





def g(self,v1,v2,x):  value = (v1+v2+x)%256  value = ((value<<3) | (value>>5)) &0xff  return value  def f(self,value):  v1,v2 = unpack('>2B',pack('>H',value))  v2 = self.g(v1,v2,1)  v1 = self.g(v1,v2,0)  value = unpack('>H',pack('>2B',v1,v2))  return value[0]

具体来说,通过数学推导,我们可以发现,对于f来说,当其两个输入的差分为0x8080时,其输出差分100%是0x400。根据这一差分性质,我们可以对该加密算法进行差分分析攻击。差分分析的具体原理可以参考这个blog http://www.theamazingking.com/crypto-feal.php


我们构造两个特殊的输入 (L0,R0)和 (L0’,R0’)其中 L0 = L0‘, R0 = R0’^0x8080,让服务器加密,得到加密结果 (L3,R3),(L3’,R3’).通过对该加密算法的推导,我们可以得到关于第3轮轮函数f的运算关系。

f(round3_key^L0)  = out1   f(round3_key^L0') = out2  out1^out2 = R0^L0^R0'^L0'^0x400

其中,只有round3_key是未知的,其他参数都是已知的。round3_key的大小为2个字节,完全可以通过爆破来得到正确的解。这样我们就把对于整个key的求解,拆分到对于轮密钥的求解,爆破复杂度从 2^64降低到了 2^16




