
"""Typing test implementation"""from utils import lower, split, remove_punctuation, lines_from_file
from ucb import main, interact, trace
from datetime import datetime###########
# Phase 1 #
###########def choose(paragraphs, select, k):"""Return the Kth paragraph from PARAGRAPHS for which SELECT called on theparagraph returns True. If there are fewer than K such paragraphs, returnthe empty string.Arguments:paragraphs: a list of stringsselect: a function that returns True for paragraphs that can be selectedk: an integer>>> ps = ['hi', 'how are you', 'fine']>>> s = lambda p: len(p) <= 4>>> choose(ps, s, 0)'hi'>>> choose(ps, s, 1)'fine'>>> choose(ps, s, 2)''"""# BEGIN PROBLEM 1lst = []for p in paragraphs:if select(p) == True:lst.append(p)if k < len(lst):return lst[k]else:return ''# END PROBLEM 1def about(topic):"""Return a select function that returns whethera paragraph contains one of the words in TOPIC.Arguments:topic: a list of words related to a subject>>> about_dogs = about(['dog', 'dogs', 'pup', 'puppy'])>>> choose(['Cute Dog!', 'That is a cat.', 'Nice pup!'], about_dogs, 0)'Cute Dog!'>>> choose(['Cute Dog!', 'That is a cat.', 'Nice pup.'], about_dogs, 1)'Nice pup.'"""assert all([lower(x) == x for x in topic]), 'topics should be lowercase.'# BEGIN PROBLEM 2def select(p):p = lower(p)p = remove_punctuation(p)lstp = split(p)for i in lstp:if i in topic:return Truereturn False  return select# END PROBLEM 2def accuracy(typed, reference):"""Return the accuracy (percentage of words typed correctly) of TYPEDwhen compared to the prefix of REFERENCE that was typed.Arguments:typed: a string that may contain typosreference: a string without errors>>> accuracy('Cute Dog!', 'Cute Dog.')50.0>>> accuracy('A Cute Dog!', 'Cute Dog.')0.0>>> accuracy('cute Dog.', 'Cute Dog.')50.0>>> accuracy('Cute Dog. I say!', 'Cute Dog.')50.0>>> accuracy('Cute', 'Cute Dog.')100.0>>> accuracy('', 'Cute Dog.')0.0>>> accuracy('', '')100.0"""typed_words = split(typed)reference_words = split(reference)# BEGIN PROBLEM 3total_t = len(typed_words)total_r = len(reference_words)if total_t == 0 and total_r != 0 or total_t != 0 and total_r == 0:return 0.0if total_t == 0 and total_r == 0:return 100.0correct_num = 0for i in range(total_t):if i == total_r:breakif typed_words[i] == reference_words[i]:correct_num += 1#if isinstance(correct_num/total_t*100,int):return correct_num/total_t*100#else:#return round(round(correct_num/total_t,4)*100,2)# END PROBLEM 3def wpm(typed, elapsed):"""Return the words-per-minute (WPM) of the TYPED string.Arguments:typed: an entered stringelapsed: an amount of time in seconds>>> wpm('hello friend hello buddy hello', 15)24.0>>> wpm('0123456789',60)2.0"""assert elapsed > 0, 'Elapsed time must be positive'# BEGIN PROBLEM 4count = len(typed)return (count/5)/(elapsed/60)# END PROBLEM 4###########
# Phase 2 #
###########def autocorrect(typed_word, valid_words, diff_function, limit):"""Returns the element of VALID_WORDS that has the smallest differencefrom TYPED_WORD. Instead returns TYPED_WORD if that difference is greaterthan LIMIT.Arguments:typed_word: a string representing a word that may contain typosvalid_words: a list of strings representing valid wordsdiff_function: a function quantifying the difference between two wordslimit: a number>>> ten_diff = lambda w1, w2, limit: 10 # Always returns 10>>> autocorrect("hwllo", ["butter", "hello", "potato"], ten_diff, 20)'butter'>>> first_diff = lambda w1, w2, limit: (1 if w1[0] != w2[0] else 0) # Checks for matching first char>>> autocorrect("tosting", ["testing", "asking", "fasting"], first_diff, 10)'testing'"""# BEGIN PROBLEM 5lst = []for i in valid_words:diff = diff_function(typed_word, i,limit)if i == typed_word:return typed_wordelse:lst.append([diff,i])if min(lst,key = lambda item:item[0])[0] > limit:return typed_wordreturn min(lst,key = lambda item:item[0])[1]# END PROBLEM 5def sphinx_switches(start, goal, limit):"""A diff function for autocorrect that determines how many lettersin START need to be substituted to create GOAL, then adds the difference intheir lengths and