专题一 简单搜索
POJ 1321 棋盘问题
POJ 2251 Dungeon Master
POJ 3278 Catch That Cow
POJ 3279 Fliptile
POJ 1426 Find The Multiple
POJ 3126 Prime Path
POJ 3087 Shuffle’m Up
POJ 3414 Pots
FZU 2150 Fire Game
UVA 11624 Fire!
POJ 3984 迷宫问题
HDU 1241 Oil Deposits
HDU 1495 非常可乐
HDU 2612 Find a way
专题二 搜索进阶
HDU 1043 Eight
HDU 3567 Eight II
HDU 2181 哈密顿绕行世界问题
HDU 3533 Escape
HDU 1560 DNA sequence
ZOJ 2477 Magic Cube
HDU 3085 Nightmare Ⅱ
HDU 1067 Gap
HDU 2102 A计划
HDU 3001 Travelling
专题三 Dancing Links
HUST 1017 Exact cover
ZOJ 3209 Treasure Map
HDU 2295 Radar
FZU 1686 神龙的难题
POJ 1084 Square Destroyer
POJ 3074 Sudoku
ZOJ 3122 Sudoku
HDU 4069 Squiggly Sudoku
HDU 3335 Divisibility
HDU 4979 A simple math problem.
HDU 5046 Airport
专题四 最短路练习
POJ 2387 Til the Cows Come Home
POJ 2253 Frogger
POJ 1797 Heavy Transportation
POJ 3268 Silver Cow Party
POJ 1860 Currency Exchange
POJ 3259 Wormholes
POJ 1502 MPI Maelstrom
POJ 3660 Cow Contest
POJ 2240 Arbitrage
POJ 1511 Invitation Cards
POJ 3159 Candies
POJ 2502 Subway
POJ 1062 昂贵的聘礼
POJ 1847 Tram
LightOJ 1074 Extended Traffic
HDU 4725 The Shortest Path in Nya Graph
HDU 3416 Marriage Match IV
HDU 4370 0 or 1
POJ 3169 Layout
专题五 并查集
POJ 2236 Wireless Network
POJ 1611 The Suspects
HDU 1213 How Many Tables
HDU 3038 How Many Answers Are Wrong
POJ 1182 食物链
POJ 1417 True Liars
POJ 1456 Supermarket
POJ 1733 Parity game
POJ 1984 Navigation Nightmare
POJ 2492 A Bug’s Life
POJ 2912 Rochambeau
ZOJ 3261 Connections in Galaxy War
HDU 1272 小希的迷宫
POJ 1308 Is It A Tree?
专题六 最小生成树
POJ 1251 Jungle Roads
POJ 1287 Networking
POJ 2031 Building a Space Station
POJ 2421 Constructing Roads
ZOJ 1586 QS Network
POJ 1789 Truck History
POJ 2349 Arctic Network
POJ 1751 Highways
POJ 1258 Agri-Net
POJ 3026 Borg Maze
POJ 1679 The Unique MST
HDU 1233 还是畅通工程
HDU 1301 Jungle Roads
HDU 1875 畅通工程再续
专题七 线段树
HDU 1166 敌兵布阵
HDU 1754 I Hate It
POJ 3468 A Simple Problem with Integers
POJ 2528 Mayor’s posters
HDU 1698 Just a Hook
ZOJ 1610 Count the Colors
POJ 3264 Balanced Lineup
HDU 4027 Can you answer these queries?
HDU 1540 Tunnel Warfare
HDU 3974 Assign the task
HDU 4578 Transformation
HDU 4614 Vases and Flowers
HDU 4553 约会安排
POJ 1177 Picture
HDU 1255 覆盖的面积
HDU 1542 Atlantis
HDU 3642 Get The Treasury
专题八 生成树
POJ 1679 The Unique MST
HDU 4081 Qin Shi Huang’s National Road System
UVA 10600 ACM Contest and Blackout
UVA 10462 Is There A Second Way Left?
