
【第一周】吴恩达团队AI for Medical Diagnosis课程笔记_十三豆腐脑的博客-CSDN博客

【第一周】吴恩达团队AI for Medical Diagnosis课程实验_十三豆腐脑的博客-CSDN博客

【第一周】吴恩达团队AI for Medical Diagnosis大作业_十三豆腐脑的博客-CSDN博客

【第二周】吴恩达团队AI for Medical Diagnosis课程笔记_十三豆腐脑的博客-CSDN博客











6.ROC 曲线







欢迎来到课程 1 的第二个作业。在这个作业中,我们将使用我们在上一个作业中开发的 X 射线分类模型的结果。 为了使数据处理更易于管理,我们将使用我们的训练和验证数据集的一个子集。 我们还将使用手动标记的 420 X 射线测试数据集。

提醒一下,我们的数据集包含来自 14 种不同条件的 X 射线,可通过 X 射线诊断。 我们将使用我们在讲座中学到的分类指标来评估我们在每个类上的表现。


5.ROC 曲线和 AUCROC(c 统计量)


numpy 是一个流行的科学计算库
matplotlib 是一个兼容 numpy 的绘图库
pandas 是我们用来操作数据的工具
sklearn 将用于衡量我们模型的性能
运行下一个单元以导入所有必要的包以及自定义 util 函数。

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd  import util
from public_tests import *
from test_utils import *




让我们快速浏览一下我们的数据集。 数据存储在名为 train_preds.csv 和 valid_preds.csv 的两个 CSV 文件中。 我们已经为我们的测试用例预先计算了模型输出。 我们将在整个作业中使用这些预测和真实的类标签。

train_results = pd.read_csv("data/train_preds.csv")
valid_results = pd.read_csv("data/valid_preds.csv")# the labels in our dataset
class_labels = ['Cardiomegaly','Emphysema','Effusion','Hernia','Infiltration','Mass','Nodule','Atelectasis','Pneumothorax','Pleural_Thickening','Pneumonia','Fibrosis','Edema','Consolidation']# the labels for prediction values in our dataset
pred_labels = [l + "_pred" for l in class_labels]

提取标签 (y) 和预测 (pred)。

y = valid_results[class_labels].values
pred = valid_results[pred_labels].values


# let's take a peek at our dataset
valid_results[np.concatenate([class_labels, pred_labels])].head()
Cardiomegaly Emphysema Effusion Hernia Infiltration Mass Nodule Atelectasis Pneumothorax Pleural_Thickening ... Infiltration_pred Mass_pred Nodule_pred Atelectasis_pred Pneumothorax_pred Pleural_Thickening_pred Pneumonia_pred Fibrosis_pred Edema_pred Consolidation_pred
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0.256020 0.266928 0.312440 0.460342 0.079453 0.271495 0.276861 0.398799 0.015867 0.156320
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 ... 0.382199 0.176825 0.465807 0.489424 0.084595 0.377318 0.363582 0.638024 0.025948 0.144419
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0.427727 0.115513 0.249030 0.035105 0.238761 0.167095 0.166389 0.262463 0.007758 0.125790
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0.158596 0.259460 0.334870 0.266489 0.073371 0.229834 0.191281 0.344348 0.008559 0.119153
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0.536762 0.198797 0.273110 0.186771 0.242122 0.309786 0.411771 0.244666 0.126930 0.342409

5 rows × 28 columns


plt.bar(x = class_labels, height= y.sum(axis=0));

看起来我们的数据集的样本数量不平衡。 具体来说,我们的数据集有少数被诊断患有疝气的患者。



True Positive (TP):模型将示例分类为正例,实际标签也为正例。
False Positive(FP):模型将示例分类为正例,但实际标签为负例。
True Negative (TN):模型将示例分类为负例,实际标签也为负例。
False Negative(FN):模型将示例分类为负,但标签实际上是正的。
我们将计算给定数据中 TP、FP、TN 和 FN 的数量。我们所有的指标都可以建立在这四个统计数据之上。
回想一下,模型输出 0 到 1 之间的实数。
为了计算二元类预测,我们需要将它们转换为 0 或 1。
我们将使用阈值 thth 来执行此操作。
任何高于 thth 的模型输出都设置为 1,低于 thth 的模型输出设置为 0。
我们所有的指标(除了最后的 AUC)都将取决于这个阈值的选择。
练习 1 - 真阳性、假阳性、真阴性和假阴性
填写函数以计算下面给定阈值的 TP、FP、TN 和 FN。

