
The Ribbon in Microsoft Office 2013 provides quick access to many features and options by default, but it can be further customized to fit the way you use it. You can add a custom tab to the ribbon or you can add commands to the existing tabs.

默认情况下,Microsoft Office 2013中的功能区提供快速访问许多功能和选项的功能,但可以对其进行进一步自定义以适合您的使用方式。 您可以将自定义选项卡添加到功能区,也可以将命令添加到现有选项卡。

To add commands to an existing default tab on the ribbon, right-click on any empty space on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon” from the popup menu.


The “Customize the Ribbon and keyboard shortcuts” screen on the “Word Options” dialog box displays. To add commands to a default tab, you must add a custom group to the tab first. Select the tab to which you want to add commands, and click “New Group” below the list of tabs.

显示“ Word选项”对话框上的“自定义功能区和键盘快捷键”屏幕。 要将命令添加到默认选项卡,必须首先将自定义组添加到选项卡。 选择要向其添加命令的选项卡,然后单击选项卡列表下方的“新建组”。

NOTE: You can rename and change the order of the default tabs and groups that are built into the ribbon in Office 2013. However, the default commands available on these default tabs cannot be renamed or reordered, and you cannot change the icons associated with these default commands. The default commands are displayed in gray text in the list on the right side of the dialog box.

注意:您可以重命名和更改Office 2013中功能区中内置的默认选项卡和组的顺序。但是,这些默认选项卡上可用的默认命令无法重命名或重新排序,并且您不能更改与这些选项卡关联的图标默认命令。 默认命令以灰色文本显示在对话框右侧的列表中。

The new group is added to the end of the list of groups on the selected tab. Custom tabs and groups are distinguished from default tabs and groups with “(Custom)” after the name, but the word “(Custom)” does not display on the ribbon.

新组将添加到所选选项卡上组列表的末尾。 自定义选项卡和组与默认选项卡和组的名称后面有“(自定义)”,但功能区上未显示单词“(自定义)”。

Make sure the new group is selected and click “Rename” below the list of tabs.


On the “Rename” dialog box, enter a name for the new group in the “Display name” edit box. Optionally, you can select an icon to represent the group when the ribbon is resized such that the group cannot be fully displayed.

在“重命名”对话框中,在“显示名称”编辑框中输入新组的名称。 (可选)您可以在调整功能区的大小时选择一个图标来代表该组,以使该组无法完全显示。

The name of the group changes in the list. To select a command to add to the group, select an option from the “Choose commands from” drop-down list, depending on which command you want. We’re going to add commands to our new group that are not currently on the ribbon, so we will select “Commands Not in the Ribbon.”

组的名称在列表中更改。 要选择要添加到组中的命令,请根据所需命令从“选择命令来源”下拉列表中选择一个选项。 我们将向功能区中当前未添加的命令添加到新组中,因此我们将选择“功能区中未包含的命令”。

Scroll down the list of available commands, click on one you want to add, and click “Add.”


The command is added under the new custom group. Add more commands as desired to the new custom group. The commands are listed in the group in the order that they are added; however, you can use the up and down arrow buttons to the right of the list of tabs to rearrange the commands in the group.

该命令将添加到新的自定义组下。 根据需要将更多命令添加到新的自定义组。 这些命令按添加顺序在组中列出。 但是,您可以使用选项卡列表右侧的向上和向下箭头按钮来重新排列组中的命令。

When you’ve added all the commands you want and arranged them in the desired order, click “OK” to accept your changes and close the “Word Options” dialog box.


The new custom group of commands is added to the right of the default groups.


If you want your custom group further to the left on the tab, you can easily move it. Access the “Customize the Ribbon and keyboard shortcuts” screen on the “Word Options” dialog box as described earlier. Select the custom group in the list of tabs on the right and click the up arrow to move it to the left on the tab. Click the down arrow to move it to the right.

如果您希望自定义组位于选项卡的左侧,则可以轻松地将其移动。 如前所述,访问“ Word选项”对话框上的“自定义功能区和键盘快捷键”屏幕。 在右侧的选项卡列表中选择自定义组,然后单击向上箭头将其移至选项卡的左侧。 单击向下箭头将其向右移动。

To remove a custom tab, select the tab in the list on the right and click “Remove.”


Customization of the ribbon is specific to the Office program in which you are working at the time and does not apply across the other Office programs. The ribbon can be customized in all Office programs that include the ribbon. If the names of the tabs on the ribbon are in all caps and you don’t like that, the capitalization of the tab names can be changed.

功能区的自定义特定于您当时正在使用的Office程序,不适用于其他Office程序。 可以在包括功能区的所有Office程序中自定义功能区。 如果功能区上的选项卡名称全部用大写字母表示,并且您不满意,可以更改选项卡名称的大写字母。

You can also customize the Quick Access Toolbar. Once you’ve customized the ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar, you can back up your customizations. This allows you to re-import them if you delete them at one point and then want to add them in again or if you have to reinstall the program.

您还可以自定义快速访问工具栏。 自定义功能区和快速访问工具栏后,即可备份自定义内容。 如果您一次删除它们,然后又想重新添加它们,或者必须重新安装该程序,则可以重新导入它们。



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