

/*** @addtogroup actions* @{*//**
@brief Waves3D action.
@details This action is used for take effect on the target node as 3D waves.You can control the effect by these parameters:duration, grid size, waves count, amplitude.
/// 3D波浪动作
class CC_DLL Waves3D : public Grid3DAction
public:/**@brief Create an action with duration, grid size, waves and amplitude.@param duration Specify the duration of the Waves3D action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param waves Specify the waves count of the Waves3D action.@param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Waves3D action.@return If the creation sucess, return a pointer of Waves3D action; otherwise, return nil.*//// 创建一个3D波浪动作/// duration 持续时间/// 网格尺寸/// 波浪的数量/// 波浪的振幅/// 如果成功创建的话,返回一个3D波浪的指针,否则,返回空static Waves3D* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int waves, float amplitude);/**@brief Get the amplitude of the effect.@return Return the amplitude of the effect.*//// 得到3D波浪的振幅inline float getAmplitude() const { return _amplitude; }/**@brief Set the amplitude to the effect.@param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set.*//// 设置3D波浪的振幅inline void setAmplitude(float amplitude) { _amplitude = amplitude; }/**@brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.@return Return the amplitude rate of the effect.*//// 得到振幅的频率inline float getAmplitudeRate() const { return _amplitudeRate; }/**@brief Set the ampliture rate of the effect.@param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set.*//// 设置振幅的频率inline void setAmplitudeRate(float amplitudeRate) { _amplitudeRate = amplitudeRate; }// Overridesvirtual Waves3D* clone() const override;virtual void update(float time) override;CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:Waves3D() {}virtual ~Waves3D() {}/** @brief Initializes an action with duration, grid size, waves and amplitude.@param duration Specify the duration of the Waves3D action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param waves Specify the waves count of the Waves3D action.@param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Waves3D action.@return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.*//// 初始化3D波浪动作bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int waves, float amplitude);protected:unsigned int _waves;float _amplitude;float _amplitudeRate;private:CC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Waves3D);
@brief FlipX3D action.
@details This action is used for flipping the target node on the x axis.
/// 水平3D翻转动作
class CC_DLL FlipX3D : public Grid3DAction
public:/**@brief Create the action with duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the FilpX3D action. It's a value in seconds.@return If the creation sucess, return a pointer of FilpX3D action; otherwise, return nil.*//// 传入持续时间创建这个动作static FlipX3D* create(float duration);// Overridevirtual FlipX3D* clone() const override;virtual void update(float time) override;CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:FlipX3D() {}virtual ~FlipX3D() {}/** @brief Initializes an action with duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the FlipX3D action. It's a value in seconds.@return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.*//// 初始化3D翻转动作,通过持续时间bool initWithDuration(float duration);/** @brief Initializes an action with duration and grid size.@param gridSize Specify the grid size of the FlipX3D action.@param duration Specify the duration of the FlipX3D action. It's a value in seconds.@return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.*//// 通过网格尺寸和持续时间初始化3D翻转动作virtual bool initWithSize(const Size& gridSize, float duration);private:CC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FlipX3D);
@brief FlipY3D action.
@details This action is used for flipping the target node on the y axis.
/// 3D竖直翻转动作
class CC_DLL FlipY3D : public FlipX3D
public:/**@brief Create the action with duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the FlipY3D action. It's a value in seconds.@return If the creation sucess, return a pointer of FlipY3D action; otherwise, return nil.*//// 创建一个3D竖直翻转动作static FlipY3D* create(float duration);// Overridesvirtual void update(float time) override;virtual FlipY3D* clone() const override;CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:FlipY3D() {}virtual ~FlipY3D() {}
@brief Lens3D action.
@details This action is used for take effect on the target node as lens.You can create the action by these parameters:duration, grid size, center position of lens, radius of lens.Also you can change the lens effect value & whether effect is concave by the setter methods.