def true_positives(y, pred, th=0.5):"""Count true positives.Args:y (np.array): ground truth, size (n_examples)pred (np.array): model output, size (n_examples)th (float): cutoff value for positive prediction from modelReturns:TP (int): true positives"""TP = 0# get thresholded predictionsthresholded_preds = pred >= th# compute TPTP = np.sum((y == 1) & (thresholded_preds == 1))return TPdef true_negatives(y, pred, th=0.5):"""Count true negatives.Args:y (np.array): ground truth, size (n_examples)pred (np.array): model output, size (n_examples)th (float): cutoff value for positive prediction from modelReturns:TN (int): true negatives"""TN = 0# get thresholded predictionsthresholded_preds = pred >= th### START CODE HERE (REPLACE INSTANCES OF 'None' with your code) #### compute TNTN = np.sum((y == 0) & (thresholded_preds == 0))### END CODE HERE ###return TNdef false_positives(y, pred, th=0.5):"""Count false positives.Args:y (np.array): ground truth, size (n_examples)pred (np.array): model output, size (n_examples)th (float): cutoff value for positive prediction from modelReturns:FP (int): false positives"""FP = 0# get thresholded predictionsthresholded_preds = pred >= th### START CODE HERE (REPLACE INSTANCES OF 'None' with your code) #### compute FPFP = np.sum((y == 0) & (thresholded_preds == 1))### END CODE HERE ###return FPdef false_negatives(y, pred, th=0.5):"""Count false positives.Args:y (np.array): ground truth, size (n_examples)pred (np.array): model output, size (n_examples)th (float): cutoff value for positive prediction from modelReturns:FN (int): false negatives"""FN = 0# get thresholded predictionsthresholded_preds = pred >= th### START CODE HERE (REPLACE INSTANCES OF 'None' with your code) #### compute FNFN = np.sum((y == 1) & (thresholded_preds == 0))### END CODE HERE ###return FN
### do not modify this cell
get_tp_tn_fp_fn_test(true_positives, true_negatives, false_positives, false_negatives)    
y_test preds_test category
0 1 0.8 TP
1 1 0.7 TP
2 0 0.4 TN
3 0 0.3 TN
4 0 0.2 TN
5 0 0.5 FP
6 0 0.6 FP
7 0 0.7 FP
8 0 0.8 FP
9 1 0.1 FN
10 1 0.2 FN
11 1 0.3 FN
12 1 0.4 FN
13 1 0.0 FN
Your functions calcualted: TP: 2TN: 3FP: 4FN: 5All tests passed.All tests passed.All tests passed.All tests passed.


util.get_performance_metrics(y, pred, class_labels)
TP TN FP FN Accuracy Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV AUC F1 Threshold
Cardiomegaly 16 814 169 1 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Emphysema 20 869 103 8 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Effusion 99 690 196 15 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Hernia 1 743 255 1 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Infiltration 114 543 265 78 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Mass 40 789 158 13 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Nodule 28 731 220 21 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Atelectasis 64 657 249 30 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pneumothorax 24 785 183 8 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pleural_Thickening 24 713 259 4 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pneumonia 14 661 320 5 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Fibrosis 10 725 261 4 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Edema 15 767 213 5 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Consolidation 36 658 297 9 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5



让我们使用 0.5 的阈值作为我们对所有类别的预测的概率截止值,并像在机器学习问题中通常那样计算模型的准确性。

练习 2 - get_accuracy

def get_accuracy(y, pred, th=0.5):"""Compute accuracy of predictions at threshold.Args:y (np.array): ground truth, size (n_examples)pred (np.array): model output, size (n_examples)th (float): cutoff value for positive prediction from modelReturns:accuracy (float): accuracy of predictions at threshold"""accuracy = 0.0### START CODE HERE (REPLACE INSTANCES OF 'None' with your code) #### get TP, FP, TN, FN using our previously defined functionsTP = true_positives(y, pred, th=0.5)FP = false_positives(y, pred, th=0.5)TN = true_negatives(y, pred, th=0.5)FN = false_negatives(y, pred, th=0.5)# Compute accuracy using TP, FP, TN, FNaccuracy = (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+TN+FN)### END CODE HERE ###return accuracy
### do not modify this cell
Test Case:Test Labels:    [1 0 0 1 1]
Test Predictions:  [0.8 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.3]
Threshold:     0.5
Computed Accuracy: 0.6 All tests passed.


