
Lab 11: Interpreters lab11.zip

Due by 11:59pm on Wednesday, April 6.

Starter Files

Download lab11.zip. Inside the archive, you will find starter files for the questions in this lab, along with a copy of the Ok autograder.


In the Scheme project, you’ll be implementing a Python interpreter for Scheme.

Part of the process of interpreting Scheme expressions is being able to parse a string of Scheme code as our input into our interpreter’s internal Python representation of Scheme expressions. As all Scheme expressions are Scheme lists (and therefore linked lists), we represent all Scheme expressions using the Pair class, which behaves as a linked list. This class is defined in pair.py.

When given an input such as (+ 1 2), there are two main steps we want to take.

The first part of interpreting expressions is taking the input and breaking it down into each component. In our example, we want to treat each of (, +, 1, 2, and ) as a separate token that we can then figure out how to represent. This is called lexical analysis, and has been implemented for you in the tokenize_lines function in scheme_tokens.py.

Now that we’ve broken down the input into its component parts, we want to turn these Scheme tokens into our interpreter’s internal representations of them. This is called syntactic analysis, which happens in scheme_reader.py in the scheme_read and read_tail functions.

  • ( tells us we are starting a call expression.
  • + will be the operator, as it’s the first element in the call expression.
  • 1 is our first operand.
  • 2 is our second operand.
  • ) tells us that we are ending the call expression.

The main idea is that we’d like to first recognize what the input represents, before we do any of the evaluating, or calling the operator on the operands, and so on.

The goal of this lab is to work with the various parts that go into parsing; while in this lab and in the project, we’re focusing on the Scheme language, the general ideas of how we’re setting up the Scheme interpreter can be applicable to other languages – such as Python itself!

Required Questions

Check out the introduction for the context of this lab.

Part 1


We store tokens ready to be parsed in Buffer instances. For example, a buffer containing the input (+ (2 3)) would have the tokens '(', '+', '(', 2, 3, ')', and ')'.

In this part, we will implement the Buffer class.

A Buffer provides a way of accessing a sequence of tokens across lines.

Its constructor takes an iterator, called “the source”, that returns the next line of tokens as a list each time it is queried, until it runs out of lines.

For example, source could be defined as follows:

line1 = ['(', '+', 6, 1, ')']      # (+ 6 1)
line2 = ['(', 'quote', 'A', ')']  # (quote A)
line3 = [2, 1, 0]                 # 2 1 0
input_lines = [line1, line2, line3]
source = iter(input_lines)

In effect, the Buffer combines the sequences returned from its source and then supplies the items from them one at a time through its pop_first method, calling the source for more sequences of items only when needed.

In addition, Buffer provides a current instance attribute to look at the next item to be supplied, without moving past it.

Problem 1

Important: Your code for this part should go in buffer.py.

Your job in this part is to implement the create_generator, __init__, and pop_first methods of the Buffer class.

Note: For this question, you may want to use the built-in function next with its default argument. Here’s an example:

>>> iterator = iter([1, 2])
>>> next(iterator) # Here, there is no default arg given.
>>> next(iterator, 5) # Here, there is a default arg given, but not used.
>>> next(iterator, 5) # The iterator is exhausted, so next returns default.

For more about next, feel free to read through the next Python documentation.


Implement create_generator, a generator function which takes in source, an iterator over line(s), each of which is a list that contains token(s).

This function should yield a single token from a line of the source at a time. If there are no more tokens on a line, then it should yield EOL_TOKEN (an object that represents an end-of-line token).

If there are no more tokens in the entire source, it should have no more yields. If you were to call next on a generator of this function in this case, a StopIteration would be raised, as there would be no more applicable yields.

You can reference this function in your implementations for __init__ and pop_first.

Remember that generator functions can be used as follows:

>>> gen = some_generator_function()
>>> next(gen)
# Returns the first yield from some_generator_function
>>> next(gen)
# Returns the next yield from some_generator_function


__init__ takes in the input source source. You should define the following instance attributes:

  • An instance attribute that holds a generator created by create_generator based off of the source, and
  • self.current to represent the current token of the generator that the Buffer instance is on. In __init__, the current token should be the very first token that the generator yields.

If you wish, you may define more instance attributes as you see fit.


