

给定一棵 n n n个节点的有根树,每个节点的编号 0 ∼ n − 1 0\sim n-1 0∼n−1,并且每个节点 i i i对应一个字符 s [ i ] s[i] s[i]。问树中最长的相邻节点字符不同的路径长度。


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;public class Solution {int res;public int longestPath(int[] parent, String s) {int n = parent.length;List<Integer>[] g = new ArrayList[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {g[i] = new ArrayList<>();}for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {g[parent[i]].add(i);}dfs(0, g, s);return res;}int dfs(int u, List<Integer>[] g, String s) {if (g[u].isEmpty()) {res = Math.max(res, 1);return 1;}int max1 = 0, max2 = 0;for (int ne : g[u]) {int len = dfs(ne, g, s);if (s.charAt(ne) != s.charAt(u)) {if (len > max1) {max2 = max1;max1 = len;} else if (len > max2) {max2 = len;}}}res = Math.max(res, max1 + 1 + max2);return 1 + max1;}

时空复杂度 O ( n ) O(n) O(n)。

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