java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value '�й���׼ʱ��' is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone. You must configure either the server or JDBC driver (via the serverTimezone configuration property) to use a more specifc time zone value if you want to utilize time zone support.




原因是因为使用了Mysql Connector/J 6.x以上的版本,然后就报了时区的错误

遇到的问题 servertime=UTC导致时间差8个小时





UTC代表的是全球标准时间 ,但是我们使用的时间是北京时区也就是东八区,领先UTC八个小时。

UTC + (+0800) = 本地(北京)时间。



连接MySql出现异常解决:java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value is unrecognized or represents。相关推荐

  1. java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value '???ú±ê×??±??' is unrecognized or represents 解决方法

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  2. java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value 'Öйú±ê׼ʱ¼ä' is unrecognized or represents more

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  3. java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value ‘???ú±ê×??±??‘ is unrecognized or represents more

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  4. JDBC编程可能遇到的错误:java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value 'Öйú±ê׼ʱ¼ä' is unrecognized or ..

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  5. 解决 java.sql.SQLException:The server time zone value xxx is unrecognized 问题

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  6. java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value 'Öйú±ê׼ʱ¼ä'

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  7. java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value ‘�й���׼ʱ��‘ is unrecognized or represent.........

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  8. java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value �й���׼ʱ�� is unrecognized or represents ...

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  9. java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value '�й���׼ʱ��' is unrecognized

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