Oracle Data Guard_ 备库以只读或读写方式打开访问

Opening a Standby Database for Read-Only or Read/Write Access


When a standby database is open for read-only access, users can query the standby database but cannot update it. Thus, you can reduce the load on the primary database by using the standby database for reporting purposes. You can periodically open the standby database for read-only access and perform ad hoc queries to verify Redo Apply is updating the standby database correctly. (Note that for distributed queries, you must first issue theALTER DATABASE SET TRANSACTION READ ONLYstatement before you can issue a query on the read-only database.)

当备库是以只读方式打开时,用户只能在备库上查询而不能更新它。那么你可以为主库减轻负载而在备库上出报表,你可以定期的以只读方式打开备库,查询验证重做应用是否正确的更新到备库。针对分布式查询,你必须在只读数据库查询之前发出ALTER DATABASE SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY语句。

shows a standby database open for read-only access.

Figure 8-1 Standby Database Open for Read-Only Access

Description of "Figure 8-1 Standby Database Open for Read-Only Access"

See Also:

A physical standby database can be opened temporarily in read/write mode for development, reporting, or testing purposes, and then flashed back to a point in the past to be reverted back to a physical standby database. When the database is flashed back, Data Guard automatically synchronizes the standby database with the primary database, without the need to re-create the physical standby database from a backup copy of the primary database.


See Also:

for a scenario that describes activating a physical standby database as a read/write reporting database, and then resynchronizing the database with the primary database


8.2.1Assessing Whether or Not to Open a Standby Database

8.2.1 评估是否要打开备库

As you decide whether or not to open a physical standby database for read-only or read/write access, consider the following:


Opening the physical standby database read-only may lengthen the time it takes to recover from a failure or outage, because the database must be restarted after a failover.


As long as the physical standby database has not been opened read-only since the last time it was started, a restart is unnecessary after failover, thus increasing system availability.


While a standby database is open for read-only or read/write access, it does not apply redo data received from the primary database, thus it is not kept transactionally consistent with the primary database.


When a physical standby database is open, redo data from the primary database is received by the standby database, but the log files are not applied. At some point, you need to resume Redo Apply on the standby database, and apply the archived redo log files to resynchronize the standby database with the primary database. Because of the additional time required to apply any accumulated archived redo log files, having a standby database open for read-only access can increase the time required to complete failovers or switchovers.


You can use a physical standby database for reporting purposes or as a clone database while also maintaining the ability to complete a failover or switchover quickly if you configure more than one standby database on the standby system.


For example, based on your business requirements, you might:


Configure two physical standby databases with one standby database always performing Redo Apply to be as current as possible with the primary database and the other standby database open in read-only mode during business hours for reporting purposes.


Configure a physical standby database to maintain a copy of the primary database for disaster recovery purposes and also configure a logical standby database to off-load reporting tasks that require access to the latest data from the primary database.

配置物理备库来维护主库的副本来达到灾难恢复的目的,配置逻辑备库来卸载报表任务,这需要访问到主库最新的数据。 本条技术文章来源于互联网,如果无意侵犯您的权益请点击此处反馈版权投诉 本文系统来源:php中文网


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