Implement pop_first, which does the following:

  • Saves the current token of the Buffer instance, to be returned later.
  • Updates the current token of the Buffer instance to the next token from its generator instance.
  • If there are no more tokens after the initial current token, then update the current token to be None. (Hint: see the note on the default argument to next at the beginning of this problem.)
  • Returns the initial current token (not the updated current token!).

Testing your code

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q buffer✂️
def __init__(self, source):"""Initialize a Buffer instance based on the given source."""# BEGINself.lines = []self.curr_line = []self.token = self.create_generator(source)self.current = next(self.token, None)# self.buffer = []# token_buffer = self.create_generator(source)# for token in token_buffer:#     self.buffer.append(token)# self.current = None# if self.buffer:            #     self.current = self.buffer[0]# END

Part 2

Internal Representations

The reader will parse Scheme code into Python values with the following representations:

Input Example Scheme Expression Type Our Internal Representation
scm> 1 Numbers Python’s built-in int and float values
scm> x Symbols Python’s built-in string values
scm> #t Booleans (#t, #f) Python’s built-in True, False values
scm> (+ 2 3) Combinations Instances of the Pair class, defined in scheme_reader.py. This example is represented as: Pair('+', Pair(2, Pair(3, nil))).
scm> nil nil The nil object, defined in scheme_reader.py

When we refer to combinations here, we are referring to both call expressions and special forms.

Problem 2

Important: Your code for this part should go in scheme_reader.py.

Important: While unlocking this problem, if the token yielded from the Buffer instance should be EOL_TOKEN, it will be displayed according to the __repr__ function of the EOL_TOKEN class. Specifically, you would get:

This is a token representing the end of a line.

Your job in this part is to write the parsing functionality, which consists of two mutually recursive functions: scheme_read and read_tail. Each function takes in a single src parameter, which is a Buffer instance.

  • scheme_read removes enough tokens from src to form a single expression and returns that expression in the correct internal representation.
  • read_tail expects to read the rest of a list or Pair, assuming the open parenthesis of that list or Pair has already been removed by scheme_read. It will read expressions (and thus remove tokens) until the matching closing parenthesis ) is seen. This list of expressions is returned as a linked list of Pair instances.

In short, scheme_read returns the next single complete expression in the buffer and read_tail returns the rest of a list or Pair in the buffer. Both functions mutate the buffer, removing the tokens that have already been processed.

The behavior of both functions depends on the first token currently in src. They should be implemented as follows:


  • If the current token is the string "nil", return the nil object.
  • If the current token is (, the expression is a pair or list. Call read_tail on the rest of src and return its result.
  • If the current token is ', the rest of the buffer should be processed as a quote expression. You will implement this portion in the next problem.
  • If the next token is not a delimiter, then it must be a primitive expression (i.e. a number, boolean). Return it. Provided
  • If none of the above cases apply, raise an error. Provided


  • If there are no more tokens, then the list is missing a close parenthesis and we should raise an error. Provided
  • If the token is ), then we’ve reached the end of the list or pair. Remove this token from the buffer and return the nil object.
  • If none of the above cases apply, the next token is the operator in a combination. For example, src could contain + 2 3). To parse this:
    1. scheme_read the next complete expression in the buffer.
    2. Call read_tail to read the rest of the combination until the matching closing parenthesis.
    3. Return the results as a Pair instance, where the first element is the next complete expression from (1) and the second element is the rest of the combination from (2).

Use Ok to unlock and test your code:

python3 ok -q scheme_read -u
python3 ok -q scheme_read✂️

Problem 3

Important: Your code for this part should go in scheme_reader.py.

Your task in this problem is to complete the implementation of scheme_read by allowing the function to now be able to handle quoted expressions.

In Scheme, quoted expressions such as '<expr> are equivalent to (quote <expr>). That means that we need to wrap the expression following ' (which you can get by recursively calling scheme_read) into the quote special form, which is a Scheme list (as with all special forms).

In our representation, a Pair represents a Scheme list. You should therefore wrap the expression following ' in a Pair.

For example, 'bagel, or ["'", "bagel"] after being tokenized, should be represented as Pair('quote', Pair('bagel', nil)). '(1 2) (or ["'", "(", 1, 2, ")"]) should be represented as Pair('quote', Pair(Pair(1, Pair(2, nil)), nil)).

