

If you receive a phishing email, it can be a bit scary. Fortunately, nothing infects your computer if you don’t click any links or respond. Here’s what to do (and what not to do) if you receive a phishing email.

如果您收到网络钓鱼电子邮件,则可能会有点吓人。 幸运的是,如果您不单击任何链接或响应,则不会感染您的计算机。 如果您收到网上诱骗电子邮件,则可以采取以下措施(或采取措施)。

In a phishing email, the sender tries to get you to click a link or provide personal information, like bank details or passwords. They are a conventional social engineering attack. We’ve explained in detail how phishing emails work, which is worth a read if you’re unfamiliar with them or don’t know how to spot one.

在网络钓鱼电子邮件中,发件人试图让您单击链接或提供个人信息,例如银行详细信息或密码。 它们是常规的社会工程攻击 。 我们已经详细解释了网络钓鱼电子邮件的工作原理 ,如果您不熟悉网络钓鱼电子邮件或不知道如何发现它们,则值得一读。

But what should you do if you receive a phishing email?


不要惊慌,不要单击任何链接 (Don’t Panic and Don’t Click Any Links)

When you get a suspected phishing email, don’t panic. Modern email clients, like Outlook, Gmail, and Apple Mail, do a great job of filtering out emails that contain malicious code or attachments. Just because a phishing email lands in your inbox, it doesn’t mean your computer is infected with a virus or malware.

当您收到可疑的网络钓鱼电子邮件时,请不要惊慌。 Outlook,Gmail和Apple Mail等现代电子邮件客户端在过滤掉包含恶意代码或附件的电子邮件方面做得很好。 仅仅因为网络钓鱼电子邮件进入您的收件箱,并不意味着您的计算机感染了病毒或恶意软件。

It’s perfectly safe to open an email (and use the preview panel). Mail clients haven’t allowed code to run when you open (or preview) an email for a decade or more.

打开电子邮件 ( 并使用预览面板 )是绝对安全的 。 当您打开(或预览)电子邮件十年或更长时间时,邮件客户端不允许代码运行。

Phishing emails are a genuine security risk, though. You should never click a link in an email or open an attachment to one unless you are 100 percent confident you know and trust the sender. You should also never reply to the sender—even to tell them not to send you any further mail.

网络钓鱼电子邮件是真正的安全风险。 除非您百分百确信自己知道并信任发件人,否则切勿单击电子邮件中的链接或打开其中的附件。 您也不应该回复发件人,即使告诉他们不要再发送给您任何邮件。

Phishers might send emails to thousands of addresses every day, and if you reply to one of their messages, it confirms your email address is live. This makes you even more of a target. Once the phisher knows you’re reading his emails, he’ll send more attempts and hope one of them works.

网络钓鱼者可能每天都会将电子邮件发送到成千上万个地址,如果您回复其中的一封邮件,它会确认您的电子邮件地址是真实的。 这使您更加成为目标。 一旦网络钓鱼者知道您正在阅读他的电子邮件,他就会发送更多尝试,并希望其中之一能起作用。

So to be clear: Don’t click any links, don’t open any attachments, and don’t reply.

因此请明确: 不要单击任何链接,不要打开任何附件,也不要回复。

与发送方核对 (Check with the Sender)

GaudiLab/ShutterstockGaudiLab /快门

If a suspicious email appears to be from someone you know or a company you use, check with them to see if the message is legitimate. Do not reply to the email. If it appears to be from someone you know, create a new email message, or text or call the person and ask if they sent you the mail. Don’t forward the email, as that just spreads the potential phishing attack.

如果发现可疑电子邮件来自您认识的人或您使用的公司,请与他们联系以查看该消息是否合法。 不要回复电子邮件。 如果它似乎来自您认识的人,请创建新的电子邮件,或者发送短信或给该人打电话,并询问他们是否向您发送了邮件。 不要转发电子邮件,因为这只会传播潜在的网络钓鱼攻击。

If the email claims to be from a company you use, like your bank, gym, medical institution, or online retailer, go to their website and contact them from there. Again, do not click any links in the email. Type in the website address yourself (or use your preferred search engine) and use their contact options to ask the company if they sent it out.

如果电子邮件声称来自您使用的公司,例如您的银行,健身房,医疗机构或在线零售商,请访问其网站并从那里与他们联系。 再次, 不要点击邮件中的任何链接。 自己输入网站地址(或使用您喜欢的搜索引擎),并使用他们的联系方式询问公司是否将其发送出去。

If it appears the email was sent to a lot of people, such as communication about upgrading an app, you can also send a tweet to the company at their official handle and ask them directly. The representative won’t know about individual emails, but he’ll know if the company has sent out a communication to all customers.