/// 3D透镜动作
class CC_DLL Lens3D : public Grid3DAction
public:/**@brief Create the action with center position, radius, a grid size and duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the Lens3D action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param position Specify the center position of the lens.@param radius Specify the radius of the lens.@return If the creation sucess, return a pointer of Lens3D action; otherwise, return nil.*//// 产生一个3D透镜动作static Lens3D* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize, const Vec2& position, float radius);/**@brief Get the value of lens effect. Default value is 0.7.@return The value of lens effect.*//// 得到lens_effect的值,默认值是0.7inline float getLensEffect() const { return _lensEffect; }/**@brief Set the value of lens effect.@param lensEffect The value of lens effect will be set.*//// 设置lens_effect 的值inline void setLensEffect(float lensEffect) { _lensEffect = lensEffect; }/**@brief Set whether lens is concave.@param concave Whether lens is concave.*//// 设置是否凹陷inline void setConcave(bool concave) { _concave = concave; }/**@brief Get the center position of lens effect.@return The center position of lens effect.*//// 得到透镜效果的中心点的位置inline const Vec2& getPosition() const { return _position; }/**@brief Set the center position of lens effect.@param position The center position will be set.*//// 设置透镜效果的中心点位置void setPosition(const Vec2& position);// Overridesvirtual Lens3D* clone() const override;virtual void update(float time) override;CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:Lens3D() {}virtual ~Lens3D() {}/**@brief Initializes the action with center position, radius, grid size and duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the Lens3D action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param position Specify the center position of the lens effect.@param radius Specify the radius of the lens effect.@return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.*//// 初始化bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, const Vec2& position, float radius);protected:/* lens center position */Vec2 _position;float _radius;/** lens effect. Defaults to 0.7 - 0 means no effect, 1 is very strong effect *//// 透镜效果,默认值是0.7,0代表没有效果,1代表有非常明显的效果float _lensEffect;/** lens is concave. (true = concave, false = convex) default is convex i.e. false *//// 透镜是否是凹面的,true= 凹面,false= 凸面bool _concave;bool _dirty;private:CC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Lens3D);
@brief Ripple3D action.
@details This action is used for take effect on the target node as ripple.You can create the action by these parameters:duration, grid size, center position of ripple,radius of ripple, waves count, amplitude.
/// 3D波纹动作
class CC_DLL Ripple3D : public Grid3DAction
public:/**@brief Create the action with center position, radius, number of waves, amplitude, a grid size and duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the Ripple3D action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param position Specify the center position of the ripple effect.@param radius Specify the radius of the ripple effect.@param waves Specify the waves count of the ripple effect.@param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the ripple effect.@return If the creation sucess, return a pointer of Ripple3D action; otherwise, return nil.*//// 产生一个3D波纹动作static Ripple3D* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize, const Vec2& position, float radius, unsigned int waves, float amplitude);/**@brief Get the center position of ripple effect.@return The center position of ripple effect.*//// 得到波纹3D动作的中心点inline const Vec2& getPosition() const { return _position; }/**@brief Set the center position of ripple effect.@param position The center position of ripple effect will be set.*//// 设置波纹3D动作的中心点void setPosition(const Vec2& position);/**@brief Get the amplitude of ripple effect.@return The amplitude of ripple effect.*//// 得到波纹3D动作的振幅inline float getAmplitude() const { return _amplitude; }/**@brief Set the amplitude of ripple effect.@param fAmplitude The amplitude of ripple effect.*//// 设置波纹3D动作的振幅inline void setAmplitude(float fAmplitude) { _amplitude = fAmplitude; }/**@brief Get the amplitude rate of ripple effect.@return The amplitude rate of ripple effect.*//// 得到波纹3D动作多的频率inline float getAmplitudeRate() const { return _amplitudeRate; }/**@brief Set the amplitude rate of ripple effect.@param fAmplitudeRate The amplitude rate of ripple effect.*//// 设置波纹3D动作的频率inline void setAmplitudeRate(float fAmplitudeRate) { _amplitudeRate = fAmplitudeRate; }// Overridevirtual Ripple3D* clone() const override;virtual void update(float time) override;CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:Ripple3D() {}virtual ~Ripple3D() {}/**@brief Initializes the action with center position, radius, number of waves, amplitude, a grid size and duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the Ripple3D action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param position Specify the center position of the ripple effect.@param radius Specify the radius of the ripple effect.@param waves Specify the waves count of the ripple effect.@param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the ripple effect.@return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.*//// 初始化波纹3D动作bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, const Vec2& position, float radius, unsigned int waves, float amplitude);protected:/* center position */Vec2 _position;float _radius;unsigned int _waves;float _amplitude;float _amplitudeRate;private:CC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Ripple3D);
@brief Shaky3D action.
