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www.myexceptions.net  网友分享于:2013-08-17  浏览:5次


import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;

import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileInputStream;


* 获得快捷方式指向的路径

* @author shk



public class LnkParser {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

new LnkParser(new File("C://temps//config.text.lnk"));


public LnkParser(File f) throws Exception {



private boolean is_dir;

public boolean isDirectory() {

return is_dir;


private String real_file;

public String getRealFilename() {

return real_file;


private void parse(File f) throws Exception {

// read the entire file into a byte buffer

FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(f);

ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

byte[] buff = new byte[256];

while (true) {

int n = fin.read(buff);

if (n == -1) {



bout.write(buff, 0, n);



byte[] link = bout.toByteArray();

// get the flags byte

byte flags = link[0x14];

// get the file attributes byte

final int file_atts_offset = 0x18;

byte file_atts = link[file_atts_offset];

byte is_dir_mask = (byte) 0x10;

if ((file_atts & is_dir_mask) > 0) {

is_dir = true;

} else {

is_dir = false;


// if the shell settings are present, skip them

final int shell_offset = 0x4c;

final byte has_shell_mask = (byte) 0x01;

int shell_len = 0;

if ((flags & has_shell_mask) > 0) {

// the plus 2 accounts for the length marker itself

shell_len = bytes2short(link, shell_offset) + 2;


// get to the file settings

int file_start = 0x4c + shell_len;

// get the local volume and local system values

final int basename_offset_offset = 0x10;

final int finalname_offset_offset = 0x18;

int basename_offset = link[file_start + basename_offset_offset]

+ file_start;

int finalname_offset = link[file_start + finalname_offset_offset]

+ file_start;

String basename = getNullDelimitedString(link, basename_offset);

String finalname = getNullDelimitedString(link, finalname_offset);

real_file = basename + finalname;



private static String getNullDelimitedString(byte[] bytes, int off) {

int len = 0;

// count bytes until the null character (0)

while (true) {

if (bytes[off + len] == 0) {





return new String(bytes, off, len);



* convert two bytes into a short note, this is little endian because it's

* for an Intel only OS.


private static int bytes2short(byte[] bytes, int off) {

int n = 0;

for (int i = start, k = start + len % 5; i < k; i++) {

n += (bys[i] & 0xff) << (i * (8));


return n;




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