Rendering frameworks rarely implement just a single shader, as in our simple example.Typically, a dedicated system is needed to handle the variety of materials, shading models, and shaders used by the application.


As explained in earlier chapters, a shader is a program for one of the GPU’s programmable shader stages. As such, it is a low-level graphics API resource and not something with which artists would interact directly. In contrast, a material is an artist-facing encapsulation of the visual appearance of a surface. Materials sometimes also describe non-visual aspects, such as collision properties, which we will not discuss further because they are outside the scope of this book.


While materials are implemented via shaders, this is not a simple one-to-one correspondence.In different rendering situations, the same material may use different shaders. A shader can also be shared by multiple materials. The most common case is parameterized materials. In its simplest form, material parameterization requires two types of material entities: material templates and material instances. Each material template describes a class of materials and has a set of parameters that can be assigned numerical, color, or texture values depending on the parameter type. Each material instance corresponds to a material template plus a specific set of values for all of its parameters. Some rendering frameworks such as the Unreal Engine allow for a more complex, hierarchical structure, with material templates deriving from other templates at multiple levels.


Parameters may be resolved at runtime, by passing uniform inputs to the shader program, or at compile time, by substituting values before the shader is compiled. A common type of compile-time parameter is a boolean switch that controls the activation of a given material feature. This can be set by artists via a checkbox in the material user interface or procedurally by the material system, e.g., to reduce shader cost for distant objects where the visual effect of the feature is negligible.


While the material parameters may correspond one-to-one with the parameters of the shading model, this is not always the case. A material may fix the value of a given shading model parameter, such as the surface color, to a constant value.Alternately, a shading model parameter may be computed as the result of a complex series of operations taking multiple material parameters, as well as interpolated vertex or texture values, as inputs. In some cases, parameters such as surface position,surface orientation, and even time may also factor into the calculation. Shading based on surface position and orientation is especially common in terrain materials.For example, the height and surface normal can be used to control a snow effect,blending in a white surface color on high-altitude horizontal and almost-horizontal surfaces. Time-based shading is common in animated materials, such as a flickering neon sign.


One of the most important tasks of a material system is dividing various shader functions into separate elements and controlling how these are combined. There are many cases where this type of composition is useful, including the following:


• Composing surface shading with geometric processing, such as rigid transforms,vertex blending, morphing, tessellation, instancing, and clipping. These bits of functionality vary independently: Surface shading depends on the material, and geometry processing depends on the mesh. So, it is convenient to author them separately and have the material system compose them as needed.


• Composing surface shading with compositing operations such as pixel discard and blending. This is particularly relevant to mobile GPUs, where blending is typically performed in the pixel shader. It is often desirable to select these operations independently of the material used for surface shading.


• Composing the operations used to compute the shading model parameters with the computation of the shading model itself. This allows authoring the shading model implementation once and reusing it in combination with various different methods for computing the shading model parameters.


• Composing individually selectable material features with each other, the selection logic, and the rest of the shader. This enables writing the implementation of each feature separately.


• Composing the shading model and computation of its parameters with light source evaluation: computing the values of clight and l at the shaded point for each light source. Techniques such as deferred rendering (discussed in Chapter 20) change the structure of this composition. In rendering frameworks that support multiple such techniques, this adds an additional layer of complexity.


It would be convenient if the graphics API provided this type of shader code modularity as a core feature. Sadly, unlike CPU code, GPU shaders do not allow for post-compilation linking of code fragments. The program for each shader stage is compiled as a unit. The separation between shader stages does offer some limited modularity, which somewhat fits the first item on our list: composing surface shading (typically performed in the pixel shader) with geometric processing (typically performed in other shader stages). But the fit is not perfect, since each shader performs other operations as well, and the other types of composition still need to be handled.Given these limitations, the only way that the material system can implement all these types of composition is at the source-code level. This primarily involves string operations such as concatenation and replacement, often performed via C-style preprocessing directives such as #include, #if, and #define.


Early rendering systems had a relatively small number of shader variants, and often each one was written manually. This has some benefits. For example, each variant can be optimized with full knowledge of the final shader program. However,this approach quickly becomes impractical as the number of variants grows. When taking all the different parts and options into account, the number of possible different shader variants is huge. This is why modularity and composability are so crucial.


The first question to be resolved when designing a system for handling shader variants is whether selection between different options is performed at runtime via dynamic branching, or at compile time via conditional preprocessing. On older hardware,dynamic branching was often impossible or extremely slow, so runtime selection was not an option. Variants were then all handled at compile time, including all possible combinations of counts of the different light types


In contrast, current GPUs handle dynamic branching quite well, especially when the branch behaves the same for all pixels in a draw call. Today much of the functionality variation, such as the number of lights, is handled at runtime. However, adding a large amount of functional variation to a shader incurs a different cost: an increase in register count and a corresponding reduction in occupancy, and thus performance.See Section 18.4.5 for more details. So, compile-time variation is still valuable. It avoids including complex logic that will never be executed.


As an example, let us imagine an application that supports three different types of lights. Two light types are simple: point and directional. The third type is a generalized spotlight that supports tabulated illumination patterns and other complex features, requiring a significant amount of shader code to implement. However, say the generalized spotlight is used relatively rarely, with less than 5% of the lights in the application being this type. In the past, a separate shader variant would be compiled for each possible combination of counts of the three light types, to avoid dynamic branching. While this would not be needed today, it may still be beneficial to compile two separate variants, one for the case when the count of generalized spotlights is equal to or greater than 1, and one for the case where the count of such lights is exactly 0.Due to its simpler code, the second variant (which is most commonly used) is likely to have lower register occupancy and thus higher performance.


