
While you can certainly click around OS X to find whatever you need, there’s nothing easier or more efficient than the time-tested Spotlight. Spotlight is easier to use than you might think, thanks to its new natural language search.

虽然您当然可以在OS X上单击以查找所需的内容,但是没有什么比经过时间考验的Spotlight更容易或更有效的了 。 借助其新的自然语言搜索功能,Spotlight的使用比您想象的要容易。

Before you begin searching naturally, we want to explain what Spotlight still cannot do. Spotlight can’t search the Internet, though it can hook into Wikipedia, Fandango, Weather, and other pertinent information. Further, it can’t add appointments to your calendar or search your contacts. Spotlight is tied to your Mac’s location, so it’s best used for searching local content and for files contained therein.

在您开始自然搜索之前,我们想解释一下Spotlight仍然无法执行的操作。 尽管Spotlight可以链接到Wikipedia,Fandango,天气和其他相关信息,但它无法搜索Internet。 此外,它无法将约会添加到您的日历或搜索您的联系人。 Spotlight与Mac的位置相关联,因此最适合用于搜索本地内容和其中包含的文件。

In short: It isn’t a true Siri replacement, but it can help you find quite a few things.


成为个人 (Get Personal)

Feel free to use personal pronouns liberally. For example, want to know whether it’s going to rain? Ask Spotlight just as you might ask another person. “Show me the weather”, for instance.

随意使用人称代词。 例如,想知道是否要下雨? 询问Spotlight就像询问其他人一样。 例如,“告诉我天气”。

You can also retrieve information stored on your computer more easily. For example, if you want to see the emails you got last month, you can type “email I received last month.”

您还可以更轻松地检索存储在计算机上的信息。 例如,如果要查看上个月收到的电子邮件,可以键入“我上个月收到的电子邮件”。

There’s a lot of appeal to being able crawl through your data so easily, and it doesn’t just end or begin with email. You can search for other data as well, and if you get too many results, narrow it down from there.

能够如此轻松地爬网数据有很多吸引力,它不仅以电子邮件结尾或以电子邮件开头。 您也可以搜索其他数据,如果得到的结果太多,则从那里缩小范围。

Obviously, there’s a lot more to it than we can include in just a few screenshots, but this illustrates how much easier to Spotlight is to use now. Just know that it will work more effectively (or only) with Apple’s own applications like Mail, Messages, and so forth.

显然,它的功能远远超出了我们在几个屏幕截图中所能包含的范围,但这说明了Spotlight现在使用起来要容易得多。 只是知道它将与Apple自己的应用程序(例如邮件,消息等)一起更有效(或仅)运行。

利用日期有利 (Use Dates to Your Advantage)

As you can see from a previous example, you can ask Spotlight to dig into your data by using dates.


You can take this even further, though, and make things even more specific. Say you want to see all the documents you created during the month of May. Combining the personal pronoun “I” with what you’re seeking, you can simply ask Spotlight “documents I created in May” and you’ll see a list, as requested.

但是,您可以更进一步,使事情变得更加具体。 假设您要查看五月份创建的所有文档。 将人称代词“ I”与您要查找的内容相结合,您只需询问Spotlight“我在5月份创建的文档”,您就会看到要求的列表。

Want to see a list of photos you took on a certain day? Just ask.

是否想查看您某天拍摄的照片列表? 只是问问。

The ability to ask Spotlight to reveal information on your Mac by date in such a simple way will no doubt help a lot of people who might otherwise struggle accessing it.


不要担心过于具体 (Don’t Worry About Being Too Specific)

On the other hand, you don’t have to go to great lengths to find simple information you’re seeking, such as the weather in another city or the scores from your favorite baseball team.


Similarly, if you just need simple movie information for what’s playing near you, all you need to do is type “movies” and all will be revealed.


The same goes for stuff like stock information: you can just enter a company’s ticker abbreviation.


You can also search for videos on the Internet. You can be as specific or general as you want (searching by band vs. searching by a song), though you will need to include the site you want to search as well, be it YouTube or Vimeo.

您也可以在Internet上搜索视频。 尽管可以同时包括YouTube或Vimeo等想要搜索的网站,但是您可以根据自己的意愿进行特定或一般的搜索(按乐队搜索还是按歌曲搜索)。

Sadly, the extent to which Spotlight can perform tricks is rather limited. For example, while you can search for videos on YouTube and so forth, you can’t watch a preview in Spotlight or even your Mac’s desktop. Instead, when you click a search result, it will open in a browser window instead.

可悲的是,Spotlight可以执行技巧的程度相当有限。 例如,虽然您可以在YouTube等上搜索视频,但是却无法在Spotlight甚至Mac的桌面上观看预览。 相反,当您单击搜索结果时,它将在浏览器窗口中打开。

This is less than ideal, because it restricts the effectiveness to which you can search for such things with Spotlight. If it’s going to simply open in a browser, then we might as well just use a browser in the first place.

这不是理想的,因为它限制了使用Spotlight搜索此类内容的效率。 如果只想在浏览器中打开它,那么我们最好还是先使用浏览器。

However, for quick doses of information such as sport scores and movie listings, Spotlight searches can be pretty convenient.


Of course, there’s a lot more to it than this, but it’s your turn to explore. Just remember, even though you may not find a function included in Spotlight now, there’s no reason to believe it won’t appear in a future release. In the meantime, take some time to unpack its newfound powers and see what you can discover lying about on your Mac.

当然,除此以外,还有很多其他内容,但是该轮到您了。 请记住,即使您可能现在找不到Spotlight中包含的功能,也没有理由相信它不会在将来的版本中出现。 同时,请花一些时间来解开其新发现的功能,看看在Mac上您会发现什么。



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