returns the result.Arguments:start: a starting wordgoal: a string representing a desired goal wordlimit: a number representing an upper bound on the number of chars that must change>>> big_limit = 10>>> sphinx_switches("nice", "rice", big_limit)    # Substitute: n -> r1>>> sphinx_switches("range", "rungs", big_limit)  # Substitute: a -> u, e -> s2>>> sphinx_switches("pill", "pillage", big_limit) # Don't substitute anything, length difference of 3.5>>> sphinx_switches("rose", "hello", big_limit)   # Substitute: r->h, o->e, s->l, e->l, length difference of 1.5"""# BEGIN PROBLEM 6if limit < 0:return 10000if len(start) == 0 or len(goal) == 0:limit -= max(len(goal),len(start))return max(len(goal),len(start))else:if start[0] != goal[0]:return sphinx_switches(start[1:], goal[1:], limit - 1) +  1else:return sphinx_switches(start[1:], goal[1:], limit) # END PROBLEM 6def pawssible_patches(start, goal, limit):"""A diff function that computes the edit distance from START to GOAL.This function takes in a string START, a string GOAL, and a number LIMIT.Arguments:start: a starting wordgoal: a goal wordlimit: a number representing an upper bound on the number of edits>>> big_limit = 10>>> pawssible_patches("cats", "scat", big_limit)       # cats -> scats -> scat2>>> pawssible_patches("purng", "purring", big_limit)   # purng -> purrng -> purring2>>> pawssible_patches("ckiteus", "kittens", big_limit) # ckiteus -> kiteus -> kitteus -> kittens3"""if limit < 0:return 10000if start == goal:return 0elif start == '' or goal == '':limit -= max(len(start),len(goal))return max(len(start),len(goal))elif start[0] == goal[0]:return pawssible_patches(start[1:], goal[1:], limit)else:add =  pawssible_patches(start, goal[1:], limit-1)  # Fill in these linesremove =  pawssible_patches(start[1:], goal, limit-1)substitute =  pawssible_patches(start[1:], goal[1:], limit-1)# BEGINreturn min(add,remove,substitute) + 1# END
#递归yyds!!!'''def final_diff(start, goal, limit):"""A diff function that takes in a string START, a string GOAL, and a number LIMIT.If you implement this function, it will be used."""# BEGIN# END
# Phase 3 #
###########def report_progress(typed, prompt, user_id, send):"""Send a report of your id and progress so far to the multiplayer server.Returns the progress so far.Arguments:typed: a list of the words typed so farprompt: a list of the words in the typing promptuser_id: a number representing the id of the current usersend: a function used to send progress to the multiplayer server>>> print_progress = lambda d: print('ID:', d['id'], 'Progress:', d['progress'])>>> # The above function displays progress in the format ID: __, Progress: __>>> print_progress({'id': 1, 'progress': 0.6})ID: 1 Progress: 0.6>>> typed = ['how', 'are', 'you']>>> prompt = ['how', 'are', 'you', 'doing', 'today']>>> report_progress(typed, prompt, 2, print_progress)ID: 2 Progress: 0.60.6>>> report_progress(['how', 'aree'], prompt, 3, print_progress)ID: 3 Progress: 0.20.2"""# BEGIN PROBLEM 8count = 0i = 0j = 0while(i < len(typed) and j<len(typed)):if typed[i] == prompt[j]:i += 1j += 1count += 1else:i += 1send({'id': user_id,'progress':count/len(prompt)})return count/len(prompt)# END PROBLEM 8def fastest_words_report(times_per_player, words):"""Return a text description of the fastest words typed by each player."""game = time_per_word(times_per_player, words)fastest = fastest_words(game)report = ''for i in range(len(fastest)):words = ','.join(fastest[i])report += 'Player {} typed these fastest: {}\n'.format(i + 1, words)return reportdef time_per_word(times_per_player, words):"""Given timing data, return a game data abstraction, which contains a listof words and the amount of time each player took to type each word.Arguments:times_per_player: A list of lists of timestamps including the timethe player started typing, followed by the timethe player finished typing each word.words: a list of words, in the order they are typed.