util.get_performance_metrics(y, pred, class_labels, acc=get_accuracy)
TP TN FP FN Accuracy Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV AUC F1 Threshold
Cardiomegaly 16 814 169 1 0.83 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Emphysema 20 869 103 8 0.889 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Effusion 99 690 196 15 0.789 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Hernia 1 743 255 1 0.744 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Infiltration 114 543 265 78 0.657 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Mass 40 789 158 13 0.829 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Nodule 28 731 220 21 0.759 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Atelectasis 64 657 249 30 0.721 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pneumothorax 24 785 183 8 0.809 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pleural_Thickening 24 713 259 4 0.737 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pneumonia 14 661 320 5 0.675 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Fibrosis 10 725 261 4 0.735 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Edema 15 767 213 5 0.782 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Consolidation 36 658 297 9 0.694 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5

如果我们根据准确度指标来判断模型的性能,我们会说我们的模型对于检测浸润病例不是很准确(准确度为 0.657),但对于检测肺气肿非常准确(准确度为 0.889)。

get_accuracy(valid_results["Emphysema"].values, np.zeros(len(valid_results)))

正如你在上面看到的,这样一个模型的准确率是 97%!甚至比我们基于深度学习的模型还要好。
但这真的是一个好模型吗?如果患者真的有这种情况,这个模型不是 100% 的错误吗?



练习 3 - get_prevalence

def get_prevalence(y):"""Compute prevalence.Args:y (np.array): ground truth, size (n_examples)Returns:prevalence (float): prevalence of positive cases"""prevalence = 0.0### START CODE HERE (REPLACE INSTANCES OF 'None' with your code) ###prevalence = np.sum(y==1)/np.size(y)### END CODE HERE ###return prevalence### do npt modify this cell
Test Case:Test Labels:       [1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
Computed Prevalence:  0.4 All tests passed.
util.get_performance_metrics(y, pred, class_labels, acc=get_accuracy, prevalence=get_prevalence)
TP TN FP FN Accuracy Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV AUC F1 Threshold
Cardiomegaly 16 814 169 1 0.83 0.017 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Emphysema 20 869 103 8 0.889 0.028 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Effusion 99 690 196 15 0.789 0.114 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Hernia 1 743 255 1 0.744 0.002 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Infiltration 114 543 265 78 0.657 0.192 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Mass 40 789 158 13 0.829 0.053 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Nodule 28 731 220 21 0.759 0.049 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Atelectasis 64 657 249 30 0.721 0.094 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pneumothorax 24 785 183 8 0.809 0.032 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pleural_Thickening 24 713 259 4 0.737 0.028 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pneumonia 14 661 320 5 0.675 0.019 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Fibrosis 10 725 261 4 0.735 0.014 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Edema 15 767 213 5 0.782 0.02 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Consolidation 36 658 297 9 0.694 0.045 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5

疝气的患病率为 0.002,这是我们数据集中研究的疾病中最罕见的。




敏感性= TP/(TP+FN)


