qt 全屏窗口有边框

If you’re a regular PC gamer, you know that playing a game in full screen mode can sometimes be a frustrating experience. Switching to a background program, using a second monitor, or suddenly getting a notification that takes focus can mess up your game. Playing the game in a window fixes these problems, but it’s less immersive and doesn’t use your monitor’s full space effectively.

如果您是普通的PC游戏玩家,那么您知道以全屏模式玩游戏有时会令人沮丧。 切换到后台程序,使用第二个监视器,或者突然收到需要关注的通知,可能会打乱您的游戏。 在窗口中玩游戏可以解决这些问题,但是沉浸感较小,并且不能有效利用显示器的全部空间。

Borderless windowed mode is an elegant solution. It runs the game in a window (with a small performance hit), but slims that window down to about a pixel width on all size. Set the game to run in a window at or near the maximum, and you can get those gorgeous full screen visuals while being able to instantly switch to another program,

无边界窗口模式是一个很好的解决方案。 它在一个窗口中运行游戏(对性能的影响很小),但是将窗口缩小到所有大小的像素宽度。 将游戏设置为在最大或接近最大的窗口中运行,您可以获得完整的全屏视觉效果,同时能够立即切换到另一个程序,

Most high-end games published these days offer something like borderless windowed mode. But if you’ve found one that doesn’t, it’s an easy thing to fix with a handy freeware application.

最近发布的大多数高端游戏都提供了无边界窗口模式等功能。 但是,如果您发现了没有的东西,那么使用方便的免费软件应用程序进行修复很容易。

下载Fullscreenizer (Download Fullscreenizer)

Head to this address: it’s a page for a tiny little freeware application called Fullscreenizer. Click “executable” to go to the download page, then click the “download” button. You’ll download a ZIP file to your desktop.

前往此地址 :这是一个名为Fullscreenizer的微型免费应用程序的页面。 单击“可执行”进入下载页面,然后单击“下载”按钮。 您会将ZIP文件下载到桌面上。

Unzip the file with whatever program you prefer, then double-click the fullscreenizer.exe file. Now you need to configure the game.

使用您喜欢的任何程序解压缩文件,然后双击fullscreenizer.exe文件。 现在,您需要配置游戏。

准备好游戏 (Get Your Game Ready)

Open up the game you want to apply the change to, and go it its configuration panel. Change the display mode to “windowed” rather than “full screen.”

打开要应用更改的游戏,然后进入其配置面板。 将显示模式更改为“窗口显示”而不是“全屏显示”。

Now before applying the changes, select the highest possible resolution. Generally this is the same resolution as your primary monitor (most likely 1920×1080 at 60hz for modern desktop and laptop displays). This will make the window render at the same resolution as your monitor, but because of the non-adaptive elements of the Windows user interface like the taskbar, you won’t actually be able to see the full window at once.

现在,在应用更改之前,请选择尽可能高的分辨率。 通常,此分辨率与主显示器相同(对于现代台式机和笔记本电脑显示器,最有可能在60hz分辨率下为1920×1080)。 这将使窗口呈现与显示器相同的分辨率,但是由于Windows用户界面(如任务栏)的非自适应元素,您实际上将无法一次看到整个窗口。

Apply the changes to your game, and verify them or restart the game as necessary.


激活全屏 (Activate Fullscreenizer)

Now with both the game and Fullscreenizer, switch away from the game with Windows’ Alt+Tab command. Click the Fullscreenizer window, and click “refresh” if you don’t see your game in the list of running programs.

现在同时使用游戏和Fullscreenizer,请使用Windows的Alt + Tab命令退出游戏。 单击“全屏显示”窗口,如果在运行的程序列表中未看到您的游戏,则单击“刷新”。

Now just click the game and click “Fullscreenize.” The game will come back into focus in the foreground, now covering the taskbar and all other windows. Bingo, you’ve got a full screen window running at your screen’s maximum resolution, but you can switch to other programs with Alt+Tab or the Windows key without that two-to-five second delay with a blank screen.

现在,只需单击游戏,然后单击“全屏”。 游戏将重新成为前台的焦点,现在涵盖了任务栏和所有其他窗口。 宾果游戏,您有一个全屏窗口,它以屏幕的最大分辨率运行,但是您可以使用Alt + Tab或Windows键切换到其他程序,而不会出现空白屏幕两到五秒的延迟。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/324835/how-to-play-any-windows-game-in-full-screen-borderless-windowed-mode/

qt 全屏窗口有边框

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