
Chodak M., Gołębiewski M., Morawska-Płoskonka J., Kuduk K. & Niklińska M. 2013. Diversity of microorganisms from forest soils differently polluted with heavy metals. Applied Soil Ecology. 64: 7–14. 

arge accumulation of heavy metals in organic layers of forest soils may adversely affect the structure and diversity of microbial communities.


The objective of this study was to assess the influence of different soil chemical properties on structure and diversity of microbial communities in soils polluted with different levels of heavy metals. The soil samples were taken at ten sites located in the vicinity of the cities of Legnica and Olkusz, differently polluted with Cu, Zn and Pb.

The samples were measured for pH and the contents of organic C (Corg), total N (Nt), total S (St) and total Zn, Cu and Pb. The measured gross microbial properties included microbial biomass (Cmic) and soil respiration (RESP).

The structure of soil microbial communities was assessed using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and the structure of soil bacterial communities using pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes.

To assess diversity of the bacterial communities the Chao1 index was calculated based on the pyrosequencing data.


For Cmic and RESP the most important factors were Nt and Corg, respectively. The structure and diversity of soil microbial communities revealed by PLFA profiles and pyrosequencing depended mainly on soil pH. The effect of high heavy metal contents on soil microbial properties was weaker compared with other soil properties.


concentrations of heavy metals negatively affected RESP and the Chao1 diversity index. The heavy metal

pollution altered the structure of microbial communities measured with PLFA analysis, but the effect of

heavy metal pollution was not observed for the structure of soil bacteria measured by pyrosequencing. (PLFA比16S更敏感地反映环境对微生物群落结构的影响)


The obtained results indicate that the use of soil microbial properties to study heavy metal effects may be difficult due to confounding influences of other environmental factors.

Gołębiewski M., Deja-Sikora E., Cichosz M., Tretyn A. & Wróbel B. 2014. 16S rDNA Pyrosequencing Analysis of Bacterial Community in Heavy Metals Polluted Soils. Microb Ecol. 67: 635–647. 
背景:Soil contamination with heavy metals is a widespread

problem, especially prominent on grounds lying in the

vicinity of mines, smelters, and other industrial facilities.

试验体系:Many such areas are located in Southern Poland; they are

polluted mainly with Pb, Zn, Cd, or Cu, and locally also with

Cr. As for now, little is

known about most bacterial species

thriving in such soils and even less about a core bacterial

community—a set of taxa common to polluted soils. Therefore,

we wanted to answer the question if such a set could be

found in samples differing physicochemically and

phytosociologically. To answer the question, we analyzed

bacterial communities in three soil samples contaminated with

Pb and Zn and two contaminated with Cr and lower levels of

Pb and Zn. The communities were assessed with 16S rRNA gene fragments pyrosequencing.


It was found that the samples

differed significantly and Zn decreased both diversity and

species richness at species and family levels, while plant 

species richness did not correlate with bacterial diversity. In

spite of the differences between the samples, they shared

many operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and it was possible

to delineate the core microbiome of our sample set. The core

set of OTUs comprised members of such taxa as

Sphingomonas, Candidatus Solibacter, or Flexibacter showing

that particular genera might be shared among sites ~40 km






respiration 呼吸





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