
import java.io.*;public class 密码字典生成 {// 密码最短长度int min = 8;// 密码最长长度int max = 14;// 常用密码组合String[] MOST_USE = new String[] { "11111111", "00000000", "11223344", "0123456789", "000000", "0123456789","101010", "111111", "111222", "112233", "11223344", "121212", "12121212", "12344321456", "1234567","12345678", "123456789", "1234567890", "1234gwer", "1qaz2wsx", "2222415926", "555555", "7758521", "7758258","77777777", "8888888", "99999999", "99999999", "abcdefg", "admin", "love", "qwertyuiop", "1314", "7788","8899", "123", "1234", };// 常用年份组合String[] YEAR = new String[] { "1970", "1971", "1972", "1973", "1974", "1975", "1976", "1977", "1978", "1979","1980", "1981", "1982", "1983", "1984", "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989", "1990", "1991", "1992","1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000,2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006","2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016,“2017,2018", "2019", "2020","2021", "2022", "2023", "2024" };// 常用月份组合String[] MONTH = new String[] { "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12", "1", "2","3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" };// 常用日期组合String[] DAY = new String[] { "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14","15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "1","2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" };// 常用首字母String[] FLETTER = new String[] { "b", "c", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "q", "s", "t", "w","x", "y", "z" };// 常用姓氏组合String[] LASTNAME = new String[] { "li", "ma", "wu", "xu", "hu", "yu", "he", "liu", "sun", "gao", "luo", "cai","guo", "zhu", "wang", "zhao", "yang", "zhou", "song", "meng", "deng", "zhang", "huang", "liang", "qian","zheng", "feng", "chen", "hu", "shen", "han", "kong" };// 常用名字拼音组合String[] FIRSTNAME = new String[] { "bo", "bi", "bai", "bei", "bao", "ban", "ben", "bin", "bang", "bing", "biao","ci", "cai", "can", "cen", "cun", "ceng", "cong", "cao", "chi", "chu", "chui", "chan", "chen", "cheng","chang", "chong", "chuan", "chuang", "chao", "che", "cha", "chai", "de", "di", "du", "dai", "dao", "dan","deng", "ding", "dang", "dong", "fa", "fu", "fei", "fan", "fen", " fang", "feng", "fou", "gu", "gui", "gao","gai", "gan", "gen", "guo", "gang", "geng", "guan", "guang", "hu", "hui", "hao", "han", "hen", "huo","hang", "heng", "huan", "huang", "hun", "ji", "ju", "jiu", "jie", "jin", "jun", " jue", "jing", "ji", "jia","jiao", "jian", "juan", "jiang", "kai", "kui", "kan", "ken", "kun", "kuo", "kang", "keng", "kong", "kuan","kuang", "le", "li", "lai", "lu", "lei", "lie", "lan", "lin", "lun", "lang", "ling", "long", "liao", "lian","luan", "mi", "mu", "mai", "man", "mei", "mao", "miu", "min", "mang", "meng", "ming", "miao", "mian", "na","ni", "nu", "niu", "nan", "nuo", "neng", "ning", "nv", "pa", "pi", "pu", "pai", "pen", "pin", "pan", "pao","peng", "ping", "pang", "pian", "qi", "qu", "qiu", "qing", "qin", "quan", "qian", "qiao", "que", "ri", "re","ruo", "rou", "ran", "ren", "rui", "rang", "reng", "sa", "si", "se", "su", "sai", "sun", "suo", "song","sang", "san", "suan", "shi", "shu", "shui", "shan", "shen", "sheng", "shang", "shuan", "shuang", "shao","she", "sha", "shai", "ta", "te", "tan", "tei", "ti", "tu", "tang", "tai", "tao", "tuo", "teng", "ting","tun", "tong", "tian", "tou", "wa", "wu", "wai", "wei", "wang", "wan", "xi", "xu", "xiu", "xian", "xu","xie", "xun", "xin", "xing", "xiang", "xiong", "xia", "xuan", "xue", "ya", "yi", "yu", "yao", "you", "yan","yun", "yue", "yin", "ying", " yuan", "yang", "yong", "zu", "zao", "zui", "ze", "zi", "zou", "zuo", "zeng","zuan", "zong", "zun", "zan", "zai" };// 常用特殊符号String[] MOST_SIN = new String[] { "!", "@", "#", "_", "~", "*", "$", ",", ".", "," };public void create(String[] temp) throws IOException {File f = new File("./dict.txt");FileOutputStream fop = new FileOutputStream(f, true);OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fop, "UTF-8");for (String i : temp) {String str = i + '\n';if (str.length() < this.max && str.length() > this.min)writer.append(str);}writer.close();fop.close();};public void create(String[] temp, String[] temp1) throws IOException {File f = new File("./dict.txt");FileOutputStream fop = new FileOutputStream(f, true);OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fop, "UTF-8");for (String i : temp) {for (String j : temp1) {String str = i + j + '\n';if (str.length() < this.max && str.length() > this.min)writer.append(str);}}writer.close();fop.close();};public void create(String[] temp, String[] temp1, String[] temp2) throws IOException {File f = new File("./dict.txt");FileOutputStream fop = new FileOutputStream(f, true);OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fop, "UTF-8");for (String x : temp) {for (String y : temp1) {for (String z : temp2) {String str = x + y + z + '\n';if (str.length() < this.max && str.length() > this.min)writer.append(str);}}}writer.close();fop.close();};public void create(String[] temp, String[] temp1, String[] temp2, String[] temp3) throws IOException {File f = new File("./dict.txt");FileOutputStream fop = new FileOutputStream(f, true);OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fop, "UTF-8");for (String a : temp) {for (String b : temp1) {for (String c : temp2) {for (String d : temp3) {String str = a + b + c + d + '\n';if (str.length() < this.max && str.length() > this.min)writer.append(str);}}}}writer.close();fop.close();};public void create(String[] temp, String[] temp1, String[] temp2, String[] temp3, String[] temp4)throws IOException {File f = new File("./dict.txt");FileOutputStream fop = new FileOutputStream(f, true);OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fop, "UTF-8");for (String a : temp) {for (String b : temp1) {for (String c : temp2) {for (String d : temp3) {for (String e : temp4) {String str = a + b + c + d + e + '\n';if (str.length() < this.max && str.length() > this.min)writer.append(str);}}}}}writer.close();fop.close();};public void create(String[] temp, String[] temp1, String[] temp2, String[] temp3, String[] temp4, String[] temp5)throws IOException {File f = new File("./dict.txt");FileOutputStream fop = new FileOutputStream(f, true);OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fop, "UTF-8");for (String a : temp) {for (String b : temp1) {for (String c : temp2) {for (String d : temp3) {for (String e : temp4) {for (String z : temp5) {String str = a + b + c + d + e + z + '\n';if (str.length() < this.max && str.length() > this.min)writer.append(str);}}}}}}writer.close();fop.close();};public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {密码字典生成 createdict = new 密码字典生成();System.out.println("正在生成:姓+年+常用符号");createdict.create(createdict.LASTNAME, createdict.YEAR, createdict.MOST_SIN);System.out.println("正在生成:姓+常用数字");createdict.create(createdict.LASTNAME, createdict.MOST_USE);System.out.println("正在生成:姓+常用数字+常用符号");createdict.create(createdict.LASTNAME, createdict.MOST_USE, createdict.MOST_SIN);System.out.println("正在生成:姓+年+月+日");createdict.create(createdict.LASTNAME, createdict.YEAR, createdict.MONTH, createdict.DAY);System.out.println("正在生成:姓+月+日+常用符号");createdict.create(createdict.LASTNAME, createdict.MONTH, createdict.DAY, createdict.MOST_USE);System.out.println("正在生成:姓+名+年");createdict.create(createdict.LASTNAME, createdict.FIRSTNAME, createdict.YEAR);System.out.println("正在生成:姓+名+月+日");createdict.create(createdict.LASTNAME, createdict.FIRSTNAME, createdict.MONTH, createdict.DAY);System.out.println("正在生成:姓+名+年+月+日");createdict.create(createdict.LASTNAME, createdict.FIRSTNAME, createdict.YEAR, createdict.MONTH, createdict.DAY);System.out.println("正在生成:姓+名+名+年");createdict.create(createdict.LASTNAME, createdict.FIRSTNAME, createdict.FIRSTNAME, createdict.YEAR);System.out.println("正在生成:姓+名+名+月+日");createdict.create(createdict.LASTNAME, createdict.FIRSTNAME, createdict.FIRSTNAME, createdict.MONTH,createdict.DAY);System.out.println("正在生成:姓+名+名+年+月+日");createdict.create(createdict.LASTNAME, createdict.FIRSTNAME, createdict.FIRSTNAME, createdict.YEAR,createdict.MONTH, createdict.DAY);System.out.println("正在生成:2字首字母+常用数字");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.MOST_USE);System.out.println("正在生成:2字首字母+常用符号");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.MOST_SIN);System.out.println("正在生成:2字首字母+年");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.YEAR);System.out.println("正在生成:2字首字母+年+常用符号");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.YEAR, createdict.MOST_SIN);System.out.println("正在生成:2字首字母+月+日");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.MONTH, createdict.DAY);System.out.println("正在生成:2字首字母+月+日+常用符号");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.MONTH, createdict.DAY,createdict.MOST_SIN);System.out.println("正在生成:2字首字母+年+月+日");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.YEAR, createdict.MONTH, createdict.DAY);System.out.println("正在生成:3字首字母+常用数字");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.MOST_USE);System.out.println("正在生成:3字首字母+常用符号");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.MOST_SIN);System.out.println("正在生成:3字首字母+年");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.YEAR);System.out.println("正在生成:3字首字母+年+常用符号");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.YEAR,createdict.MOST_SIN);System.out.println("正在生成:3字首字母+月+日");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.MONTH, createdict.DAY);System.out.println("正在生成:3字首字母+月+日+常用符号");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.MONTH, createdict.DAY,createdict.MOST_SIN);System.out.println("正在生成:3字首字母+年+月+日");createdict.create(createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.FLETTER, createdict.YEAR, createdict.MONTH,createdict.DAY);}


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