Jodd 是一个开源的 Java 工具集, 包含一些实用的工具类和小型框架。简单,却很强大!


   HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpRequest.get(""); //1. 构建一个get请求HttpResponse response = httpRequest.send(); //2.发送请求并接受响应信息System.out.println(response);//3.打印响应信息





    /*** Builds a GET request.*/public static HttpRequest get(String destination) {return new HttpRequest().method("GET").set(destination);}


    /*** Specifies request method. It will be converted into uppercase.*/public HttpRequest method(String method) {this.method = method.toUpperCase();return this;}


/*** Sets the destination (method, host, port... ) at once.*/public HttpRequest set(String destination) {destination = destination.trim();// http methodint ndx = destination.indexOf(' ');if (ndx != -1) {method = destination.substring(0, ndx).toUpperCase();destination = destination.substring(ndx + 1);}// protocol
ndx = destination.indexOf("://");if (ndx != -1) {protocol = destination.substring(0, ndx);destination = destination.substring(ndx + 3);}// host
ndx = destination.indexOf('/');if (ndx == -1) {ndx = destination.length();}if (ndx != 0) {host = destination.substring(0, ndx);destination = destination.substring(ndx);// port
ndx = host.indexOf(':');if (ndx == -1) {port = DEFAULT_PORT;} else {port = Integer.parseInt(host.substring(ndx + 1));host = host.substring(0, ndx);}}// path + query
path(destination);return this;}



2. 协议:http或者https

3. 主机:请求的服务器地址

4. 端口:请求的服务器端口

5. 路径+查询参数,其中参数以“?”开头,使用“&”连接

    /*** Sets request path. Query string is allowed.* Adds a slash if path doesn't start with one.* Query will be stripped out from the path.* Previous query is discarded.* @see #query()*/public HttpRequest path(String path) {// this must be the only place that sets the pathif (path.startsWith(StringPool.SLASH) == false) {path = StringPool.SLASH + path;}int ndx = path.indexOf('?');if (ndx != -1) {String queryString = path.substring(ndx + 1);path = path.substring(0, ndx);query = HttpUtil.parseQuery(queryString, true);} else {query = HttpValuesMap.ofObjects();}this.path = path;return this;}




/*** {@link #open() Opens connection} if not already open, sends request,* reads response and closes the request. If keep-alive mode is enabled* connection will not be closed.*/public HttpResponse send() {if (httpConnection == null) {
            open();}// prepare http connectionif (timeout != -1) {httpConnection.setTimeout(timeout);}// sends data
        HttpResponse httpResponse;try {OutputStream outputStream = httpConnection.getOutputStream();sendTo(outputStream);InputStream inputStream = httpConnection.getInputStream();httpResponse = HttpResponse.readFrom(inputStream);httpResponse.assignHttpRequest(this);} catch (IOException ioex) {throw new HttpException(ioex);}boolean keepAlive = httpResponse.isConnectionPersistent();if (keepAlive == false) {// closes connection if keep alive is false, or if counter reached 0
            httpConnection.close();httpConnection = null;}return httpResponse;}

1. 打开HttpConnection

    /*** Opens a new {@link HttpConnection connection} using* {@link JoddHttp#httpConnectionProvider default connection provider}.*/public HttpRequest open() {return open(JoddHttp.httpConnectionProvider);}/*** Opens a new {@link jodd.http.HttpConnection connection}* using given {@link jodd.http.HttpConnectionProvider}.*/public HttpRequest open(HttpConnectionProvider httpConnectionProvider) {if (this.httpConnection != null) {throw new HttpException("Connection already opened");}try {this.httpConnectionProvider = httpConnectionProvider;this.httpConnection = httpConnectionProvider.createHttpConnection(this);} catch (IOException ioex) {throw new HttpException(ioex);}return this;}


2. 创建连接实现

    /*** Creates new connection from current {@link jodd.http.HttpRequest request}.** @see #createSocket(String, int)*/public HttpConnection createHttpConnection(HttpRequest httpRequest) throws IOException {Socket socket;if (httpRequest.protocol().equalsIgnoreCase("https")) {SSLSocket sslSocket = createSSLSocket(, httpRequest.port());sslSocket.startHandshake();socket = sslSocket;} else {socket = createSocket(, httpRequest.port());}return new SocketHttpConnection(socket);}

3. 创建socket



public class SocketHttpConnection implements HttpConnection {protected final Socket socket;public SocketHttpConnection(Socket socket) {this.socket = socket;}public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {return socket.getOutputStream();}public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {return socket.getInputStream();}public void close() {try {socket.close();} catch (IOException ignore) {}}public void setTimeout(int milliseconds) {try {socket.setSoTimeout(milliseconds);} catch (SocketException sex) {throw new HttpException(sex);}}/*** Returns <code>Socket</code> used by this connection.*/public Socket getSocket() {return socket;}


            OutputStream outputStream = httpConnection.getOutputStream();sendTo(outputStream);InputStream inputStream = httpConnection.getInputStream();


    protected HttpProgressListener httpProgressListener;/*** Sends request or response to output stream.*/public void sendTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException {Buffer buffer = buffer(true);if (httpProgressListener == null) {buffer.writeTo(out);}else {buffer.writeTo(out, httpProgressListener);}out.flush();}



/*** Reads response input stream and returns {@link HttpResponse response}.* Supports both streamed and chunked response.*/public static HttpResponse readFrom(InputStream in) {InputStreamReader inputStreamReader;try { inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(in, StringPool.ISO_8859_1);} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ignore) {return null;}BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);HttpResponse httpResponse = new HttpResponse();// the first line
        String line;try {line = reader.readLine();} catch (IOException ioex) {throw new HttpException(ioex);}if (line != null) {line = line.trim();int ndx = line.indexOf(' ');httpResponse.httpVersion(line.substring(0, ndx));int ndx2 = line.indexOf(' ', ndx + 1);if (ndx2 == -1) {ndx2 = line.length();}httpResponse.statusCode(Integer.parseInt(line.substring(ndx, ndx2).trim()));httpResponse.statusPhrase(line.substring(ndx2).trim());}httpResponse.readHeaders(reader);httpResponse.readBody(reader);return httpResponse;}








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