Modern material systems employ both runtime and compile-time shader variation.Even though the full burden is no longer handled only at compile time, the overall complexity and number of variations keep increasing, so a large number of shader variants still need to be compiled. For example, in some areas of the game Destiny: The Taken King, over 9000 compiled shader variations were used in a single frame.The number of possible variations can be much larger, e.g., the Unity rendering system has shaders with close to 100 billion possible variants. Only the variants that are actually used are compiled, but the shader compilation system had to be redesigned to handle the huge number of possible variants.


Material-system designers employ different strategies to address these design goals. Although these are sometimes presented as mutually exclusive system architectures, these strategies can be—and usually are—combined in the same system.These strategies include the following:


• Code reuse—Implementing functions in shared files, using #include preprocessor directives to access those functions from any shader that needs them.


• Subtractive—A shader, often referred to as an ¨ubershader or supershader, that aggregates a large set of functionality, using a combination of compiletime preprocessor conditionals and dynamic branching to remove unused parts and to switch between mutually exclusive alternatives.


• Additive—Various bits of functionality are defined as nodes with input and output connectors, and these are composed together. This is similar to the code reuse strategy but is more structured. The composition of nodes can be done via text [342] or a visual graph editor. The latter is intended to make it easier for non-engineers, such as technical artists, to author new material templates [1750, 1802]. Typically only part of the shader is accessible to visual graph authoring. For example, in the Unreal Engine the graph editor can only affect the computation of shading model inputs [1802]. See Figure 5.13.


Figure 5.13. The Unreal Engine material editor. Note the tall node on the right side of the node graph. The input connectors of this node correspond to various shading inputs used by the rendering engine, including all the shading model parameters. (Material sample courtesy of Epic Games.)

图5.13。虚幻引擎材质编辑器。请注意节点图右侧的高节点。该节点的输入连接器对应于渲染引擎使用的各种着色输入,包括所有着色模型参数。(材料样本由Epic Games提供。)

• Template-based—An interface is defined, into which different implementations can be plugged as long as they conform to that interface. This is a bit more formal than the additive strategy and is typically used for larger chunks of functionality.A common example for such an interface is the separation between the calculation of shading model parameters and the computation of the shading model itself. The Unreal Engine [1802] has different “material domains,” including the Surface domain for computing shading model parameters and the Light Function domain for computing a scalar value that modulates clight for a given light source. A similar “surface shader” structure also exists in Unity [1437].Note that deferred shading techniques (discussed in Chapter 20) enforce a similar structure, with the G-buffer serving as the interface.

基于模板——定义了一个接口,只要符合该接口,不同的实现就可以插入到该接口中。这比加法策略更正式一些,通常用于较大的功能块。这种接口的一个常见例子是着色模型参数的计算和着色模型本身的计算之间的分离。虚幻引擎[1802]具有不同的“材料域”,包括用于计算着色模型参数的表面域和用于计算为给定光源调制clight的标量值的光函数域。类似的“表面着色器”结构也存在于Unity [1437]中。请注意,延迟着色技术(在第20章中讨论)使用G缓冲区作为接口来执行类似的结构。

For more specific examples, several chapters in the (now free) book WebGL Insights [301] discuss how a variety of engines control their shader pipelines. Besides composition, there are several other important design considerations for modern material systems, such as the need to support multiple platforms with minimal duplication of shader code. This includes variations in functionality to account for performance and capability differences among platforms, shading languages, and APIs. The Destiny shader system [1750] is a representative solution to this type of problem. It uses a proprietary preprocessor layer that takes shaders written in a custom shading language dialect. This allows writing platform-independent materials with automatic translation to different shading languages and implementations. The Unreal Engine [1802] and Unity [1436] have similar systems.

对于更具体的例子,在(现在免费的)书WebGL Insights [301]中的几个章节讨论了各种引擎如何控制它们的着色器管线。除了合成之外,现代材质系统还有其他几个重要的设计考虑因素,例如需要支持多个平台,同时尽可能减少着色器代码的重复。这包括功能上的变化,以说明平台、着色语言和API之间的性能和功能差异。命运着色器系统[1750]是这类问题的代表性解决方案。它使用专有的预处理器层,该层采用以自定义着色语言方言编写的着色器。这允许编写独立于平台的材料,自动翻译成不同的着色语言和实现。虚幻引擎[1802]和Unity [1436]有类似的系统。

The material system also needs to ensure good performance. Besides specialized compilation of shading variants, there are a few other common optimizations the material system can perform. The Destiny shader system and the Unreal Engine automatically detect computations that are constant across a draw call (such as the warm and cool color computation in the earlier implementation example) and move it outside of the shader. Another example is the scoping system used in Destiny to differentiate between constants that are updated at different frequencies (e.g., once per frame, once per light, once per object) and update each set of constants at the appropriate times to reduce API overhead.


As we have seen, implementing a shading equation is a matter of deciding what parts can be simplified, how frequently to compute various expressions, and how the user is able to modify and control the appearance. The ultimate output of the rendering pipeline is a color and blend value. The remaining sections on antialiasing,transparency, and image display detail how these values are combined and modified for display.


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