the program it's best to use it only if:
1. You are unable to uninstall the program using "normal means" (uninstaller comes up with an error, crashes, hangs).
2. You are unable to install the program because Windows Installer claims it's already installed or there is another error.

I believe the programs removes certain registry entries (like in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer) that are related to the application you remove. In my experience it never broke anything with other programs. Note that the registry entries and files created by the application are not removed by "Windows Installer CleanUp Utility" (just the information that the program is installed).
One could speculate that problem may arise if program A is removed using "Windows Installer CleanUp Utility" and program's B (un)installer somehow calls program's A installer.
Say, you have a Bluetooth software that contains drivers and application both of which are installed using Windows Installer technology. You remove the drivers using "Windows Installer CleanUp Utility" and then try to remove the application. The application uninstaller first wants to remove the drivers so it calls the Windows Installer to do that. But Windows Installer engine cannot do that because the "Bluetooth driver" is no longer listed as an installed product. So it returns an error to the application uninstaller... which may also return an error.

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