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    • SWA图示
    • SWA算法
      • LR
      • The Algorithm
      • Batch normalization
  • 在PyTorch中使用swa
    • 最佳实践
    • Demo

最近在参加公司的AI竞赛,刚好用到了Stochastic Weight Averaging的方法,所以也简单看了下提出这个方法的论文Averaging Weights Leads to Wider Optima and Better Generalization,这是一种容易实现、简单、基本没有额外计算开销却能比较可观地提升DNN模型效果的方法,在这里写写自己对这篇论文的一些理解。






Loss Surfaces, Mode Connectivity, and Fast Ensembling of DNNs


  • local optima found by SGD can be connected by simple curves of near constant loss(由SGD找到的局部最优解可以被近似恒定损失的简单曲线连接起来,这点很重要,后面可以看到swa其实就是对在这样的区域上探索得到的权重进行平均)

  • Fast Geometric Ensembling (FGE,根据上面的发现提出的一种集成方法)

    sample multiple nearby points in weight space to create high performing ensembles in the time required to train a single DNN(这种集成方法的主要思想是在训练单个DNN所需的时间内从权重空间中采样多个相近的点,用于创建高性能的模型集合)



  1. FGE洞察train loss和test error几何平面,发现对FGE采样的模型的权重进行平均可以得到更好的模型权重

  2. 可否直接在SGD过程中得到这些点并进行平均

    We show that SGD with cyclical [e.g., Loshchilov and Hutter, 2017] and constant learning rates traverses regions of weight space corresponding to high-performing networks. We find that while these models are moving around this optimal set they never reach its central points. We show that we can move into this more desirable space of points by averaging the weights proposed over SGD iterations.


  3. 同样是较优的集合中的点,为什么靠近中心的点会有更好的泛化性能呢?

    • We demonstrate that SWA leads to solutions that are wider than the optima found by SGD. Keskar et al. [2017] and Hochreiter and Schmidhuber [1997] conjecture that the width of the optima is critically related to generalization. We illustrate that the loss on the train is shifted with respect to the test error. We show that SGD generally converges to a point near the boundary of the wide flat region of optimal points. SWA on the other hand is able to find a point centered in this region, often with slightly worse train loss but with substantially better test error.

    • We show that the loss function is asymmetric in the direction connecting SWA with SGD. In this direction, SGD is near the periphery of sharp ascent. Part of the reason SWA improves generalization is that it finds solutions in flat regions of the training loss in such directions.


  4. 跟FGE的关系

    While FGE ensembles [Garipov et al., 2018] can be trained in the same time as a single model, test predictions for an ensemble of k models requires k times more computation. We show that SWA can be interpreted as an approximation to FGE ensembles but with the test-time, convenience, and interpretability of a single model.




We emphasize that SWA is finding a solution in the same basin of attraction as SGD, as can be seen in Figure 1, but in a flatter region of the training loss. SGD typically finds points on the periphery of a set of good weights. By running SGD with a cyclical or high constant learning rate, we traverse the surface of this set of points, and by averaging we find a more centred solution in a flatter region of the training loss. Further, the training loss for SWA is often slightly worse than for SGD suggesting that SWA solution is not a local optimum of the loss.

The name SWA has two meanings:

  • it is an average of SGD weights

  • with a cyclical or constant learning rate, SGD proposals are approximately sampling from the loss surface of the DNN, leading to stochastic weights.


Illustrations of SWA and SGD with a Preactivation ResNet-164 on CIFAR-1001. Left: test error surface for three FGE samples and the corresponding SWA solution (averaging in weight space). Middle and Right: test error and train loss surfaces showing the weights proposed by SGD (at convergence) and SWA, starting from the same initialization of SGD after 125 training epochs.



SWA is making use of multiple samples gathered through exploration of the set of points corresponding to high performing networks.** To enforce exploration we run SGD with constant or cyclical learning rates.**(为了加强与高性能网络相对应的权重集合的探索,以恒定或周期性的学习率执行SGD)


  • cyclical learning rate schedule: linearly decrease the learning rate from α1\alpha_1α1​ to α2\alpha_2α2​(在每个周期内线性地将学习率从α1\alpha_1α1​减少到α2\alpha_2α2​,一个周期为ccc个epoch):

    α(i)=(1−t(i))α1+t(i)α2,t(i)=1c(mod(i−1,c)+1)\begin{aligned} \alpha(i) &=(1-t(i)) \alpha_{1}+t(i) \alpha_{2}, \\ t(i) &=\frac{1}{c}(\bmod (i-1, c)+1) \end{aligned} α(i)t(i)​=(1−t(i))α1​+t(i)α2​,=c1​(mod(i−1,c)+1)​

  • constant learning rate schedule:

    α(i)=α1\alpha(i)=\alpha_1 α(i)=α1​

When using a cyclical learning rate we capture the models wiw_iwi​ that correspond to the minimum values of the learning rate. For constant learning rates we capture models at each epoch. Next, we average the weights of all the captured networks wiw_iwi​ to get our final model wSWAw_{SWA}wSWA​.


The Algorithm


Batch normalization

If the DNN uses batch normalization, we run one additional pass over the data, as in Garipov et al. [2018], to compute the running mean and standard deviation of the activations for each layer of the network with wSWAw_{SWA}wSWA​ weights after the training is finished, since these statistics are not collected during training. For most deep learning libraries, such as PyTorch or Tensorflow, one can typically collect these statistics by making a forward pass over the data in training mode.







from torch.optim.swa_utils import AveragedModel, SWALR
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import CosineAnnealingLRloader, optimizer, model, loss_fn = ...
swa_model = AveragedModel(model)
scheduler = CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=100)
swa_start = 5
swa_scheduler = SWALR(optimizer, swa_lr=0.05)for epoch in range(100):for input, target in loader:optimizer.zero_grad()loss_fn(model(input), target).backward()optimizer.step()if epoch > swa_start:swa_model.update_parameters(model)swa_scheduler.step()else:scheduler.step()# Update bn statistics for the swa_model at the end
torch.optim.swa_utils.update_bn(loader, swa_model)
# Use swa_model to make predictions on test data
preds = swa_model(test_input)

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