
I hate wires. For a long time I’ve wanted to exclusively use wireless earbuds, but they just haven’t been good enough. It was impossible to pair them over Bluetooth, they sounded awful, and the battery life lasted about fifteen minutes. Things, however, have changed.

我讨厌电线。 很长时间以来,我一直想只使用无线耳塞,但是它们还不够好。 不可能通过蓝牙将它们配对,它们听起来很糟糕,并且电池寿命持续了大约15分钟。 但是,情况已经改变。

Three weeks ago I bought a pair of BeatsX and I haven’t looked back since. Wireless earphones are finally good enough for the real world. Here’s why.

三周前,我买了一双BeatsX ,从那以后我再也没有回头。 无线耳机终于足以满足现实世界的需求。 这就是为什么。

蓝牙终于可以用了 (Bluetooth Finally Works)

The biggest barrier to wireless tech has always been Bluetooth. For years, it was little more than a punchline. 60 percent of the time, it worked every time—if you were lucky. You could easily spend ten minutes trying to pair your phone and handsfree kit and still have no idea why they wouldn’t connect.

无线技术的最大障碍一直是蓝牙。 多年来,这只不过是一条口号。 如果您幸运的话,有60%的时间每次都有效。 您可以轻松地花十分钟尝试配对手机和免提套件,而仍然不知道为什么它们无法连接。

At some point over the last few years, Bluetooth got… well if not good, usable. It gradually started sucking less—pairing would take six minutes instead of never—and eventually, it generally worked when you wanted it to. There’s still the occasional hiccup but for the most part, it’s pretty seamless. It might take a bit of faffing to get everything to pair first time around, but after that you should be good to go. Dropped connections used to be a daily occurrence but now they’re a rare event. Just make sure you’re using a modern smartphone and headphones; that Jawbone earpiece from 2007 is still not going to connect no matter how hard you try.

在过去几年中的某个时候,蓝牙技术得到了很好的应用。 它逐渐开始减少吸吮-配对将花费六分钟而不是从不-最终,通常在您希望的时候起作用。 仍然偶尔会有打h,但在大多数情况下,这是无缝的。 第一次配对时可能需要花一些工夫,但是在那之后您应该会很好。 断开连接曾经是每天发生的事情,但是现在这已成为罕见事件。 只需确保您使用的是现代智能手机和耳机即可; 无论您多么努力,2007年的Jawbone听筒仍然无法连接。

And things are only getting better. Apple’s proprietary W1 chip, that’s in my BeatsX earphones as well as Airpods, makes connecting even more reliable. In the three weeks I’ve had the BeatsX there’s only been one time when they wouldn’t pair with my iPhone. The reason? I’d turned Bluetooth off. That’s five minutes of my life I’m not getting back.

而且情况只会越来越好。 Apple的BeatsX耳机以及Airpods中都使用了苹果专有的W1芯片,从而使连接更加可靠。 在我使用BeatsX的三个星期中,只有一次他们不与我的iPhone配对。 原因? 我关闭了蓝牙。 那是我生命中的五分钟,我没有回来。

Similarly, the Samsung Galaxy S8 has the latest Bluetooth 5.0 standard and is, according to How-To Geek’s resident Android expert, Cam Summerson, “the best Bluetooth experience [he’s] ever had.” More phones should support it soon.

同样,三星Galaxy S8具有最新的蓝牙5.0标准,据How-To Geek的常驻Android专家Cam Summerson称,“他有史以来最好的蓝牙体验。” 更多手机应尽快支持。

他们听起来不错(足够) (They Sound Good (Enough))

Wired earbuds still sound better than Bluetooth ones in ideal circumstances, but that’s about it. The latest incarnation of Bluetooth has enough bandwidth for CD level audio quality; even higher if you’re using an Android handset and headphones that support AptX. If you’re listening to streaming music or MP3s you pirated in 2004 on a noisy bus, Bluetooth probably isn’t the weak link in your audio setup.

在理想情况下,有线耳塞的声音仍然比蓝牙耳塞更好,但是仅此而已。 蓝牙的最新版本具有足够的带宽,可实现CD级音频质量。 如果您使用的是支持AptX的Android手机和耳机,则更高。 如果您正在听2004年在嘈杂的总线上盗版的流音乐或MP3,则蓝牙可能不是音频设置中的薄弱环节。

Similarly, a cheap pair of wired earbuds will sound way worse than a decent set of Bluetooth earbuds. Even my Beats, under Apple’s influence, don’t sound as if a child has been given control of the bass. Yes, the Bluetooth ones will cost a good bit more but, as we’ll get to in a minute, they’ll also last a lot longer, so you can afford to invest more.

同样,一对便宜的有线耳塞听起来会比一套体面的蓝牙耳塞差得多。 甚至在Apple的影响下,我的Beats听起来也不像是一个孩子可以控制低音。 是的,蓝牙蓝牙的价格会更高,但是,一分钟之内,它们的使用寿命还会更长,因此您可以负担更多的投资。

If you’re looking for maximum sound quality, you’re better off getting custom fitted monitors. But, if you just need something that sounds good when you listen to Spotify at your desk or while you go for a run, Bluetooth earbuds are more than enough.