练习 4 - get_sensitive 和 get_specificity

def get_sensitivity(y, pred, th=0.5):"""Compute sensitivity of predictions at threshold.Args:y (np.array): ground truth, size (n_examples)pred (np.array): model output, size (n_examples)th (float): cutoff value for positive prediction from modelReturns:sensitivity (float): probability that our test outputs positive given that the case is actually positive"""sensitivity = 0.0### START CODE HERE (REPLACE INSTANCES OF 'None' with your code) #### get TP and FN using our previously defined functionsTP = true_positives(y, pred, th=0.5)FN = false_negatives(y, pred, th=0.5)# use TP and FN to compute sensitivitysensitivity = TP/(TP+FN)### do not modify this cell
get_sensitivity_specificity_test(get_sensitivity, get_specificity)### END CODE HERE ###return sensitivitydef get_specificity(y, pred, th=0.5):"""Compute specificity of predictions at threshold.Args:y (np.array): ground truth, size (n_examples)pred (np.array): model output, size (n_examples)th (float): cutoff value for positive prediction from modelReturns:specificity (float): probability that the test outputs negative given that the case is actually negative"""specificity = 0.0### START CODE HERE (REPLACE INSTANCES OF 'None' with your code) #### get TN and FP using our previously defined functionsTN = true_negatives(y, pred, th=0.5)FP = false_positives(y, pred, th=0.5)# use TN and FP to compute specificity specificity = TN/(TN+FP)### END CODE HERE ###return specificity
Test Case:Test Labels:        [1 0 0 1 1]
Test Predictions:      [1 0 0 1 1]
Threshold:         0.5
Computed Sensitivity:  0.6666666666666666
Computed Specificity:  0.5 All tests passed.All tests passed.
util.get_performance_metrics(y, pred, class_labels, acc=get_accuracy, prevalence=get_prevalence, sens=get_sensitivity, spec=get_specificity)
TP TN FP FN Accuracy Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV AUC F1 Threshold
Cardiomegaly 16 814 169 1 0.83 0.017 0.941 0.828 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Emphysema 20 869 103 8 0.889 0.028 0.714 0.894 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Effusion 99 690 196 15 0.789 0.114 0.868 0.779 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Hernia 1 743 255 1 0.744 0.002 0.5 0.744 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Infiltration 114 543 265 78 0.657 0.192 0.594 0.672 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Mass 40 789 158 13 0.829 0.053 0.755 0.833 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Nodule 28 731 220 21 0.759 0.049 0.571 0.769 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Atelectasis 64 657 249 30 0.721 0.094 0.681 0.725 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pneumothorax 24 785 183 8 0.809 0.032 0.75 0.811 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pleural_Thickening 24 713 259 4 0.737 0.028 0.857 0.734 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pneumonia 14 661 320 5 0.675 0.019 0.737 0.674 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Fibrosis 10 725 261 4 0.735 0.014 0.714 0.735 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Edema 15 767 213 5 0.782 0.02 0.75 0.783 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Consolidation 36 658 297 9 0.694 0.045 0.8 0.689 Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined 0.5




然而,在诊断上,敏感性和特异性没有帮助。 例如,敏感性告诉我们,假设这个人已经患有这种疾病,我们的测试输出阳性的概率。 在这里,我们以我们想知道的事情为条件(患者是否有这种情况)!

考虑到我们的测试结果为阳性,更有帮助的是该人患有疾病的概率。 这给我们带来了阳性预测值(PPV)和阴性预测值(NPV)。

阳性预测值 (PPV) 是筛查试验呈阳性的受试者真正患有该疾病的概率。
阴性预测值 (NPV) 是筛查结果为阴性的受试者真正没有患病的概率。



练习 5 - get_ppv 和 get_npv
让我们为我们的模型计算 PPV 和 NPV:

def get_ppv(y, pred, th=0.5):"""Compute PPV of predictions at threshold.Args:y (np.array): ground truth, size (n_examples)pred (np.array): model output, size (n_examples)th (float): cutoff value for positive prediction from modelReturns:PPV (float): positive predictive value of predictions at threshold"""PPV = 0.0### START CODE HERE (REPLACE INSTANCES OF 'None' with your code) #### get TP and FP using our previously defined functionsTP = true_positives(y, pred, th=0.5)FP = false_positives(y, pred, th=0.5)# use TP and FP to compute PPVPPV = TP/(TP+FP)### END CODE HERE ###return PPVdef get_npv(y, pred, th=0.5):"""Compute NPV of predictions at threshold.Args:y (np.array): ground truth, size (n_examples)pred (np.array): model output, size (n_examples)th (float): cutoff value for positive prediction from modelReturns:NPV (float): negative predictive value of predictions at threshold"""NPV = 0.0### START CODE HERE (REPLACE INSTANCES OF 'None' with your code) #### get TN and FN using our previously defined functionsTN = true_negatives(y, pred, th=0.5)FN = false_negatives(y, pred, th=0.5)# use TN and FN to compute NPVNPV = TN/(TN+FN)### END CODE HERE ###return NPV### do not modify this cell
get_ppv_npv_test(get_ppv, get_npv)  
Test Case:Test Labels:    [1 0 0 1 1]
Test Predictions:  [1 0 0 1 1]
Threshold:     0.5
Computed PPV:      0.6666666666666666
Computed NPV:      0.5 All tests passed.All tests passed.
util.get_performance_metrics(y, pred, class_labels, acc=get_accuracy, prevalence=get_prevalence, sens=get_sensitivity, spec=get_specificity, ppv=get_ppv, npv=get_npv)
TP TN FP FN Accuracy Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV AUC F1 Threshold
Cardiomegaly 16 814 169 1 0.83 0.017 0.941 0.828 0.086 0.999 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Emphysema 20 869 103 8 0.889 0.028 0.714 0.894 0.163 0.991 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Effusion 99 690 196 15 0.789 0.114 0.868 0.779 0.336 0.979 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Hernia 1 743 255 1 0.744 0.002 0.5 0.744 0.004 0.999 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Infiltration 114 543 265 78 0.657 0.192 0.594 0.672 0.301 0.874 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Mass 40 789 158 13 0.829 0.053 0.755 0.833 0.202 0.984 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Nodule 28 731 220 21 0.759 0.049 0.571 0.769 0.113 0.972 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Atelectasis 64 657 249 30 0.721 0.094 0.681 0.725 0.204 0.956 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pneumothorax 24 785 183 8 0.809 0.032 0.75 0.811 0.116 0.99 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pleural_Thickening 24 713 259 4 0.737 0.028 0.857 0.734 0.085 0.994 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Pneumonia 14 661 320 5 0.675 0.019 0.737 0.674 0.042 0.992 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Fibrosis 10 725 261 4 0.735 0.014 0.714 0.735 0.037 0.995 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Edema 15 767 213 5 0.782 0.02 0.75 0.783 0.066 0.994 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5
Consolidation 36 658 297 9 0.694 0.045 0.8 0.689 0.108 0.987 Not Defined Not Defined 0.5

