
I've been a 100% remote worker at Microsoft for just about 5 years now. My last two jobs were both 7 year long gigs, so this isn't the longest I've worked somewhere, but clocking in at a half-decade, it's the longest I've worked remotely. Given that I haven't yet been fired, it's fair to say that I'm a pretty good remote worker.

我已经在Microsoft担任100%的远程工作人员了大约5年。 我最近的两个工作都是7年的演出,所以这不是我在某个地方工作的时间最长,但是打了一个五年的时钟,这是我在异地工作的时间最长的时间。 考虑到我还没有被解雇,可以说我是一个很好的远程工作者。

I've been writing about Being a Remote Worker on the blog here for a long time.


Being remote is wonderful and it sucks.


This week former Google Employee #20 and current Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer declared that all remote workers need to head into the office (and in some cases, move house) before June.

本周,前Google员工20名和现任雅虎首席执行官玛丽莎·梅耶( Marissa Mayer)宣布,所有远程工作人员都需要在6月之前进入办公室(在某些情况下还需要搬家)。

If I got this memo while working Remote at Yahoo I'd quit that moment. I would probably quit with some flair as well. Talk about completely demotivating.

如果我在Yahoo的Remote上工作时收到此备忘录,那我会退出。 我可能也会以一些天赋退出。 谈论彻底的激励。

I see this ban on Remote Work at Yahoo as one (or all) of these three things:


  • A veiled attempt to trim the workforce through effectively forced attrition by giving a Sophie's Choice to remote workers that management perceives as possibly not optimally contributing. It's easy to avoid calling it a layoff when you've just changed the remote work policy, right? 通过有效地强迫减员来裁员的艰难尝试,方法是将远程管理人员视为苏菲的选择,而管理人员认为这可能不是最佳的贡献。 当您刚刚更改了远程工作策略时,很容易避免将其称为裁员,对吧?
  • A complete and total misstep and misunderstanding of how remote workers see themselves and how they provide value. 关于远程工作者如何看待自己以及他们如何提供价值的完整而彻底的失误和误解。
  • Pretty clear evidence that Yahoo really has no decent way to measure of productivity and output of a worker. 很明显的证据表明,雅虎确实没有一种体面的方法来衡量工人的生产率和产出。

Ultimately, though, this comes down to trust, and trust can be found or lost on every page of a company's policies. You were hired as a professional; are you trusted to be a professional? Working remotely requires your company to trust you can do the work not only without them seeing you, but also without constant physical interaction with your teammates.

但是,最终归结为信任,信任可以在公司策略的每一页上找到或丢失。 您被聘为专业人士; 您被信任成为专业人士吗? 远程工作要求您的公司相信您不仅可以在他们不见您的情况下完成工作,而且还可以与团队成员保持不间断的身体互动。

I saw this tweet yesterday and I agree. Remote working isn't awesome. There are great aspects, but parts just sucks.

昨天我看到了这条推文,我同意。 远程工作并不出色。 有很多方面,但是部分很糟糕。

There's plenty of people talking about how great remote working is but not enough folks discussing how to overcome its many challenges...

— Des Traynor (@destraynor)


— Des Traynor(@destraynor) February 25, 2013 2013年2月25日

Here's why it sucks and what I do about it.


为什么远程工作很烂 (Why Working Remotely Sucks)

There's a few reasons why being a remote worker sucks.


内吸 (Guilt Sucks)

All this said, it's REALLY hard to be remote. I propose that most remote workers work at least as hard, if not more so, than their local counterparts. This is fueled in no small part by guilt and fear. We DO feel guilty working at home. We assume you all think we're just hanging out without pants on. We assume you think we're just at the mall tweeting. We fear that you think we aren't putting in a solid 40 hours (or 50, or 60).

综上所述,远程确实很难。 我建议,大多数远程工作者的工作至少要比本地工人付出更多甚至更多。 内和恐惧在很大程度上助长了这一点。 我们确实在家里工作感到内。 我们假设大家都认为我们只是闲逛而已。 我们假设您认为我们只是在购物中心发推文。 我们担心您会认为我们没有花40个小时(或50或60)来维持稳定的时间。

Because of this, we tend to work late, we work after the kids are down, and we work weekends. We may take an afternoon off to see a kid's play, but then the guilt will send us right back in to make up the time. In my anecdotal experience, remote workers are more likely to feel they are "taking time from the company" and pay it back more than others.