>>> p = [[75, 81, 84, 90, 92], [19, 29, 35, 36, 38]]>>> game = time_per_word(p, ['collar', 'plush', 'blush', 'repute'])>>> all_words(game)['collar', 'plush', 'blush', 'repute']>>> all_times(game)[[6, 3, 6, 2], [10, 6, 1, 2]]"""# BEGIN PROBLEM 9times = []n = len(times_per_player)for i in range(n):times0 = []for j in range(len(times_per_player[i])):if j != len(times_per_player[i]) - 1 :times0.append(times_per_player[i][j+1]-times_per_player[i][j])times.append(times0)return game(words, times)# END PROBLEM 9def fastest_words(game):"""Return a list of lists of which words each player typed fastest.Arguments:game: a game data abstraction as returned by time_per_word.>>> p0 = [5, 1, 3]>>> p1 = [4, 1, 6]>>> fastest_words(game(['Just', 'have', 'fun'], [p0, p1]))[['have', 'fun'], ['Just']]"""player_indices = range(len(all_times(game)))  # contains an *index* for each playerword_indices = range(len(all_words(game)))    # contains an *index* for each word# BEGIN PROBLEM 10lst_time = []for word_indice in word_indices:lst0 = []for player_indice in player_indices:lst0.append(time(game,player_indice,word_indice))lst_time.append(lst0)lst_player = []for i in lst_time:lst_player.append(i.index(min(i)))lst_final = []for i in player_indices :lst_final.append([])#创造一个空列表,里面包含了n个空列表for word_index in range(len(lst_player)):player_index = lst_player[word_index]lst_final[player_index] = lst_final[player_index] + [word_at(game, word_index)] return lst_final# END PROBLEM 10def game(words, times):"""A data abstraction containing all words typed and their times."""assert all([type(w) == str for w in words]), 'words should be a list of strings'assert all([type(t) == list for t in times]), 'times should be a list of lists'assert all([isinstance(i, (int, float)) for t in times for i in t]), 'times lists should contain numbers'assert all([len(t) == len(words) for t in times]), 'There should be one word per time.'return [words, times]def word_at(game, word_index):"""A selector function that gets the word with index word_index"""assert 0 <= word_index < len(game[0]), "word_index out of range of words"return game[0][word_index]def all_words(game):"""A selector function for all the words in the game"""return game[0]def all_times(game):"""A selector function for all typing times for all players"""return game[1]def time(game, player_num, word_index):"""A selector function for the time it took player_num to type the word at word_index"""assert word_index < len(game[0]), "word_index out of range of words"assert player_num < len(game[1]), "player_num out of range of players"return game[1][player_num][word_index]def game_string(game):"""A helper function that takes in a game object and returns a string representation of it"""return "game(%s, %s)" % (game[0], game[1])enable_multiplayer = True  # Change to True when you're ready to race.##########################
# Command Line Interface #
##########################def run_typing_test(topics):"""Measure typing speed and accuracy on the command line."""paragraphs = lines_from_file('data/sample_paragraphs.txt')select = lambda p: Trueif topics:select = about(topics)i = 0while True:reference = choose(paragraphs, select, i)if not reference:print('No more paragraphs about', topics, 'are available.')returnprint('Type the following paragraph and then press enter/return.')print('If you only type part of it, you will be scored only on that part.\n')print(reference)print()start = datetime.now()typed = input()if not typed:print('Goodbye.')returnprint()elapsed = (datetime.now() - start).total_seconds()print("Nice work!")print('Words per minute:', wpm(typed, elapsed))print('Accuracy:        ', accuracy(typed, reference))print('\nPress enter/return for the next paragraph or type q to quit.')if input().strip() == 'q':returni += 1@main
def run(*args):"""Read in the command-line argument and calls corresponding functions."""import argparseparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Typing Test")parser.add_argument('topic', help="Topic word", nargs='*')parser.add_argument('-t', help="Run typing test", action='store_true')args = parser.parse_args()if args.t:run_typing_test(args.topic)

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