请注意,尽管具有非常高的灵敏度和准确性,但预测的 PPV 仍然可能非常低。


水肿的敏感性为 0.75。
然而,鉴于模型预测为阳性,一个人患有水肿的概率(其 PPV)仅为 0.066!

6.ROC 曲线

到目前为止,我们一直在假设我们的模型对 0.5 及以上的预测应视为正数,否则应视为负数。 然而,这是一个相当随意的选择。 看到这一点的一种方法是查看一个非常有用的可视化,称为接收器操作特征 (ROC) 曲线。

ROC 曲线是通过在各种阈值设置下绘制真阳性率 (TPR) 与假阳性率 (FPR) 来创建的。 理想点在左上角,真阳性率为1,假阳性率为0。曲线上的各个点是通过逐渐改变阈值产生的。


util.get_curve(y, pred, class_labels)

ROC 曲线下的面积也称为 AUCROC 或 C 统计量,是拟合优度的量度。 在医学文献中,这个数字还给出了随机选择的经历过某种疾病的患者比没有经历过这种疾病的患者具有更高风险评分的概率。 这总结了所有阈值的模型输出,并很好地了解了给定模型的判别力。

让我们使用 sklearn 中的roc_auc_score 度量函数将此分数添加到我们的度量表中。

from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
util.get_performance_metrics(y, pred, class_labels, acc=get_accuracy, prevalence=get_prevalence, sens=get_sensitivity, spec=get_specificity, ppv=get_ppv, npv=get_npv, auc=roc_auc_score)
TP TN FP FN Accuracy Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV AUC F1 Threshold
Cardiomegaly 16 814 169 1 0.83 0.017 0.941 0.828 0.086 0.999 0.933 Not Defined 0.5
Emphysema 20 869 103 8 0.889 0.028 0.714 0.894 0.163 0.991 0.935 Not Defined 0.5
Effusion 99 690 196 15 0.789 0.114 0.868 0.779 0.336 0.979 0.891 Not Defined 0.5
Hernia 1 743 255 1 0.744 0.002 0.5 0.744 0.004 0.999 0.644 Not Defined 0.5
Infiltration 114 543 265 78 0.657 0.192 0.594 0.672 0.301 0.874 0.696 Not Defined 0.5
Mass 40 789 158 13 0.829 0.053 0.755 0.833 0.202 0.984 0.888 Not Defined 0.5
Nodule 28 731 220 21 0.759 0.049 0.571 0.769 0.113 0.972 0.745 Not Defined 0.5
Atelectasis 64 657 249 30 0.721 0.094 0.681 0.725 0.204 0.956 0.781 Not Defined 0.5
Pneumothorax 24 785 183 8 0.809 0.032 0.75 0.811 0.116 0.99 0.826 Not Defined 0.5
Pleural_Thickening 24 713 259 4 0.737 0.028 0.857 0.734 0.085 0.994 0.868 Not Defined 0.5
Pneumonia 14 661 320 5 0.675 0.019 0.737 0.674 0.042 0.992 0.762 Not Defined 0.5
Fibrosis 10 725 261 4 0.735 0.014 0.714 0.735 0.037 0.995 0.801 Not Defined 0.5
Edema 15 767 213 5 0.782 0.02 0.75 0.783 0.066 0.994 0.856 Not Defined 0.5
Consolidation 36 658 297 9 0.694 0.045 0.8 0.689 0.108 0.987 0.799 Not Defined 0.5


