JavaScript Basics is a series that explore some core concepts that every frontend software engineer should understand. Those concepts are not only important for success in job interviews but also for a career as a developer.

“ JavaScript基础知识”系列探讨了每个前端软件工程师都应理解的一些核心概念。 这些概念不仅对于求职面试的成功至关重要,而且对于开发人员的职业也很重要。

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is one of the many programming paradigms used in the world of programming languages. Its ability to capture and represent the world in an intuitive way has earned it a great deal of popularity, to the extent that most modern languages, such as Java, JavaScript, Python, provide some level of support for it. Let’s jump right in and learn more about it using JavaScript! :)

面向对象编程(OOP)是编程语言领域中使用的众多编程范例之一。 它以直观的方式捕获和表示世界的能力赢得了极大的欢迎,在某种程度上,大多数现代语言(例如Java,JavaScript,Python)为此提供了一定程度的支持。 让我们直接进入并使用JavaScript进一步了解它! :)

Object-oriented programming is the process of using ‘objects’ as the basis for building applications. OOP aims to describe real-life objects, like a car, house, human, or cat, using 4 main concepts:

面向对象的编程是使用“对象”作为构建应用程序基础的过程。 OOP旨在使用以下4个主要概念来描述现实生活中的对象,例如汽车,房屋,人或猫:

  • Encapsulation封装形式
  • Polymorphism多态性
  • Inheritance遗产
  • Abstraction抽象化



It’s the fact of bundling all the contents of the object into a ‘capsule’ that is referred to as a class. The class contains variables and functions, called methods, that allow it to perform specific tasks. You can think of it as a toolbox; the toolbox allows you to put all related tools in one place. Of course, you wouldn’t place your toothbrush in there, right? Only household tools are supposed to go in that box. For example, you could have a Car class that has a variable for the brand name. In JavaScript, classes are defined using the following notation:

这是将对象的所有内容捆绑到称为“ ”的“胶囊”中的事实。 该类包含称为方法的变量和函数,使它们可以执行特定任务。 您可以将其视为工具箱。 该工具箱使您可以将所有相关工具放在一个地方 。 当然,您不会将牙刷放在那里,对吗? 该盒子中只能放入家用工具。 例如,您可能有一个带有品牌变量的Car类。 在JavaScript中,使用以下符号定义类:

class ClassName {    //Definition goes here}

The convention is to use an uppercase letter for the class name and camel-casing if it consists of multiple words. For instance, ‘car show’ would become class CarShow. Let’s go ahead and define a Car class:

约定是对类名使用大写字母,如果由多个单词组成,则使用骆驼式大写字母。 例如,“ 汽车展”将变成class CarShow 。 让我们继续定义Car类:

class Car {}

This class will allow us to create copies of it later, called instances of the class. When defining a class, you want to use something called a constructor to assign values to its instances. In our case, we can use a constructor to assign a brand name to the car object.

此类将使我们以后可以创建其副本,称为实例 班上的 在定义一个类时,您想使用一种称为构造函数的东西来为其实例分配值。 在我们的例子中,我们可以使用构造函数为汽车对象分配品牌名称。

class Car {        constructor(brand) {             this.carname = brand;       }}

The keyword this represents an instance of the car and ‘carname’ is called a property of the car. Now, that we have defined our Car class, we can create an instance (a copy) of it and give it a name.

关键字this代表汽车的实例,“ carname”被称为汽车的属性 。 现在,我们已经定义了Car类,我们可以为其创建一个实例(副本)并为其命名。

let myCar = new Car("Toyota");   //Create a Car instanceconsole.log(myCar.carname);      //Output it to the console

Output: Toyota

输出: Toyota

Encapsulation enables us to create a single Car class with any number of properties and make as many copies of it as we’d like! Isn’t that amazing! Whenever we need to change a property and have it affect our instances, we can simply change it in the class definition itself without having to change every single one of them! Amazing!

封装使我们能够创建具有任意数量的属性的单个Car类,并根据需要复制任意数量的Car类! 那不是太神奇了! 每当我们需要更改一个属性并使它影响我们的实例时,我们都可以在类定义本身中简单地更改它,而不必更改每个属性! 惊人!

We can further enhance our class by giving it a function that represents the sound it makes.


class Car {    constructor(brand) {           this.carname = brand;     }     sound(){            return "Vroom!!!"     }}

We can then log it out: console.log(myCar.sound())

然后我们可以注销它: console.log(myCar.sound())

Output: Vroom!!!

输出: Vroom!!!



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