
[kuangbin带你飞]专题十六 KMP & 扩展KMP & Manacher




kmp求最小循环节 = len - nxt[len-1] 或  =len- nxt[len] 根据具体next数组含义而定。

           F - The Minimum Length

Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:131072KB 64bit IO Format:%lld &
%llu Submit Status Practice HUST 1010


There is a string A. The length of A is less than 1,000,000. I rewrite
it again and again. Then I got a new string: AAAAAA…… Now I cut it
from two different position and get a new string B. Then, give you the
string B, can you tell me the length of the shortest possible string
A. For example, A=”abcdefg”. I got abcd efgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefg….
Then I cut the red part: efgabcdefgabcde as string B. From B, you
should find out the shortest A.


Multiply Test Cases. For each line there is a string B which contains
only lowercase and uppercase charactors. The length of B is no more
than 1,000,000.


For each line, output an integer, as described above.

Sample Input


Sample Output


/*************************************************************************> File Name: hust_1010.cpp> Author: dulun> Mail: dulun@xiyoulinux.org> Created Time: 2016年03月15日 星期二 21时02分30秒************************************************************************/#include<iostream>
#define LL long long
using namespace std;const int N = 50086;
int nxt[1000006];
char a[1000006];void getnxt(int m)
{int k = 0;for(int i = 1; i < m; i++){while(k && a[i] != a[k]) k = nxt[k-1];if(a[i] == a[k]) k++;nxt[i] = k;}
}int main()
{while(~scanf("%s", a)){memset(nxt, 0, sizeof(nxt));int m = strlen(a);getnxt(m);cout<<m-nxt[strlen(a)-1]<<endl;memset(a, 0, sizeof(a));}return 0;

HUST 1010 The Minimum Length相关推荐

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