如果您正在寻找最大的声音质量,最好选择定制的监听音箱。 但是,如果您只需要在办公桌前听Spotify或跑步时听起来不错的东西,蓝牙耳塞就足够了。

电池寿命不是(很多)问题 (Battery Life Isn’t (Much) of an Issue)

I’m not gonna lie, charging your headphones isn’t much fun. The good thing is, that batteries now last long enough that it isn’t too big an issue.

我不会撒谎,为耳机充电并不有趣。 好消息是,电池现在可以持续使用足够长的时间,所以这不是什么大问题。

My BeatsX get eight hours of battery life. That’s enough for a day of heavy use, two or three days of casual use. Most other Bluetooth earbuds have a similar sort of battery life depending on how big they are. Really small ones like the AirPods last four or five hours, but come with charging cases that will give you a full 24 hours. Bigger earbuds with hard neckbands, like the Phiaton BT 100 NC, get about 12 hours.

我的BeatsX可获得8个小时的电池寿命。 这对于一天的频繁使用,两到三天的随意使用已经足够。 其他大多数蓝牙耳机的电池寿命取决于电池的大小。 像AirPods这样的小巧电池可持续使用四五个小时,但随附充电盒,可以给您提供整整24小时的服务。 诸如Phiaton BT 100 NC之类的带有硬领的较大耳塞可使用约12个小时。

Whatever way you look at it, you should be able to find a set of Bluetooth earbuds that has enough juice to get you through a full day. Then they just become another gadget you have to plug in at night. Even better, because they have such small batteries they charge really quickly. Five minutes charging is enough to get my BeatsX to 25%; 45 minutes is all it takes for them to fully charge.

无论您以何种方式看待它,您都应该能够找到一套蓝牙耳机,这些耳机的汁液足以让您度过一整天。 然后它们只是成为您晚上必须插入的另一个小工具。 更好的是,因为它们的电池很小,所以充电很快。 五分钟的充电足以使我的BeatsX达到25%; 他们充满电仅需45分钟。

他们很难打破 (They’re a Lot Harder to Break)

For the last ten years, I’ve had a pair of earbuds either dangling from my neck or in my ears pretty much every minute of every day. I’ve probably given myself permanent hearing damage. The only time I take them off is in the shower, and then only under protest.

在过去的十年中,每天几乎每分钟都有一对耳塞悬挂在脖子上或耳朵里。 我可能已经给自己造成永久性的听力损伤。 我唯一一次把它们脱掉是在淋浴间,然后才遭到抗议。

I’ve gone through a lot of earbuds. At a guess, about three pairs a year…so, around 30 pairs total in the last decade. I’ve tried cheap pairs, $200 pairs and everything in between. They all fail the exact same way: the wire breaks. It doesn’t matter whether they’ve got regular cables, flat cables, braided cables, nylon cables, kevlar cables, or anything else, they just can’t stand up to more than a few months of (ab)use. If I used them less, I’m sure they’d last longer, but the point still stands: the weakest part of earbuds is the wire.

我已经听了很多耳塞。 据推测,每年大约三对…因此,在过去十年中,总共约有30对。 我试过廉价的双鞋,200美元的双鞋以及介于两者之间的所有东西。 它们都以完全相同的方式失效:断线。 不管它们是否有常规电缆,扁平电缆,编织电缆,尼龙电缆,凯夫拉尔电缆或其他任何东西,它们承受的使用时间都不会超过几个月。 如果我减少使用它们,我相信它们可以使用更长的时间,但要点仍然存在:耳机的最弱部分是电线。

And wireless earbuds don’t have wires.


It all goes back to the Boots Theory of Socioeconomic Unfairness. As long as you can afford to, it’s better to spend $150 on a pair of Bluetooth earphones that will last you three years, than $30 three times a year on a wired pair that will just break.

这一切都可以追溯到社会经济不公平的靴子理论 。 只要您负担得起,最好花150美元买一副可以持续使用三年的蓝牙耳机,而不是每年花30美元买一副会折断的有线耳机,三倍。

它们好用得多 (They’re So Much Nicer to Use)

Hopefully I’ve convinced you that, while Bluetooth earbuds might not be perfect, they’re now good enough for daily use. They’ve got one final trump card: they’re so much nicer to use than wired earbuds.

希望我已经说服了您,虽然蓝牙耳塞可能并不完美,但它们现在已经足够日常使用。 他们有一张最终的王牌:它们比有线耳塞好用得多。

Since switching to the BeatsX, I haven’t had to untangle my earbuds once, I haven’t caught them on door handles as I walked by, and they haven’t attempted to strangle me while I have a nap. Whether I’m out for a run, driving somewhere, just wandering around the city, or in the gym they’re unnoticeable. They just work.

自从改用BeatsX以来,我不必解开我的耳塞,走过时也没有将它们挂在门把手上,而且当我午睡时它们也没有试图将我勒死。 无论我是去跑步,在某个地方开车,在城市里徘徊还是在健身房里,它们都不引人注目。 他们只是工作。

Wireless earbuds are finally ready for the big time. You will pay a premium but, to me at least, it’s worth it. With the iPhone 7 already audio-jack free and Google’s latest Pixel likely to ditch it too, soon, you might not have a choice.

无线耳塞终于可以迎接大时代了。 您将支付保费,但至少对我来说值得。 由于iPhone 7已经免费提供音频插Kong,而Google的最新Pixel也可能很快放弃它 ,因此您可能别无选择。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/319982/wireless-earbuds-used-to-suck-but-theyre-good-now/



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