@details This action is used for take effect on the target node as shaky.You can create the action by these parameters:duration, grid size, range, whether shake on the z axis.
/// 震动3D动作
/// 这个动作用来使一个节点产生震动效果
/// 可以通过以下的参数创建一个震动动作:持续时间,网格尺寸,震动范围,是否在Z轴上震动
class CC_DLL Shaky3D : public Grid3DAction
public:/** @brief Create the action with a range, shake Z vertices, a grid and duration.@param initWithDuration Specify the duration of the Shaky3D action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param range Specify the range of the shaky effect.@param shakeZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.@return If the creation sucess, return a pointer of Shaky3D action; otherwise, return nil.*//// 创建一个震动3D动作static Shaky3D* create(float initWithDuration, const Size& gridSize, int range, bool shakeZ);// Overridesvirtual Shaky3D* clone() const override;virtual void update(float time) override;CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:Shaky3D() {}virtual ~Shaky3D() {}/** @brief Initializes the action with a range, shake Z vertices, grid size and duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the Shaky3D action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param range Specify the range of the shaky effect.@param shakeZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.@return If the Initialization sucess, return true; otherwise, return false.*//// 初始化震动3D动作bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, int range, bool shakeZ);protected:int _randrange;bool _shakeZ;private:CC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Shaky3D);
@brief Liquid action.
@details This action is used for take effect on the target node as liquid.You can create the action by these parameters:duration, grid size, waves count, amplitude of the liquid effect.
/// 液体动作
/// 这个动作使一个节点产生液体的效果
class CC_DLL Liquid : public Grid3DAction
public:/**@brief Create the action with amplitude, grid size, waves count and duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the Liquid action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param waves Specify the waves count of the Liquid action.@param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Liquid action.@return If the creation sucess, return a pointer of Liquid action; otherwise, return nil.*//// 创建一个液体动作/// duartion 持续时间/// gridSize 网格的尺寸/// waves 动作中波浪的个数/// amplitude 动作的振幅static Liquid* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int waves, float amplitude);/**@brief Get the amplitude of the effect.@return Return the amplitude of the effect.*//// 得到动作的振幅inline float getAmplitude() const { return _amplitude; }/**@brief Set the amplitude to the effect.@param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set.*//// 设置动作的振幅inline void setAmplitude(float amplitude) { _amplitude = amplitude; }/**@brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.@return Return the amplitude rate of the effect.*//// 得到震动的频率inline float getAmplitudeRate() const { return _amplitudeRate; }/**@brief Set the ampliture rate of the effect.@param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set.*//// 设置震动的频率inline void setAmplitudeRate(float amplitudeRate) { _amplitudeRate = amplitudeRate; }// Overridesvirtual Liquid* clone() const override;virtual void update(float time) override;CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:Liquid() {}virtual ~Liquid() {}/**@brief Initializes the action with amplitude, grid size, waves count and duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the Liquid action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param waves Specify the waves count of the Liquid action.@param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Liquid action.@return If the initialization sucess, return true; otherwise, return false.*//// 初始化bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int waves, float amplitude);protected:unsigned int _waves;float _amplitude;float _amplitudeRate;private:CC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Liquid);
@brief Waves action.
@details This action is used for take effect on the target node as waves.You can control the effect by these parameters:duration, grid size, waves count, amplitude,whether waves on horizontal and whether waves on vertical.