POJ 3164 Command Network
UVA 11183 Teen Girl Squad
HDU 2121 Ice_cream’s world II
HDU 4009 Transfer water
UVA 10766 Organising the Organisation
SPOJ DETER3 Find The Determinant III
URAL 1627 Join
HDU 4305 Lightning
HDU 4408 Minimum Spanning Tree
SPOJ HIGH Highways
专题九 连通图
POJ 1236 Network of Schools
UVA 315 Network
UVA 796 Critical Links
POJ 3694 Network
POJ 3177 Redundant Paths
HDU 4612 Warm up
HDU 4635 Strongly connected
HDU 4685 Prince and Princess
HDU 4738 Caocao’s Bridges
专题十 匹配问题
HDU 1045 Fire Net
HDU 2444 The Accomodation of Students
HDU 1083 Courses
HDU 1281 棋盘游戏
HDU 2819 Swap
HDU 2389 Rain on your Parade
HDU 4185 Oil Skimming
POJ 3020 Antenna Placement
HDU 1054 Strategic Game
HDU 1151 Air Raid
POJ 2594 Treasure Exploration
HDU 3829 Cat VS Dog
POJ 2289 Jamie’s Contact Groups
POJ 2112 Optimal Milking
POJ 3189 Steady Cow Assignment
HDU 2255 奔小康赚大钱
HDU 3488 Tour
URAL 1099 Work Scheduling
HDU 4687 Boke and Tsukkomi
专题十一 网络流
POJ 3436 ACM Computer Factory
POJ 3281 Dining
POJ 1087 A Plug for UNIX
POJ 2195 Going Home
POJ 2516 Minimum Cost
POJ 1459 Power Network
HDU 4280 Island Transport
HDU 4292 Food
HDU 4289 Control
UVA 10480 Sabotage
HDU 2732 Leapin’ Lizards
HDU 3338 Kakuro Extension
HDU 3605 Escape
HDU 3081 Marriage Match II
HDU 3416 Marriage Match IV
专题十二 基础DP1
HDU 1024 Max Sum Plus Plus
HDU 1029 Ignatius and the Princess IV
HDU 1069 Monkey and Banana
HDU 1074 Doing Homework
HDU 1087 Super Jumping! Jumping! Jumping!
HDU 1114 Piggy-Bank
HDU 1176 免费馅饼
HDU 1260 Tickets
HDU 1257 最少拦截系统
HDU 1160 FatMouse’s Speed
POJ 1015 Jury Compromise
POJ 1458 Common Subsequence
POJ 1661 Help Jimmy
POJ 2533 Longest Ordered Subsequence
POJ 3186 Treats for the Cows
HDU 1078 FatMouse and Cheese
HDU 2859 Phalanx
POJ 3616 Milking Time
POJ 3666 Making the Grade
专题十三 基础计算几何
POJ 2398 Toy Storage
POJ 3304 Segments
POJ 1269 Intersecting Lines
POJ 1556 The Doors
POJ 2653 Pick-up sticks
POJ 1066 Treasure Hunt
POJ 1410 Intersection
POJ 1696 Space Ant
POJ 3347 Kadj Squares
POJ 3348 Cows
POJ 2826 An Easy Problem?!
POJ 1039 Pipe
POJ 3449 Geometric Shapes
POJ 1584 A Round Peg in a Ground Hole
专题十四 数论基础
LightOJ 1370 Bi-shoe and Phi-shoe
LightOJ 1356 Prime Independence
LightOJ 1341 Aladdin and the Flying Carpet
LightOJ 1336 Sigma Function
LightOJ 1282 Leading and Trailing
LightOJ 1259 Goldbach`s Conjecture
LightOJ 1245 Harmonic Number (II)
LightOJ 1236 Pairs Forming LCM
LightOJ 1234 Harmonic Number
LightOJ 1220 Mysterious Bacteria
LightOJ 1214 Large Division
LightOJ 1213 Fantasy of a Summation
LightOJ 1197 Help Hanzo
LightOJ 1138 Trailing Zeroes (III)
UVA 11426 GCD - Extreme (II)
UVA 11754 Code Feat
UVA 11916 Emoogle Grid
POJ 1061 青蛙的约会
POJ 2115 C Looooops
POJ 2116 Death to Binary?
HDU 2161 Primes
UVA 11827 Maximum GCD
UVA 10200 Prime Time
SGU 106 The equation
POJ 2478 Farey Sequence
UVA 11752 The Super Powers
专题十五 数位DP
CodeForces 55D Beautiful numbers
HDU 2089 不要62
HDU 3555 Bomb
POJ 3252 Round Numbers
HDU 3709 Balanced Number
HDU 3652 B-number
HDU 4734 F(x)
ZOJ 3494 BCD Code
HDU 4507 吉哥系列故事――恨7不成妻
SPOJ BALNUM Balanced Numbers
专题十六 KMP & 扩展KMP & Manacher
HDU 1711 Number Sequence
HDU 1686 Oulipo
HDU 2087 剪花布条
HDU 3746 Cyclic Nacklace
HDU 1358 Period
HUST 1010 The Minimum Length
POJ 2406 Power Strings
POJ 2752 Seek the Name, Seek the Fame
POJ 3080 Blue Jeans
HDU 2594 Simpsons’ Hidden Talents
HDU 3336 Count the string
HDU 4300 Clairewd’s message
HDU 1238 Substrings
HDU 2328 Corporate Identity
HDU 3374 String Problem
HDU 2609 How many
FZU 1901 Period II
POJ 3746 Teacher YYF
HDU 3613 Best Reward
POJ 3376 Finding Palindromes
POJ 3974 Palindrome
HDU 4513 吉哥系列故事――完美队形II
HDU 3294 Girls’ research
HDU 3068 最长回文
HDU 4847 Wow! Such Doge!