当然,我们的数据集只是现实世界的一个样本,我们对所有上述指标的计算值是对现实世界值的估计。由于我们数据集的采样,最好量化这种不确定性。我们将通过使用置信区间来做到这一点。参数 s 的估计 ŝ 的 95% 置信区间是区间 I=(a,b),使得在运行实验时 95% 的时间里,真实值 s 包含在 I 中。更具体地说,如果我们要多次运行实验,那么I包含真实参数的那些实验的比例将趋向于 95%。

虽然一些估计带有分析计算置信区间的方法,但更复杂的统计数据,例如 AUC,是困难的。对于这些,我们可以使用一种称为引导程序的方法。 bootstrap 通过替换重采样数据集来估计不确定性。对于每次重采样 i ,我们将得到一个新的估计值 ŝ i 。然后,我们可以通过将 ŝ i 的分布用于我们的 bootstrap 样本来估计 ŝ 的分布。

在下面的代码中,我们创建引导样本并根据这些样本计算样本 AUC。请注意,我们使用分层随机抽样(分别从正类和负类中抽样)来确保代表每个类的成员。

def bootstrap_auc(y, pred, classes, bootstraps = 100, fold_size = 1000):statistics = np.zeros((len(classes), bootstraps))for c in range(len(classes)):df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['y', 'pred'])df.loc[:, 'y'] = y[:, c]df.loc[:, 'pred'] = pred[:, c]# get positive examples for stratified samplingdf_pos = df[df.y == 1]df_neg = df[df.y == 0]prevalence = len(df_pos) / len(df)for i in range(bootstraps):# stratified sampling of positive and negative examplespos_sample = df_pos.sample(n = int(fold_size * prevalence), replace=True)neg_sample = df_neg.sample(n = int(fold_size * (1-prevalence)), replace=True)y_sample = np.concatenate([pos_sample.y.values, neg_sample.y.values])pred_sample = np.concatenate([pos_sample.pred.values, neg_sample.pred.values])score = roc_auc_score(y_sample, pred_sample)statistics[c][i] = scorereturn statisticsstatistics = bootstrap_auc(y, pred, class_labels)


util.print_confidence_intervals(class_labels, statistics)
Mean AUC (CI 5%-95%)
Cardiomegaly 0.93 (0.90-0.96)
Emphysema 0.94 (0.91-0.96)
Effusion 0.89 (0.87-0.91)
Hernia 0.65 (0.30-0.98)
Infiltration 0.70 (0.66-0.73)
Mass 0.89 (0.84-0.92)
Nodule 0.75 (0.69-0.81)
Atelectasis 0.78 (0.75-0.81)
Pneumothorax 0.82 (0.74-0.89)
Pleural_Thickening 0.87 (0.79-0.92)
Pneumonia 0.76 (0.68-0.84)
Fibrosis 0.81 (0.75-0.87)
Edema 0.86 (0.81-0.89)
Consolidation 0.80 (0.75-0.85)

正如你所看到的,我们的置信区间对于某些类比其他类要宽得多。 例如,疝气的区间在 (0.30 - 0.98) 左右,这表明我们不能确定它比偶然性更好(在 0.5 处)


当数据中存在严重的类别不平衡时,Precision-Recall 是提供信息的预测指标。


精度是结果相关性的度量,相当于我们之前定义的 PPV。

精确召回曲线 (PRC) 显示了不同阈值的精确度和召回率之间的权衡曲线下面积大代表高召回率和高精度,其中高精度与低误报率相关,高召回率与低误报率相关


运行以下单元格以生成一个 PRC:

util.get_curve(y, pred, class_labels, curve='prc')