如果电子邮件似乎发给了很多人,例如关于升级应用程序的交流,您还可以向其官方发送推文给该公司,然后直接询问他们。 该代表不知道个别电子邮件,但他会知道该公司是否已向所有客户发送通信。

报告电子邮件 (Report the Email)

There are four types of organization you can report phishing emails to:


  • Your company你的公司
  • Your email provider您的电子邮件提供商
  • A government body政府机构
  • The organization the email is allegedly from电子邮件所来自的组织

向您的公司报告 (Report It to Your Company)

If you receive a phishing email at your work address, you should follow your company’s policy rather than doing anything else. Your IT security policies might require you to forward a phishing email to a specific address, fill out an online report, log a ticket, or merely delete it.

如果您在工作地址收到网络钓鱼电子邮件,则应遵循公司的政策,而不要执行其他任何操作。 您的IT安全策略可能会要求您将网络钓鱼电子邮件转发到特定地址,填写在线报告,记录故障单或仅将其删除。

If you’re not sure what your company’s policy is, ask your IT security team. We recommend you find this out before you get a phishing email, if possible. It’s better to prepare and be ready.

如果不确定公司的政策是什么,请询问您的IT安全团队。 我们建议您在可能的情况下, 收到网络钓鱼电子邮件之前先进行查找。 最好做好准备并做好准备。

向您的电子邮件提供商报告 (Report It to Your Email Provider)

Your email provider probably has a process you can follow to report phishing emails. The mechanism varies from provider to provider, but the reason is the same. The more data the company has on phishing emails, the better it can make its spam/junk filters to prevent scams from getting through to you.

您的电子邮件提供商可能有一个可以遵循的报告网络钓鱼电子邮件的过程。 提供程序的机制因提供程序而异,但原因相同。 该公司在网络钓鱼电子邮件中拥有的数据越多,就可以使其垃圾邮件/垃圾邮件过滤器越好,以防止欺诈行为通过您。

If Google or Microsoft provide your email account, they have a reporting mechanism built into their clients.


In Google, click the three dots next to the Reply option in the email, and then select “Report phishing.”


A panel opens and asks you to confirm you want to report the email. Click “Report Phishing Message,” and then Google reviews the email.

将打开一个面板,要求您确认要报告电子邮件。 点击“举报网上诱骗邮件”,然后Google审核电子邮件。

The Outlook client doesn’t provide an option to report an email to Microsoft, but the Outlook web app does. It works the same way as Gmail. Click the three dots next to the Reply option in the email, and then select “Mark as phishing.”

Outlook客户端没有提供向Microsoft报告电子邮件的选项,但是Outlook Web App提供了。 它的工作方式与Gmail相同。 单击电子邮件中“回复”选项旁边的三个点,然后选择“标记为网络钓鱼”。

This opens a panel to confirm you want to report the email. Click “Report,” and then Microsoft reviews the email.

这将打开一个面板,以确认您要报告电子邮件。 单击“报告”,然后Microsoft审核电子邮件。

You can’t report a phishing email directly within the Apple Mail client. Instead, Apple requests you forward the message to reportphishing@apple.com.

您不能直接在Apple Mail客户端中报告网络钓鱼电子邮件。 相反,Apple要求您将邮件转发到reportphishing@apple.com 。

For any other mail providers, search online to see how you report phishing emails to them.


向政府机构报告 (Report It to a Government Body)

Some countries have agencies that deal with phishing emails. In the US, the Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (a branch of the Department of Homeland Security) ask you to forward the mail to phishing-report@us-cert.gov. In the U.K., you can report the mail to Action Fraud, the National Fraud, and Cyber Crime Reporting Centre.

一些国家/地区设有处理网络钓鱼电子邮件的机构。 在美国,网络安全和基础设施安全局(国土安全部的一个分支机构) 要求您将邮件转发至phishing-report@us-cert.gov 。 在英国,您可以将邮件报告给“行动欺诈” ,“国家欺诈和网络犯罪报告中心”。

In other countries, a quick search should tell you if and how you can report a phishing email to the authorities.


If you report a phishing email to either your provider or a government body, you shouldn’t expect a response. Instead, email providers and government agencies use the information you send them to try to stop the accounts that send out the emails. This includes blocking the senders (or adding them to spam/junk filters), shutting down their websites, or even prosecuting them if they’re breaking any laws.

