
  • 前言
  • 一、Raysampler
    • 1、RayBundle
    • 2、MultinomialRaysampler
    • 3、ProbabilisticRaysampler
  • 二、Raymarcher
    • 1、EmissionAbsorptionRaymarcher
    • 2、EmissionAbsorptionNeRFRaymarcher
  • 三、NeuralRadianceField
    • 1、HarmonicEmbedding
    • 2、MLPWithInputSkips
    • 3、NeuralRadianceField
  • 四、Renderer
    • 1、ImplicitRenderer
    • 2、RadianceFieldRenderer




  1. 原始论文:nerf因为和孩之宝的那个玩具重名,所以搜索关键词经常先出那个的链接,所以这里直接附上原始NeRF论文的链接:https://www.matthewtancik.com/nerf;
  2. 达摩院大佬的笔记:[NeRF]代码+逻辑详细分析:https://samuel92.blog.csdn.net/article/details/118959540?spm=1001.2014.3001.5502 ,这个笔记写的非常好,推荐一定要读代码的时候对照着看,不仅很详细,而且以流程图的方式讲清楚了整个流程和细节,我的笔记能做的也就是重复这个内容并补充一些特别小的细节;
  3. pytorch的code:pytorch3d中有个nerf的project:https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d/tree/main/projects/nerf ,这个我在mac上是配置完了运行环境,但是因为没有GPU,所以都是方便debug看代码用的,配置时也遇到一些问题,后面可以慢慢整理下;





还有一句注释没完全懂:they define unit vector in the respective 1D coordinate systems

    Args:rays_origins: A tensor of shape `(..., 3)`rays_directions: A tensor of shape `(..., 3)`rays_lengths: A tensor of shape `(..., num_points_per_ray)`Returns:rays_points: A tensor of shape `(..., num_points_per_ray, 3)`containing the points sampled along each ray.通过None扩展维度,通过Tensor Broadcasting完成计算https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/introyt/tensors_deeper_tutorial.html#in-brief-tensor-broadcastingrays_points = (rays_origins[..., None, :]+ rays_lengths[..., :, None] * rays_directions[..., None, :])


MultinomialRaysampler类是个nn.Module,这个类注释写的比较明白,还给了个图,直接完整copy过来,NDCMultinomialRaysampler也是这个类的特殊case,按照NDC空间指定了入参,这个类简单的说,就是一个立方体长宽高通过min_x,min_y,min_depth,max_x,max_y,max_depth来指定,每个维度均匀按照image_width, image_height,n_pts_per_ray划分格子进行采样,采样后再通过指定的输入cameras,通过cameras的unproject_points函数转换为变换前的世界坐标,得到采样后RayBundle。
这个类相比之前版本(0.6.1)做了更新,增加了几个参数,完成几个额外功能,n_rays_per_image,就是xy平面也可以进行采样了,unit_directions指定了方向向量是否归一化,stratified_sampling指定了每条ray是否采用stratified random sampling进行采样。
MonteCarloRaysampler的注释直接这里写下吧,For practical purposes, this is similar to MultinomialRaysampler without a mask, however sampling at real-valued locations bypassing replacement checks may be faster.

    Samples a fixed number of points along rays which are regularly distributedin a batch of rectangular image grids. Points along each rayhave uniformly-spaced z-coordinates between a predefinedminimum and maximum depth.The raysampler first generates a 3D coordinate grid of the following form:/ min_x, min_y, max_depth -------------- / max_x, min_y, max_depth/                                        /|/                                        / |     ^/ min_depth                    min_depth /  |     |min_x ----------------------------- max_x   |     | imagemin_y                               min_y   |     | height|                                       |   |     ||                                       |   |     v|                                       |   ||                                       |   / max_x, max_y,     ^|                                       |  /  max_depth        /min_x                               max_y /                   / n_pts_per_raymax_y ----------------------------- max_x/ min_depth         v< --- image_width --- >In order to generate ray points, `MultinomialRaysampler` takes each 3D point ofthe grid (with coordinates `[x, y, depth]`) and unprojects itwith `cameras.unproject_points([x, y, depth])`, where `cameras` are anadditional input to the `forward` function.Note that this is a generic implementation that can support any image gridcoordinate convention. For a raysampler which follows the PyTorch3Dcoordinate conventions please refer to `NDCMultinomialRaysampler`.As such, `NDCMultinomialRaysampler` is a special case of `MultinomialRaysampler`.