from hashlib import sha256
import random
from pwn import *
from pwnlib.util.iters import bruteforce
from struct import pack, unpack  def g(v1,v2,x):  value = (v1+v2+x)%256  value = ((value<<3) | (value>>5)) &0xff  return value  def f(value):  v1,v2 = unpack('>2B',pack('>H',value))  v2 = g(v1,v2,1)  v1 = g(v1,v2,0)  value = unpack('>H',pack('>2B',v1,v2))  return value[0]  def decrypt_ecb(cipher,key):  msg = ''  for i in range(0,len(cipher),4):  msg += decrypt(cipher[i:i+4],key)  return msg.strip('\x00')   def decrypt(msg,key):  subkeys = unpack('>4H',key)  left,right = unpack('>2H',msg)  left = right^left  for i in range(3):  left,right = right,left  left = left^f(subkeys[2-i]^right)  right = right^subkeys[3]  return pack('>2H', left, right)  def encrypt_ecb(msg,key):  l = len(msg)  if l%4 !=0:  msg = msg+'\x00'*(4-(l%4))  cipher = ''  for i in range(0,len(msg),4):  cipher += encrypt(msg[i:i+4],key)  return cipher  def encrypt(msg,key):  subkeys = unpack('>4H',key)  left,right = unpack('>2H',msg)  right = right^subkeys[3]  for i in range(3):  tmp = left^f(subkeys[i]^right)   left = right  right = tmp  left = right^left  return pack('>2H', left, right)  def dfa_f():  for i in range(1000):  input1 = random.randint(0,0xffff)  output1 = f(input1)  input2 = input1^0x8080  output2 = f(input2)  assert(output1^output2 == 0x400)  def genpayload1(num):  payload = ''  for i in range(num):  data1 = random.randint(0,0xffff)  data2 = random.randint(0,0xffff)  data2diff = data2^0x8080  payload += pack('>2H',data1,data2)   payload += pack('>2H',data1,data2diff)   return payload  def genpayload2(num):  payload = ''  for i in range(num):  data1 = random.randint(0,0xffff)  data2 = random.randint(0,0xffff)  data2diff = data2^0x400  payload += pack('>2H',data1,data2)   payload += pack('>2H',data1,data2diff)   return payload  def testkey_round3(pairs,key):  for pair in pairs:  output1 = pair[0]  output2 = pair[1]  output1_0,output1_1 = unpack('>2H',output1)  output2_0,output2_1 = unpack('>2H',output2)  f_out_diff = output1_1 ^ output2_1 ^0x400  f_in1 = key^output1_0^output1_1  f_in2  = key^output2_0^output2_1  if(f(f_in1)^f(f_in2)==f_out_diff):  continue  else:  return False  return True  def testkey_round2(pairs,key,r3key):  for pair in pairs:  output1 = pair[0]  output2 = pair[1]  output1_0,output1_1 = unpack('>2H',output1)  output2_0,output2_1 = unpack('>2H',output2)  output1_r3_1 = output1_0^output1_1   output2_r3_1 = output2_0^output2_1  f_out_diff  = output1_r3_1^output2_r3_1^0x400  f_in1 = key^output1_1^f(r3key^output1_r3_1)    f_in2  = key^output2_1^ f(r3key^output2_r3_1)  if(f(f_in1)^f(f_in2)==f_out_diff):  continue  else:  return False  return True  def attack_round1(msg,cipher,keys):  ciphers = [cipher[i:i+4] for i in range(0,len(cipher),4)]  msgs = [msg[i:i+4] for i in range(0,len(msg),4)]  c = ciphers[0]  m = msgs[0]  output0,output1 = unpack('>2H',c)  output0 = output0^output1  input0,input1 = unpack('>2H',m)  candkeys = []  for key in keys:  r2k,r3k = key  output_r2_1 = output0  output_r2_0 = output1^f(r3k^output0)  output_r1_1 = output_r2_0   output_r1_0 = output_r2_1^f(r2k^output_r2_0)  k0 = output_r1_0^input1  for k in range(0x10000):  f_in = k^output_r1_0  f_out = output_r1_1^input0   if f(f_in) == f_out:  candkeys.append([k,r2k,r3k,k0])  return candkeys  def attack_round2(msg,cipher,keys):  ciphers = [cipher[i:i+4] for i in range(0,len(cipher),4)]  cipher_pairs = [(ciphers[i],ciphers[i+1]) for i in range(0,len(ciphers),2)]  candkeys = []  for r3k in keys:  for key in range(0x10000):  if testkey_round2(cipher_pairs,key,r3k):  candkeys.append([key,r3k])  return candkeys  def attack_round3(msg,cipher):  ciphers = [cipher[i:i+4] for i in range(0,len(cipher),4)]  cipher_pairs = [(ciphers[i],ciphers[i+1]) for i in range(0,len(ciphers),2)]  candkeys = []  for key in range(0x10000):  if testkey_round3(cipher_pairs,key):  candkeys.append(key)  return candkeys      def exploit():  con = remote('',10005)  context.log_level = 'debug'  con.recvuntil("XXXX+")  d = con.recvuntil(")")[:-1]  con.recvuntil(" == ")  target = con.recvline().strip()  ans = bruteforce(lambda x: sha256(x+d).hexdigest() == target,string.letters+string.digits,4)  con.sendlineafter("Give me XXXX",ans)  con.recvuntil('is:')  flag = con.recvline().strip()  payload = genpayload1(6)+genpayload2(6)  con.sendlineafter(':',payload)  cipher = con.recv(len(payload))  cipher_round3 = cipher[:48]  msg_round3 = payload[:48]  possible_keys = attack_round3(msg_round3,cipher_round3)  print 'round3 keys maybe:', possible_keys  cipher_round2 = cipher[48:96]  msg_round2 = payload[48:96]  possible_keys = attack_round2(msg_round2,cipher_round2,possible_keys)  print 'round2 keys maybe:', possible_keys  possible_keys = attack_round1(msg_round2,cipher_round2,possible_keys)  print 'round1&0 keys maybe:',possible_keys  for key in possible_keys:  real_key = pack('>4H',*key)  print 'decrypt with key ',repr(real_key)  print repr(decrypt_ecb(flag,real_key))  con.close()  def exploit_local():  key = os.urandom(8)  print repr(key)  payload = genpayload1(6)+genpayload2(6)  cipher = encrypt_ecb(payload,key)  cipher_round3 = cipher[:48]  msg_round3 = payload[:48]  possible_keys = attack_round3(msg_round3,cipher_round3)  print 'round3 keys maybe:', possible_keys  cipher_round2 = cipher[48:96]  msg_round2 = payload[48:96]  possible_keys = attack_round2(msg_round2,cipher_round2,possible_keys)  print 'round2 keys maybe:', possible_keys  possible_keys = attack_round1(msg_round2,cipher_round2,possible_keys)  print 'round1&0 keys maybe:',possible_keys  flag = 'flag{test}'  flag = encrypt_ecb(flag,key)  print decrypt_ecb(flag,key)  for key in possible_keys:  real_key = pack('>4H',*key)  print 'decrypt with key ',repr(real_key)  print repr(decrypt_ecb(flag,real_key))  exploit()