HDU 4763 Theme Section
专题十七 AC自动机
HDU 2222 Keywords Search
HDU 2896 病毒侵袭
HDU 3065 病毒侵袭持续中
ZOJ 3430 Detect the Virus
POJ 2778 DNA Sequence
HDU 2243 考研路茫茫――单词情结
POJ 1625 Censored!
HDU 2825 Wireless Password
HDU 2296 Ring
HDU 2457 DNA repair
ZOJ 3228 Searching the String
HDU 3341 Lost’s revenge
HDU 3247 Resource Archiver
ZOJ 3494 BCD Code
HDU 4758 Walk Through Squares
HDU 4511 小明系列故事――女友的考验
专题十八 后缀数组
POJ 1743 Musical Theme
POJ 3261 Milk Patterns
SPOJ DISUBSTR Distinct Substrings
SPOJ SUBST1 New Distinct Substrings
POJ 2406 Power Strings
POJ 3693 Maximum repetition substring
POJ 2774 Long Long Message
POJ 3415 Common Substrings
POJ 3294 Life Forms
SPOJ PHRASES Relevant Phrases of Annihilation
POJ 1226 Substrings
UVA 11475 Extend to Palindrome
POJ 3581 Sequence
POJ 3450 Corporate Identity
POJ 3080 Blue Jeans
POJ 2758 Checking the Text
专题十九 矩阵
CodeForces 450B Jzzhu and Sequences
HDU 5015 233 Matrix
HDU 4990 Reading comprehension
UVA 11651 Krypton Number System
HDU 4965 Fast Matrix Calculation
UVA 11551 Experienced Endeavour
UVA 10689 Yet another Number Sequence
UVA 11149 Power of Matrix
UVA 10655 Contemplation! Algebra
UVA 1386 Cellular Automaton
UVA 10870 Recurrences
UVA 11885 Number of Battlefields
HDU 4565 So Easy!
CodeForces 392C Yet Another Number Sequence
CodeForces 385E Bear in the Field
FZU 1911 Construct a Matrix
UVA 10518 How Many Calls?
HDU 4549 M斐波那契数列
HDU 4686 Arc of Dream
专题二十 斜率DP
HDU 3507 Print Article
HDU 2829 Lawrence
HDU 4528 小明系列故事――捉迷藏
HDU 1300 Pearls
HDU 2993 MAX Average Problem
UVALive 5097 Cross the Wall
HDU 3045 Picnic Cows
HDU 3516 Tree Construction
POJ 1160 Post Office
POJ 1180 Batch Scheduling
POJ 2018 Best Cow Fences
POJ 3709 K-Anonymous Sequence
POJ 2841 Navigation Game
POJ 1260 Pearls
UVA 12594 Naming Babies
HDU 3480 Division
UVALive 6771 Buffed Buffet
专题二十一 概率&期望
LightOJ 1027 A Dangerous Maze
LightOJ 1030 Discovering Gold
LightOJ 1038 Race to 1 Again
LightOJ 1079 Just another Robbery
LightOJ 1104 Birthday Paradox
LightOJ 1151 Snakes and Ladders
LightOJ 1248 Dice (III)
LightOJ 1265 Island of Survival
LightOJ 1274 Beating the Dataset
LightOJ 1284 Lights inside 3D Grid
LightOJ 1287 Where to Run
LightOJ 1317 Throwing Balls into the Baskets
LightOJ 1321 Sending Packets
LightOJ 1342 Aladdin and the Magical Sticks
LightOJ 1364 Expected Cards
LightOJ 1395 A Dangerous Maze (II)
LightOJ 1408 Batting Practice
专题二十二 区间DP
ZOJ 3537 Cake
LightOJ 1422 Halloween Costumes
POJ 2955 Brackets
CodeForces 149D Coloring Brackets
POJ 1651 Multiplication Puzzle
ZOJ 3469 Food Delivery
HDU 4283 You Are the One
HDU 2476 String painter
专题二十三 计算几何之半平面交
POJ 3335 Rotating Scoreboard
POJ 3130 How I Mathematician Wonder What You Are!
POJ 1474 Video Surveillance
POJ 1279 Art Gallery
POJ 3525 Most Distant Point from the Sea
POJ 3384 Feng Shui
POJ 1755 Triathlon
POJ 2540 Hotter Colder
POJ 2451 Uyuw’s Concert
POJ 1271 Nice Milk
UVA 11722 Joining with Friend
UVA 11722 he Sea
UVALive 7295 Positive Con Sequences
UVALive 7292 Refract Facts
UVALive 7297 Hounded by Indecision
UVALive 7346 Avoiding an Arrrgument
UVALive 7521 Kinfolk
UVALive 7347 Of the Children
UVALive 7348 Talking About Numbers
UVALive 7349 The Scheming Gardener
LightOJ 1433 Minimum Arc Distance
LightOJ 1387 Setu
LightOJ 1338 Hidden Secret!
LightOJ 1261 K-SAT Problem
LightOJ 1249 Chocolate Thief



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