        Args:cameras: A batch of `batch_size` cameras from which the rays are emitted.mask: if given, the rays are sampled from the mask. Should be of size(batch_size, image_height, image_width).min_depth: The minimum depth of a ray-point.max_depth: The maximum depth of a ray-point.n_rays_per_image: If given, this amount of rays are sampled from the grid.n_pts_per_ray: The number of points sampled along each ray.stratified_sampling: if set, performs stratified sampling in n_pts_per_raybins for each ray; otherwise takes n_pts_per_ray deterministic pointson each ray with uniform offsets.Returns:A named tuple RayBundle with the following fields:origins: A tensor of shape`(batch_size, s1, s2, 3)`denoting the locations of ray origins in the world coordinates.directions: A tensor of shape`(batch_size, s1, s2, 3)`denoting the directions of each ray in the world coordinates.lengths: A tensor of shape`(batch_size, s1, s2, n_pts_per_ray)`containing the z-coordinate (=depth) of each ray in world units.xys: A tensor of shape`(batch_size, s1, s2, 2)`containing the 2D image coordinates of each ray or,if mask is given, `(batch_size, n, 1, 2)`Here `s1, s2` refer to spatial dimensions. Unless the mask isgiven, they equal `(image_height, image_width)`, otherwise `(n, 1)`,where `n` is `n_rays_per_image` if provided, otherwise the minimumcardinality of the mask in the batch.


注释也是比较清楚,这个用在render_pass == "fine"中

   Implements the importance sampling of points along rays.The input is a `RayBundle` object with a `ray_weights` tensorwhich specifies the probabilities of sampling a point along each ray.This raysampler is used for the fine rendering pass of NeRF.As such, the forward pass accepts the RayBundle output by theraysampling of the coarse rendering pass. Hence, it does nottake cameras as input.




Raymarch using the Emission-Absorption (EA) algorithm.The algorithm independently renders each ray by analyzing density andfeature values sampled at (typically uniformly) spaced 3D locations alongeach ray. The density values `rays_densities` are of shape`(..., n_points_per_ray)`, their values should range between [0, 1], andrepresent the opaqueness of each point (the higher the less transparent).The feature values `rays_features` of shape`(..., n_points_per_ray, feature_dim)` represent the content of thepoint that is supposed to be rendered in case the given point is opaque(i.e. its density -> 1.0).EA first utilizes `rays_densities` to compute the absorption functionalong each ray as follows:absorption = cumprod(1 - rays_densities, dim=-1)The value of absorption at position `absorption[..., k]` specifieshow much light has reached `k`-th point along a ray since startingits trajectory at `k=0`-th point.Each ray is then rendered into a tensor `features` of shape `(..., feature_dim)`by taking a weighed combination of per-ray features `rays_features` as follows:```weights = absorption * rays_densitiesfeatures = (rays_features * weights).sum(dim=-2)```Where `weights` denote a function that has a strong peak around the locationof the first surface point that a given ray passes through.Note that for a perfectly bounded volume (with a strictly binary density),the `weights = cumprod(1 - rays_densities, dim=-1) * rays_densities`function would yield 0 everywhere. In order to prevent this,the result of the cumulative product is shifted `self.surface_thickness`elements along the ray direction.实际的实现关注rays_densities = rays_densities[..., 0]absorption = _shifted_cumprod((1.0 + eps) - rays_densities, shift=self.surface_thickness)weights = rays_densities * absorptionfeatures = (weights[..., None] * rays_features).sum(dim=-2)opacities = 1.0 - torch.prod(1.0 - rays_densities, dim=-1, keepdim=True)return torch.cat((features, opacities), dim=-1)