2*A[i+1]-A[i]\approx n





from netcat import *
from copy import deepcopy
from gmpy2 import iroot, gcd
import time  start = time.time()
r = remote("", 10002)
r.recv_until(b"your pubkey:\n")
s = r.recv_until(b"\n").strip().decode()
pub = eval(s)
add = int(r.recv_until(b"\n").strip().decode())
mult = int(r.recv_until(b"\n").strip().decode())
M = max(2 * pub[2] - pub[1], 2 * pub[3] - pub[2])
Mbin = bin(M)[2:532]
n = ["0"] * M.bit_length()
for i in range(530):  n[i] = Mbin[i]  r.recv_until(b">")
tmp = int("".join(n), 2)
count = int(r.recv_until(b"\n").strip())
#print(count)  for i in range(498):  r.recv_until(b">")  r.sendline(b"1")  r.recv_until(b">")  n2 = deepcopy(n)  n2[530 + i] = str(int(n2[530 + i]) ^ 1)  tmp = int("".join(n2), 2)  r.sendline(str(tmp).encode())  count2 = int(r.recv_until(b"\n").strip())  if count2 > count:  n[530 + i] = str(int(n[530 + i]) ^ 1)  count = count2  #print(count)  M = int("".join(n), 2)
u = (add + iroot(add**2-4*mult, 2)[0]) // 2
v = (add - iroot(add**2-4*mult, 2)[0]) // 2
count = 0
while True:  tmp1 = gcd(pub[0] - u, M)  tmp2 = gcd(pub[0] - v, M)  if tmp1.bit_length() > 100 or tmp2.bit_length() > 100:  p = max(tmp1, tmp2)  break  else:  M += 1  count += 1  #print(count)  q = M // p
if p < q:  p, q = q, p  r.recv_until(b">")
s = r.recv_until(b"\n").strip().decode()
ct = int(s)
c1 = ct % p
c2 = ct % q
pt = abs(c1 - c2)
end = time.time()
#print(end - start)