F1 分数是精度和召回率的调和平均值,其中 F1 分数在 1 处达到其最佳值(完美的精度和召回率),在 0 处达到最差值。

同样,我们可以简单地使用 sklearn 的 f1_score 实用度量函数将此度量添加到我们的性能表中。

from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
util.get_performance_metrics(y, pred, class_labels, acc=get_accuracy, prevalence=get_prevalence, sens=get_sensitivity, spec=get_specificity, ppv=get_ppv, npv=get_npv, auc=roc_auc_score,f1=f1_score)
TP TN FP FN Accuracy Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV AUC F1 Threshold
Cardiomegaly 16 814 169 1 0.83 0.017 0.941 0.828 0.086 0.999 0.933 0.158 0.5
Emphysema 20 869 103 8 0.889 0.028 0.714 0.894 0.163 0.991 0.935 0.265 0.5
Effusion 99 690 196 15 0.789 0.114 0.868 0.779 0.336 0.979 0.891 0.484 0.5
Hernia 1 743 255 1 0.744 0.002 0.5 0.744 0.004 0.999 0.644 0.008 0.5
Infiltration 114 543 265 78 0.657 0.192 0.594 0.672 0.301 0.874 0.696 0.399 0.5
Mass 40 789 158 13 0.829 0.053 0.755 0.833 0.202 0.984 0.888 0.319 0.5
Nodule 28 731 220 21 0.759 0.049 0.571 0.769 0.113 0.972 0.745 0.189 0.5
Atelectasis 64 657 249 30 0.721 0.094 0.681 0.725 0.204 0.956 0.781 0.314 0.5
Pneumothorax 24 785 183 8 0.809 0.032 0.75 0.811 0.116 0.99 0.826 0.201 0.5
Pleural_Thickening 24 713 259 4 0.737 0.028 0.857 0.734 0.085 0.994 0.868 0.154 0.5
Pneumonia 14 661 320 5 0.675 0.019 0.737 0.674 0.042 0.992 0.762 0.079 0.5
Fibrosis 10 725 261 4 0.735 0.014 0.714 0.735 0.037 0.995 0.801 0.07 0.5
Edema 15 767 213 5 0.782 0.02 0.75 0.783 0.066 0.994 0.856 0.121 0.5
Consolidation 36 658 297 9 0.694 0.045 0.8 0.689 0.108 0.987 0.799 0.19 0.5


在进行分类时,我们通常不仅要预测类标签,还要获得每个标签的概率。 理想情况下,这个概率会给我们对预测的某种信心。 为了观察我们的模型生成的概率如何与真实概率对齐,我们可以绘制所谓的校准曲线

为了生成校准图,我们首先将我们的预测分桶到 0 到 1 之间的固定数量的独立箱(例如 5 个)。然后我们为每个箱计算一个点:每个点的 x 值是 我们的模型分配给这些点的概率以及该箱中每个点的真阳性分数的 y 值。 然后我们在线性图中绘制这些点。 校准良好的模型具有几乎与 y=x 线对齐的校准曲线。

sklearn 库有一个用于生成校准图的实用程序calibration_curve。 让我们使用它来看看我们模型的校准:

from sklearn.calibration import calibration_curve
def plot_calibration_curve(y, pred):plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))for i in range(len(class_labels)):plt.subplot(4, 4, i + 1)fraction_of_positives, mean_predicted_value = calibration_curve(y[:,i], pred[:,i], n_bins=20)plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--')plt.plot(mean_predicted_value, fraction_of_positives, marker='.')plt.xlabel("Predicted Value")plt.ylabel("Fraction of Positives")plt.title(class_labels[i])plt.tight_layout()plt.show()plot_calibration_curve(y, pred)

如上图所示,对于大多数预测,我们模型的校准图与校准良好的图并不相似。 我们怎样才能解决这个问题?...

值得庆幸的是,有一种非常有用的方法称为 Platt scaling,它通过将逻辑回归模型拟合到我们模型的分数来工作。 为了构建这个模型,我们将使用数据集的训练部分来生成线性模型,然后使用该模型来校准测试部分的预测。

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression as LR y_train = train_results[class_labels].values
pred_train = train_results[pred_labels].values
pred_calibrated = np.zeros_like(pred)for i in range(len(class_labels)):lr = LR(solver='liblinear', max_iter=10000)lr.fit(pred_train[:, i].reshape(-1, 1), y_train[:, i])    pred_calibrated[:, i] = lr.predict_proba(pred[:, i].reshape(-1, 1))[:,1]plot_calibration_curve(y[:,], pred_calibrated)

恭喜! 这是很多需要熟悉的指标。 我们希望您对自己对医学诊断评估的理解更有信心,并在您未来的工作中正确测试您的模型:)



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