如果您向提供者或政府机构举报网络钓鱼电子邮件,则不应期望得到回复。 相反,电子邮件提供商和政府机构使用您发送给他们的信息来阻止发送电子邮件的帐户。 这包括阻止发件人(或将其添加到垃圾邮件/垃圾邮件过滤器中),关闭其网站,甚至在违反法律的情况下对其进行起诉。

When you report phishing emails, it helps everyone because you help the authorities stop as many of them as possible. The more people report phishing emails, the more agencies and providers can prevent the senders from sending them.

当您举报网络钓鱼电子邮件时,它可以帮助所有人,因为您可以帮助当局阻止尽可能多的电子邮件。 报告网络钓鱼电子邮件的人越多,越有代理商和提供商可以阻止发件人发送电子邮件。

向据称已发送邮件的公司报告 (Report It to The Company That Allegedly Sent the Mail)

If the phishing email pretends to be from a company, you can often report it directly to that company. For example, Amazon has a dedicated email address and form to report both email and phone phishing.

如果网络钓鱼电子邮件冒充来自某个公司,则通常可以直接向该公司报告。 例如,亚马逊有专用的电子邮件地址和表格来报告电子邮件和电话网络钓鱼。

Most companies and government agencies (especially those that deal with financial or medical business) have ways you can report phishing. If you search “[company name] report phishing,” you should be able to find it pretty quickly.

大多数公司和政府机构(尤其是从事金融或医疗业务的公司)都有报告网络钓鱼的方法。 如果您搜索“ [公司名称]报告网络钓鱼”,则应该可以很快找到它。

将发件人标记为垃圾邮件或垃圾邮件 (Mark the Sender as Junk or Spam)

Feng Yu/Shutterstock冯宇/ Shutterstock

You probably don’t want to get any more emails from the person who sent this one. Mark it as spam or junk, and your email client will block any further mail from that address. We cover how to do this in our Gmail guide and this article on Outlook.

您可能不想再收到发送此邮件的人的电子邮件。 将其标记为垃圾邮件或垃圾邮件,您的电子邮件客户端将阻止来自该地址的其他邮件。 我们在Gmail指南和Outlook中的这篇文章中介绍了如何执行此操作。

You can add senders to a spam/junk list in any email client. If you use something other than Gmail or Outlook, search the company’s documentation to find out how you mark a message as junk.

您可以在任何电子邮件客户端中将发件人添加到垃圾邮件列表中。 如果您使用的不是Gmail或Outlook,则搜索公司的文档,以了解如何将邮件标记为垃圾邮件。

删除电子邮件 (Delete the Email)

Finally, delete the email. Usually, this sends it to the recycle bin or deleted items folder, so remove it from there as well. There’s no need to keep it after you report it.

最后,删除电子邮件。 通常,这会将其发送到“回收站”或“已删除邮件”文件夹,因此也要从那里删除它。 报告后无需保留它。

You don’t need to run a virus scan or clear your browser history just because you received a phishing email. However, you should run an antivirus program (we like Malwarebytes for both Windows and Mac), and it doesn’t hurt to scan from time to time.

您无需仅因为收到网络钓鱼电子邮件就进行病毒扫描或清除浏览器历史记录。 但是,您应该运行一个防病毒程序( 对于Windows和Mac ,我们都喜欢Malwarebytes ),并且不时扫描也不会对您造成伤害。

If you run an antivirus program that updates regularly, it should catch anything malicious before it runs. Plus, if you don’t click a link or open an attachment in the email, it’s improbable it unloaded anything malicious on your system, anyway.

如果您运行定期更新的防病毒程序,则该程序应在运行之前捕获任何恶意软件。 另外,如果您不单击链接或打开电子邮件中的附件,则无论如何都不可能卸载系统上的任何恶意软件。

不要担心和继续 ( Don’t Worry and Carry On)

Phishing emails are annoyingly frequent. Fortunately, your spam or junk filters catch them most of the time, and you never see them. Sometimes, they don’t even get that far because your provider stops them. To defeat the few that do get through, just be careful and don’t click any links or attachments unless you’re sure they’re safe.

网络钓鱼电子邮件非常烦人。 幸运的是,您的垃圾邮件或垃圾邮件过滤器大多数时候都会被它们捕获,而您再也看不到它们。 有时,它们甚至没有走得太远,因为您的提供者阻止了它们。 要击败少数成功的人,请小心,不要单击任何链接或附件,除非您确定它们是安全的。

Millions of phishing emails are sent every day, so don’t worry—you’re not usually a target. Just follow the simple steps we covered above, and then carry on with your day.

每天都会发送数以百万计的网络钓鱼电子邮件,所以请不必担心-您通常不是目标。 只需按照我们上面介绍的简单步骤操作,然后继续您的一天。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/437513/what-should-you-do-if-you-receive-a-phishing-email/



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