

Dear leaders:


I xx fortingxxxx ofxxxUniversity of XX graduating college students, the profession isputer science.

University for four years, I have studied hard, achievedoutstanding results, has been awarded scholarships. In the strict ntorship lessons learned and personal efforts, I have a solid basic knowledge. On the software side, the systestered the C language, data structure, Power Builder, database theory, assely language, software engineering, and object-oriented DELPHI, VC, etc. have a certain understanding of Windows prograing. I have also taught

hielf VBVF extra-curricular prograing, ASP dynac pages, and SQL Server databases such as Web prograing languages. Has been

independently prepared by a professional database nagent syste On the hardware side, through the participation of crocontroller design, asseling radios,work engineering planning and

nagent and the fortion of such practice, I have stered theputer's operating principle and the principle ofputerwork technology.

Since the ie of the school, I have full use of a wide range of spare ti to participate in social practice. School of

Infortion Science at schoolputer lab two years, not only professional skills of the distillation, but also to nagent andanizational skills to play and further training, leaders...


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