

Distinguished leadership:

hello! I am XX university undergraduate course graduates, major is network technology. Recently in the talent market that you are looking for computer talents, I'm confident that after the university four years of learning will help me to apply for this position.

I have good computer knowledge and application ability, and compared with last year by the national computer rank examination level 3 of the appraisal. Knack for Windows 7 operation, and can use C, C + +, MASM, FOXPRO6.0 language programming, etc. Is familiar with on network technology, is good at web-design. English is also very outstanding, up and down in second grade respectively, passed the national English test band 4 and 6, and has a good reading writing and spoken English.

During the period of school, won a "elite cup" the first prize in the speech contest. During the period of university, get professional scholarships for many times, and published many papers. Also served as the monitor, competitive person, and student union cadre, etc.

Junior year, I with honours with outstanding performance, glorious joined the communist party of China, to join the advanced group, is a sublimation of my life. Since then, I more strict with himself, lead the students around, progress together. Who won the title of "advanced individual" of spiritual civilization. After the voluntary blood donation, let me more know to cherish life, love life.

When it comes to social practice, I use holiday, according to the professional expertise, to participate in social practice in a computer company. I will apply what is learned in the classroom to practice, but the practice experience for lesson I learned a lot of things can't go to school, this to my experience has played a very important role, let me is about to enter society, full of confidence.

As a graduating student, I experience may make you hesitate, but please you believe my energy and efforts will compensate for this temporary shortage, maybe I'm not the best, but I definitely is the most efforts. I believe that: intentions can win the wonderful!

I hope I can join your company, my potential into full play. If have the opportunity to meet with you, will thank you very much. Wish your company business is thriving!




Dear XXX company leader:


First of all, thank you in spite of being very busy toglance browse my cover letter, for a full of enthusiasm university student opens a door of hope.

I graduated from XX school computer network specialty. During the three years of study, the system has studied the computer network skills relevant to the professional knowledge. Through SanDe years hard study, has obtained certain achievements on the study. And obtained the certificate of the secondary English, professional qualification certificate, high-paying skills certificate, and a variety of skills certificate, such as the computer grade card also skilled master the use of web page design software.

The improvement of the thought and spirit, is the one really perfect. In the finish school and practice process, I constantly strengthen their own ideological and moral cultivation, should not only learn to do things, but also to society life, adhere to the "make a difference is the highest realm of life" credo, positive dedication, ready to help others, many times to participate in social donations and public welfare activities. Life I always maintained a fine style of hard work and plain living and thrifty. During the period of school, I actively to the party organization, cautiously to the party to submit the application form to join the party, the timing of the report to the party's own thoughts. Under the party organization's warm care and education, make me realize the importance of the party, also made me the ideological awareness had the very big enhancement. I respect teachers, unite classmates, concerned about love class, have a strong collective sense of responsibility.

As vocational and technical school students, with solid professional skills is a magic weapon that we are winning in the competition. Therefore, I always notice the theory with practice, hard work, input, careful study of every course. Enhance their practical ability. In learning professional knowledge and develop personal interest at the same time, strong collective sense of honor and dedication and passion I actively, enthusiasm and pragmatic into some beneficial social activities. During the holiday season, I took part in the social practice, I learned in the books to school less than knowledge, although time is short, but to feel deeply, whether in the business ability, or social ability, has improved, has the certain working experience.

Although I just graduated from school, work experience is limited. However, before this application, I conducted relevant evaluation to oneself, I think I have a solid professional knowledge and strong professional dedication, practice experience, I believe I fit is engaged in the Internet cafe management, networking, web design, graphics, image processing and other related work. Please believe me, give me a development opportunity, I will with a sincere heart, full of enthusiasm, diligent work style, fast and efficient work efficiency in return your unit.

Sword sound box, the period of the sound. Very much looking forward to further interview with you. If by courtesy of the recognition, please contact me, looking forward to your good news.

Finally, I wish you career developed, progresses day by day!




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