

The effect of egg yolk consumption on the composition of LDL and on the
concentration of HDL subclasses was studied in healthy subjects. Six volunteers
consumed a diet low in cholesterol for 10 days and then daily added 6 egg yolks to
their diet for another 10 days; the experiment was repeated 1 year later with the
same subjects. Egg yolk consumption caused the cholesterol intake to increase by
1600 mg/day, and the fat intake by 7 energy S at the expense of carbohydrates; this
increase was due almost exclusively to monounsaturated fatty acids.
Upon egg yolk feeding the mean level of serum total cholesterol rose by 13%; the
bulk of this rise was due to LDL cholesterol, which increased by 21%. VLDL and
IDL cholesterol decreased by 19 and ll%, and serum total triglycerides by 17%.
Marked relative increases of 35 and 36% were seen in the cholesterol level of the
HDL subfraktions with densities of 1.055-1.075 g/ml (HDL,) and 1.075-1.100
g/ml (HDL,), respectively. The HDL,/LDL cholesterol ratio increased by 16%.













As previously stated, lutein and zeaxanthin are mainly transported in HDL particles [27,99]. This specific transportation leads to bigger HDL particles, which are considered anti-atherogenic since they can carry more cholesterol from extra hepatic tissues, including foam cells, to the liver in the reverse cholesterol transport [100,101]. However, intervention studies also have shown that up to 22% of total xanthophylls are found in LDL particles [99]. This explains how these xanthophylls can also prevent atherosclerosis via inhibiting LDL oxidation.(叶黄素如何通过抑制LDL氧化来预防动脉粥样硬化。)

In the Los Angeles Atherosclerosis study, a cohort of 269 women and 304 men were randomly selected from a group of employees and assessed for atherosclerosis risk factors at baseline and after 18 months. Researchers found an inverse association between plasma lutein and atherosclerosis in this sample [104]. Further on, they investigated the relationship of plasma antioxidants, including both lutein and zeaxanthin and carotid intima-media Thickness (IMT) using the same sample, and the results showed that an 18 month change in IMT was significantly inversely related to lutein and zeaxanthin [105].

Zou et al. [106] also assessed IMT and plasma carotenoids in The Beijing Atherosclerosis study. This was a case-control study with 125 subjects with early atherosclerosis and 107 controls aged 45–68 years. The researchers measured IMT and arterial stiffness using carotid ultrasonography and measured serum carotenoids with HPLC. In the cases, lutein serum concentration was significantly lower than that of the controls and inversely associated with IMT. On the other hand, zeaxanthin was negatively correlated with right common carotid artery stiffness, but there was no difference in zeaxanthin serum concentration between cases and controls, suggesting that the role of lutein in the prevention of atherosclerosis is clear, but zeaxanthin’s role may need further research [75].





[1]Eggs and Cholesterol

[2]Effect of egg yolk feeding on the concentration and composition of serum lipoproteins in man - PubMed

[3]Europe PMC

[4]Egg yolk, source of bad cholesterol and good lipids? | The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Oxford Academic




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