    This is essentially the `pytorch3d.renderer.EmissionAbsorptionRaymarcher`which additionally returns the rendering weights. It also skips returningthe computation of the alpha-mask which is, in case of NeRF, equal to 1everywhere.The weights are later used in the NeRF pipeline to carry out the importanceray-sampling for the fine rendering pass.具体实现:rays_densities = rays_densities[..., 0]absorption = _shifted_cumprod((1.0 + eps) - rays_densities, shift=self.surface_thickness)weights = rays_densities * absorptionfeatures = (weights[..., None] * rays_features).sum(dim=-2)



该类实现了论文中position embedding

        Given an input tensor `x` of shape [minibatch, ... , dim],the harmonic embedding layer converts each feature(i.e. vector along the last dimension) in `x`into a series of harmonic features `embedding`,where for each i in range(dim) the following are presentin embedding[...]:```[sin(f_1*x[..., i]),sin(f_2*x[..., i]),...sin(f_N * x[..., i]),cos(f_1*x[..., i]),cos(f_2*x[..., i]),...cos(f_N * x[..., i]),x[..., i],              # only present if append_input is True.]```where N corresponds to `n_harmonic_functions-1`, and f_i is a scalardenoting the i-th frequency of the harmonic embedding.If `logspace==True`, the frequencies `[f_1, ..., f_N]` arepowers of 2:`f_1, ..., f_N = 2**torch.arange(n_harmonic_functions)`If `logspace==False`, frequencies are linearly spaced between`1.0` and `2**(n_harmonic_functions-1)`:`f_1, ..., f_N = torch.linspace(1.0, 2**(n_harmonic_functions-1), n_harmonic_functions)`Note that `x` is also premultiplied by the base frequency `omega_0`before evaluating the harmonic functions.








        # first call the ray sampler that returns the RayBundle parametrizing# the rendering rays.ray_bundle = self.raysampler(cameras=cameras, volumetric_function=volumetric_function, **kwargs)# ray_bundle.origins - minibatch x ... x 3# ray_bundle.directions - minibatch x ... x 3# ray_bundle.lengths - minibatch x ... x n_pts_per_ray# ray_bundle.xys - minibatch x ... x 2# given sampled rays, call the volumetric function that# evaluates the densities and features at the locations of the# ray pointsrays_densities, rays_features = volumetric_function(ray_bundle=ray_bundle, cameras=cameras, **kwargs)# ray_densities - minibatch x ... x n_pts_per_ray x density_dim# ray_features - minibatch x ... x n_pts_per_ray x feature_dim# finally, march along the sampled rays to obtain the rendersimages = self.raymarcher(rays_densities=rays_densities,rays_features=rays_features,ray_bundle=ray_bundle,**kwargs)# images - minibatch x ... x (feature_dim + opacity_dim)return images, ray_bundle


    This class holds pointers to the fine and coarse renderer objects, which areinstances of `pytorch3d.renderer.ImplicitRenderer`, and pointers to theneural networks representing the fine and coarse Neural Radiance Fields,which are instances of `NeuralRadianceField`.The rendering forward pass proceeds as follows:1) For a given input camera, rendering rays are generated with the`NeRFRaysampler` object of `self._renderer['coarse']`.In the training mode (`self.training==True`), the rays are a setof `n_rays_per_image` random 2D locations of the image grid.In the evaluation mode (`self.training==False`), the rays correspondto the full image grid. The rays are further split to`chunk_size_test`-sized chunks to prevent out-of-memory errors.2) For each ray point, the coarse `NeuralRadianceField` MLP is evaluated.The pointer to this MLP is stored in `self._implicit_function['coarse']`3) The coarse radiance field is rendered with the`EmissionAbsorptionNeRFRaymarcher` object of `self._renderer['coarse']`.4) The coarse raymarcher outputs a probability distribution that guidesthe importance raysampling of the fine rendering pass. The`ProbabilisticRaysampler` stored in `self._renderer['fine'].raysampler`implements the importance ray-sampling.5) Similar to 2) the fine MLP in `self._implicit_function['fine']`labels the ray points with occupancies and colors.6) self._renderer['fine'].raymarcher` generates the final fine render.7) The fine and coarse renders are compared to the ground truth input imagewith PSNR and MSE metrics.


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