from hashlib import sha256
import random
from pwn import *
from pwnlib.util.iters import bruteforce
from struct import pack, unpack  def g(v1,v2,x):  value = (v1+v2+x)%256  value = ((value<<3) | (value>>5)) &0xff  return value  def f(value):  v1,v2 = unpack('>2B',pack('>H',value))  v2 = g(v1,v2,1)  v1 = g(v1,v2,0)  value = unpack('>H',pack('>2B',v1,v2))  return value[0]  def decrypt_ecb(cipher,key):  msg = ''  for i in range(0,len(cipher),4):  msg += decrypt(cipher[i:i+4],key)  return msg.strip('\x00')    def decrypt(msg,key):  subkeys = unpack('>4H',key)  left,right = unpack('>2H',msg)  left = right^left  for i in range(3):  left,right = right,left  left = left^f(subkeys[2-i]^right)  right = right^subkeys[3]  return pack('>2H', left, right)  def encrypt_ecb(msg,key):  l = len(msg)  if l%4 !=0:  msg = msg+'\x00'*(4-(l%4))  cipher = ''  for i in range(0,len(msg),4):  cipher += encrypt(msg[i:i+4],key)  return cipher  def encrypt(msg,key):  subkeys = unpack('>4H',key)  left,right = unpack('>2H',msg)  right = right^subkeys[3]  for i in range(3):  tmp = left^f(subkeys[i]^right)   left = right  right = tmp  left = right^left  return pack('>2H', left, right)  def dfa_f():  for i in range(1000):  input1 = random.randint(0,0xffff)  output1 = f(input1)  input2 = input1^0x8080  output2 = f(input2)  assert(output1^output2 == 0x400)  def genpayload1(num):  payload = ''  for i in range(num):  data1 = random.randint(0,0xffff)  data2 = random.randint(0,0xffff)  data2diff = data2^0x8080  payload += pack('>2H',data1,data2)   payload += pack('>2H',data1,data2diff)   return payload  def genpayload2(num):  payload = ''  for i in range(num):  data1 = random.randint(0,0xffff)  data2 = random.randint(0,0xffff)  data2diff = data2^0x400  payload += pack('>2H',data1,data2)   payload += pack('>2H',data1,data2diff)   return payload   def testkey_round3(pairs,key):  for pair in pairs:  output1 = pair[0]  output2 = pair[1]  output1_0,output1_1 = unpack('>2H',output1)  output2_0,output2_1 = unpack('>2H',output2)  f_out_diff = output1_1 ^ output2_1 ^0x400  f_in1 = key^output1_0^output1_1  f_in2  = key^output2_0^output2_1  if(f(f_in1)^f(f_in2)==f_out_diff):  continue  else:  return False  return True  def testkey_round2(pairs,key,r3key):  for pair in pairs:  output1 = pair[0]  output2 = pair[1]  output1_0,output1_1 = unpack('>2H',output1)  output2_0,output2_1 = unpack('>2H',output2)  output1_r3_1 = output1_0^output1_1   output2_r3_1 = output2_0^output2_1  f_out_diff  = output1_r3_1^output2_r3_1^0x400  f_in1 = key^output1_1^f(r3key^output1_r3_1)    f_in2  = key^output2_1^ f(r3key^output2_r3_1)  if(f(f_in1)^f(f_in2)==f_out_diff):  continue  else:  return False  return True  def attack_round1(msg,cipher,keys):  ciphers = [cipher[i:i+4] for i in range(0,len(cipher),4)]  msgs = [msg[i:i+4] for i in range(0,len(msg),4)]  c = ciphers[0]  m = msgs[0]  output0,output1 = unpack('>2H',c)  output0 = output0^output1  input0,input1 = unpack('>2H',m)  candkeys = []  for key in keys:  r2k,r3k = key  output_r2_1 = output0  output_r2_0 = output1^f(r3k^output0)  output_r1_1 = output_r2_0   output_r1_0 = output_r2_1^f(r2k^output_r2_0)  k0 = output_r1_0^input1  for k in range(0x10000):  f_in = k^output_r1_0  f_out = output_r1_1^input0   if f(f_in) == f_out:  candkeys.append([k,r2k,r3k,k0])  return candkeys  def attack_round2(msg,cipher,keys):  ciphers = [cipher[i:i+4] for i in range(0,len(cipher),4)]  cipher_pairs = [(ciphers[i],ciphers[i+1]) for i in range(0,len(ciphers),2)]  candkeys = []  for r3k in keys:  for key in range(0x10000):  if testkey_round2(cipher_pairs,key,r3k):  candkeys.append([key,r3k])  return candkeys  def attack_round3(msg,cipher):  ciphers = [cipher[i:i+4] for i in range(0,len(cipher),4)]  cipher_pairs = [(ciphers[i],ciphers[i+1]) for i in range(0,len(ciphers),2)]  candkeys = []  for key in range(0x10000):  if testkey_round3(cipher_pairs,key):  candkeys.append(key)  return candkeys      def exploit():  con = remote('',10005)  context.log_level = 'debug'  con.recvuntil("XXXX+")  d = con.recvuntil(")")[:-1]  con.recvuntil(" == ")  target = con.recvline().strip()  ans = bruteforce(lambda x: sha256(x+d).hexdigest() == target,string.letters+string.digits,4)  con.sendlineafter("Give me XXXX",ans)  con.recvuntil('is:')  flag = con.recvline().strip()  payload = genpayload1(6)+genpayload2(6)  con.sendlineafter(':',payload)  cipher = con.recv(len(payload))  cipher_round3 = cipher[:48]  msg_round3 = payload[:48]  possible_keys = attack_round3(msg_round3,cipher_round3)  print 'round3 keys maybe:', possible_keys  cipher_round2 = cipher[48:96]  msg_round2 = payload[48:96]  possible_keys = attack_round2(msg_round2,cipher_round2,possible_keys)  print 'round2 keys maybe:', possible_keys  possible_keys = attack_round1(msg_round2,cipher_round2,possible_keys)  print 'round1&0 keys maybe:',possible_keys  for key in possible_keys:  real_key = pack('>4H',*key)  print 'decrypt with key ',repr(real_key)  print repr(decrypt_ecb(flag,real_key))  con.close()  def exploit_local():  key = os.urandom(8)  print repr(key)  payload = genpayload1(6)+genpayload2(6)  cipher = encrypt_ecb(payload,key)  cipher_round3 = cipher[:48]  msg_round3 = payload[:48]  possible_keys = attack_round3(msg_round3,cipher_round3)  print 'round3 keys maybe:', possible_keys  cipher_round2 = cipher[48:96]  msg_round2 = payload[48:96]  possible_keys = attack_round2(msg_round2,cipher_round2,possible_keys)  print 'round2 keys maybe:', possible_keys  possible_keys = attack_round1(msg_round2,cipher_round2,possible_keys)  print 'round1&0 keys maybe:',possible_keys  flag = 'flag{test}'  flag = encrypt_ecb(flag,key)  print decrypt_ecb(flag,key)  for key in possible_keys:  real_key = pack('>4H',*key)  print 'decrypt with key ',repr(real_key)  print repr(decrypt_ecb(flag,real_key))  exploit()    

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