• 概述



Overview of the Automatic Workload Repository


select table_name from dictionary where table_name like 'DBA_HIST_%';

DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY包管理AWR(Automatic Workload Repository),执行诸如管理快照和基线等操作。





我们来看下Oralce对这段存过标注的注释 ,说明均在注释里,请仔细阅读

  -- modify_snapshot_settings()
  -- Procedure to adjust the settings of the snapshot collection.
  -- Input arguments:
  --   retention                - new retention time (in minutes). The
  --                              specified value must be in the range:
  --                              MIN_RETENTION (1 day) to
  --                              MAX_RETENTION (100 years)
  --                              If ZERO is specified, snapshots will be
  --                              retained forever. A large system-defined
  --                              value will be used as the retention setting.
  --                              If NULL is specified, the old value for
  --                              retention is preserved.
  --                              ***************
  --                               NOTE: The retention setting must be
  --                                     greater than or equal to the window
  --                                     size of the 'SYSTEM_MOVING_WINDOW'
  --                                     baseline.  If the retention needs
  --                                     to be less than the window size,
  --                                     the 'modify_baseline_window_size'
  --                                     routine can be used to adjust the
  --                                     window size.
  --                              ***************
  --   interval                 - the interval between each snapshot, in
  --                              units of minutes. The specified value
  --                              must be in the range:
  --                              MIN_INTERVAL (10 minutes) to
  --                              MAX_INTERVAL (100 years)
  --                              If ZERO is specified, automatic and manual
  --                              snapshots will be disabled.  A large
  --                              system-defined value will be used as the
  --                              interval setting.
  --                              If NULL is specified, the
  --                              current value is preserved.
  --   topnsql (NUMBER)         - Top N SQL size.  The number of Top SQL
  --                              to flush for each SQL criteria
  --                              (Elapsed Time, CPU Time, Parse Calls,
  --                               Shareable Memory, Version Count).
  --                              The value for this setting will be not
  --                              be affected by the statistics/flush level
  --                              and will override the system default
  --                              behavior for the AWR SQL collection.  The
  --                              setting will have a minimum value of 30
  --                              and a maximum value of 50000.
  --                              IF NULL is specified, the
  --                              current value is preserved.
  --   topnsql (VARCHAR2)       - Users are allowed to specify the following
  --                              values: ('DEFAULT', 'MAXIMUM', 'N')
  --                              Specifying 'DEFAULT' will revert the system
  --                              back to the default behavior of Top 30 for
  --                              level TYPICAL and Top 100 for level ALL.
  --                              Specifying 'MAXIMUM' will cause the system
  --                              to capture the complete set of SQL in the
  --                              cursor cache.  Specifying the number 'N' is
  --                              equivalent to setting the Top N SQL with
  --                              the NUMBER type.
  --                              Specifying 'N' will cause the system
  --                              to flush the Top N SQL for each criteria.
  --                              The 'N' string is converted into the number
  --                              for Top N SQL.
  --   dbid                     - database identifier for the database to
  --                              adjust setting. If NULL is specified, the
  --                              local dbid will be used.
  --  For example, the following statement can be used to set the
  --  Retention and Interval to their minimum settings:
  --    dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings
  --              (retention => DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.MIN_RETENTION
  --               interval  => DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.MIN_INTERVAL)
  --  The following statement can be used to set the Retention to
  --  8 days and the Interval to 60 minutes and the Top N SQL to
  --  the default setting:
  --    dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings
  --              (retention => 11520, interval  => 60, topnsql => 'DEFAULT');
  --  The following statement can be used to set the Top N SQL
  --  setting to 200:
  --    dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings
  --              (topnsql => 200);


  PROCEDURE modify_snapshot_settings(retention  IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,interval   IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,topnsql    IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,dbid       IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);PROCEDURE modify_snapshot_settings(retention  IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,interval   IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,topnsql    IN VARCHAR2,dbid       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL);


This example changes the interval setting to one hour and the retention setting to two weeks for the local database:


重新查询 DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL 可以发现新的规则已经生效。




  1. Oracle AWR管理与维护

      AWR是Automatic Workload Repository的简称,中文叫着自动工作量资料档案库.对于AWR的管理,主要是针对快照和基线的管理而言.比如设定快照的间隔,删除快照,设定快照的保 ...

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    About Oracle AWR Oracle AWR is a powerful monitoring utility bundle with Oracle Database from 10g. O ...

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  4. oracle awr 计算,【Oracle AWR详解分析】

    一.WHY--为什么会出现ASH和AWR? 1.10g之前 用户的连接将产生会话,当前会话记录保存在v$session中:处于等待状态的会话会被复制一份放在v$session_wait中.当该连接断开 ...


    http://blog.csdn.net/wildwave/article/details/6838906 Automatic Workload Repository(AWR)收集.处理和维护性能系统 ...

  6. Oracle AWR报告指标全解析-11011552

    1-5 Top 5 Timed Events Waits : 该等待事件发生的次数, 对于DB CPU此项不可用 Times : 该等待事件消耗的总计时间,单位为秒, 对于DB CPU 而言是前台进程 ...

  7. Oracle AWR报告指标全解析

    1-5 Top 5 Timed Events Waits : 该等待事件发生的次数, 对于DB CPU此项不可用 Times : 该等待事件消耗的总计时间,单位为秒, 对于DB CPU 而言是前台进程 ...

  8. oracle awr详解

    啥是AWR? ============================================================================================= ...

  9. 【性能调优】Oracle AWR报告指标全解析

    [性能调优]Oracle AWR报告指标全解析 啥是AWR? ===================================================================== ...


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