/// 波浪
/// 这个动作是一个节点产生波浪效果
/// 你可以通过以下参数控制这个效果:
/// 持续时间,网格尺寸,波浪数量,振幅,波浪是水平方向还是竖直方向
class CC_DLL Waves : public Grid3DAction
public:/**@brief Create the action with amplitude, horizontal sin, vertical sin, grid size, waves count and duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the Waves action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param waves Specify the waves count of the Waves action.@param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Waves action.@param horizontal Specify whether waves on horizontal.@param vertical Specify whether waves on vertical.@return If the creation sucess, return a pointer of Waves action; otherwise, return nil.*//// 创建一个波浪动作/// duration 持续时间/// gridSize 网格尺寸/// waves 波浪数量 /// amplitude 振幅/// horizontal 水平方向是否有波浪/// vertical 竖直方向是否有波浪static Waves* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int waves, float amplitude, bool horizontal, bool vertical);/**@brief Get the amplitude of the effect.@return Return the amplitude of the effect.*//// 得到动作的振幅inline float getAmplitude() const { return _amplitude; }/**@brief Set the amplitude to the effect.@param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set.*//// 设置动作的振幅inline void setAmplitude(float amplitude) { _amplitude = amplitude; }/**@brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.@return Return the amplitude rate of the effect.*//// 得到振幅的频率inline float getAmplitudeRate() const { return _amplitudeRate; }/**@brief Set the ampliture rate of the effect.@param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set.*//// 设置振幅的频率inline void setAmplitudeRate(float amplitudeRate) { _amplitudeRate = amplitudeRate; }// Overridesvirtual Waves* clone() const override;virtual void update(float time) override;CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:Waves() {}virtual ~Waves() {}/**@brief Initializes the action with amplitude, horizontal sin, vertical sin, grid size, waves count and duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the Waves action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param waves Specify the waves count of the Waves action.@param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Waves action.@param horizontal Specify whether waves on horizontal.@param vertical Specify whether waves on vertical.@return If the initialization sucess, return true; otherwise, return false.*//// 初始化动作bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int waves, float amplitude, bool horizontal, bool vertical);protected:unsigned int _waves;float _amplitude;float _amplitudeRate;bool _vertical;bool _horizontal;private:CC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Waves);
@brief Twirl action.
@details This action is used for take effect on the target node as twirl.You can control the effect by these parameters:duration, grid size, center position, twirls count, amplitude.
/// 扭曲动作
/// 这个动作是在一个节点上产生扭曲效果
/// 你可以通过控制以下参数,控制效果:持续时间,网格尺寸,中心位置,扭曲数量,振幅
class CC_DLL Twirl : public Grid3DAction
public:/**@brief Create the action with center position, number of twirls, amplitude, a grid size and duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the Twirl action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param position Specify the center position of the twirl action.@param twirls Specify the twirls count of the Twirl action.@param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Twirl action.@return If the creation sucess, return a pointer of Twirl action; otherwise, return nil.*//// 创建一个扭曲动作static Twirl* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize, Vec2 position, unsigned int twirls, float amplitude);/**@brief Get the center position of twirl action.@return The center position of twirl action.*//// 得到动作的中心位置inline const Vec2& getPosition() const { return _position; }/**@brief Set the center position of twirl action.@param position The center position of twirl action will be set.*//// 设置动作的中心位置void setPosition(const Vec2& position);/**@brief Get the amplitude of the effect.@return Return the amplitude of the effect.*//// 得到动作的振幅inline float getAmplitude() const { return _amplitude; }/**@brief Set the amplitude to the effect.@param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set.*//// 设置动作的振幅inline void setAmplitude(float amplitude) { _amplitude = amplitude; }/**@brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.@return Return the amplitude rate of the effect.*//// 得到振幅的频率inline float getAmplitudeRate() const { return _amplitudeRate; }/**@brief Set the ampliture rate of the effect.@param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set.*//// 设置振幅的频率inline void setAmplitudeRate(float amplitudeRate) { _amplitudeRate = amplitudeRate; }// Overridesvirtual Twirl* clone() const override;virtual void update(float time) override;CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:Twirl() {}virtual ~Twirl() {}/**@brief Initializes the action with center position, number of twirls, amplitude, a grid size and duration.@param duration Specify the duration of the Twirl action. It's a value in seconds.@param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.@param position Specify the center position of the twirl action.@param twirls Specify the twirls count of the Twirl action.@param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Twirl action.@return If the initialization sucess, return true; otherwise, return false.*//// 初始化动作bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, Vec2 position, unsigned int twirls, float amplitude);protected:/* twirl center */Vec2 _position;unsigned int _twirls;float _amplitude;float _amplitudeRate;private:CC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Twirl);
};// end of actions group
/// @}


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