Use Ok to unlock and test your code:

python3 ok -q quote -u
python3 ok -q quote✂️

Running your parser

Now that your parser is complete, you can test the read-eval-print loop by running:

python3 scheme_reader.py --repl

Every time you type in a value into the prompt, both the str and repr values of the parsed expression are printed. You can try the following inputs:

read> 42
str : 42
repr: 42
read> nil
str : ()
repr: nil
read> (1 (2 3) (4 (5)))
str : (1 (2 3) (4 (5)))
repr: Pair(1, Pair(Pair(2, Pair(3, nil)), Pair(Pair(4, Pair(Pair(5, nil), nil)), nil)))

To exit the interpreter, you can type exit.


"""This module implements the built-in data types of the Scheme language, along
with a parser for Scheme expressions.In addition to the types defined in this file, some data types in Scheme are
represented by their corresponding type in Python:number:       int or floatsymbol:       stringboolean:      boolunspecified:  NoneThe __repr__ method of a Scheme value will return a Python expression that
would be evaluated to the value, where possible.The __str__ method of a Scheme value will return a Scheme expression that
would be read to the value, where possible.
"""import numbers
import builtinsfrom ucb import main, trace, interact
from scheme_tokens import tokenize_lines, DELIMITERSfrom buffer import Buffer, InputReader, LineReader
from pair import Pair, nil# Scheme list parserdef scheme_read(src):"""Read the next expression from SRC, a Buffer of tokens.>>> scheme_read(Buffer(tokenize_lines(['nil'])))nil>>> scheme_read(Buffer(tokenize_lines(['1'])))1>>> scheme_read(Buffer(tokenize_lines(['true'])))True>>> scheme_read(Buffer(tokenize_lines(['(+ 1 2)'])))Pair('+', Pair(1, Pair(2, nil)))"""if src.current is None:raise EOFErrorval = src.pop_first()  # Get and remove the first tokenif val == 'nil':# BEGIN PROBLEM 2return nil# END PROBLEM 2elif val == '(':# BEGIN PROBLEM 2return read_tail(src)# END PROBLEM 2elif val == "'":# BEGIN PROBLEM 3return Pair('quote', Pair(scheme_read(src), nil))# END PROBLEM 3elif val not in DELIMITERS:return valelse:raise SyntaxError('unexpected token: {0}'.format(val))def read_tail(src):"""Return the remainder of a list in SRC, starting before an element or ).>>> read_tail(Buffer(tokenize_lines([')'])))nil>>> read_tail(Buffer(tokenize_lines(['2 3)'])))Pair(2, Pair(3, nil))"""try:while src.end_of_line():src.pop_first()if src.current is None:raise SyntaxError('unexpected end of file')elif src.current == ')':# BEGIN PROBLEM 2src.pop_first()return nil# END PROBLEM 2else:# BEGIN PROBLEM 2return Pair(scheme_read(src), read_tail(src))            # END PROBLEM 2except EOFError:raise SyntaxError('unexpected end of file')# Convenience methodsdef buffer_input(prompt='scm> '):"""Return a Buffer instance containing interactive input."""return Buffer(tokenize_lines(InputReader(prompt)))def buffer_lines(lines, prompt='scm> ', show_prompt=False):"""Return a Buffer instance iterating through LINES."""if show_prompt:input_lines = lineselse:input_lines = LineReader(lines, prompt)return Buffer(tokenize_lines(input_lines))def read_line(line):"""Read a single string LINE as a Scheme expression."""buf = Buffer(tokenize_lines([line]))while buf.end_of_line():buf.pop_first()result = scheme_read(buf)if not buf.end_of_line():raise SyntaxError("read_line's argument can only be a single element, but received multiple")return result# Interactive loopdef read_print_loop():"""Run a read-print loop for Scheme expressions."""while True:try:src = buffer_input('read> ')while src.end_of_line():src.pop_first()while not src.end_of_line():expression = scheme_read(src)if expression == 'exit':print()returnprint('str :', expression)print('repr:', repr(expression))except (SyntaxError, ValueError) as err:print(type(err).__name__ + ':', err)except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):  # <Control>-D, etc.print()return@main
def main(*args):if len(args) and '--repl' in args:read_print_loop()


Make sure to submit this assignment by running:

python3 ok --submit

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