因此,我们倾向于上班迟到,我们在孩子们沮丧之后工作,而我们周末工作。 我们可能需要一个下午去看孩子们的游戏,但是罪恶感会立即把我们送回去补时。 以我的轶事经验,远程工作人员更有可能感觉到他们“从公司那里抽出时间”,并且比其他人付出更多。

You might poo-poo the guilt, but ask around to your remote brethren. It's there, they just don't talk about it.

您可能会感到内po,但请问问您的偏远弟兄。 在那里,他们只是不谈论它。

看不见的糟透了-视线之外 (Being Unseen Sucks - Out of Sight, Out of Mind)

A few months back we had a standup meeting and a boss couldn't get the web cam to work (It's been 5 years but even now they usually spend about 10 minutes messing about with the webcam before giving up and just having me call in). All this while 20 workers who "showed up" stare daggers (I'm assuming) into the Klingon Phone and the guilt piles on.

几个月前,我们举行了一次站立会议,老板无法使网络摄像头正常工作(已经有5年了,但是即使现在,他们通常花大约10分钟时间弄乱网络摄像头,然后才放弃并让我打电话) 。 所有这一切,而“露面”的20名工人凝视着匕首(我假设)进入Klingon电话,罪恶感堆积如山。

Anyway, we were going around the table (remember I'm the invisible guy in the center of the table) and then the meeting ended. I was muted, and was like "Hey, guys? It's me...Scott...I'd like to get you up to date on what I'm working on..."

无论如何,我们围着桌子走(记住我是桌子中央的隐形人),然后会议结束了。 我沉默了,就像是“嘿,伙计?是我...斯科特...我想让你了解我正在做的事情...”



VPN是二等公民 (VPN is a Second-Class Citizen)

No matter what your IT says, no matter how fancy your Smart Card is, or even if you have "Direct Access" enabled at work (basically your machine is at home, but always internal) you're remote. Every week you'll hit a site that doesn't work unless you're inside. You'll be constantly prompted for passwords, you'll be told certain scripts or installers don't work as a remote worker.

无论您的IT部门说什么,无论您的智能卡多么花哨,或者即使您在工作中启用了“直接访问”(基本上您的机器在家里,但始终在内部),您都处于远程状态。 每周,您都会访问一个无法访问的网站,除非您在里面。 系统会不断提示您输入密码,系统会提示您某些脚本或安装程序不能作为远程工作者使用。

I have to drive into the office at least quarterly JUST for the purpose of dealing with issues like this.


人们问:“下一次你什么时候起床?” (People Ask "When you are up next?")

This one is the worst. "When are you coming to campus next?"

这是最糟糕的。 “你下次什么时候来校园?”

I'm online all day, every day. I've got HD webcams, Lync, Skype, GChat, hell I got Chat Roulette, on every machine I own. You don't think to call me for 3 months, but when you see me, you're all like "let's get you plugged into the project..."

我每天都在线。 我拥有高清网络摄像头,Lync,Skype,GChat,在我拥有的每台计算机上都拥有Chat Roulette。 您不希望再给我打电话三个月,但是当您看到我时,您就像是“让我们将其插入项目中……”

I'm absolutely available anytime to talk. We can do a call, a chat, or best yet, a hi-def video call. Trust me, I'm at your disposal if you'll only take a step forward.

我绝对有空说话。 我们可以进行通话,聊天,或者最好的是进行高清视频通话。 相信我,如果您只向前迈一步,我随时为您服务。

远程工作方式 (Ways to make Remote Working work)

First, it DOES depend on the job. We have folks like Brian Harry who lives on a farm in the Carolinas, but he's also got a large team over there. They aren't on campus, but there are folks he works with closely. We have folks like Steve Sanderson who works in London for a team in Redmond, but his job is very focused and "the code don't lie." I suspect that directing a complete feature team while remote would be considerably harder than participating on a feature team. That's one of the reasons I moved jobs and gave up my team. I feel better as an individual contributor with a clear focus.

首先,它确实取决于工作。 我们有像布莱恩·哈里(Brian Harry)这样的人,他们住在卡罗来纳州的一个农场,但他在那边也有一支庞大的队伍。 他们不在校园里,但有一些与他紧密合作的人。 我们有像史蒂夫·桑德森(Steve Sanderson)这样的人,他们在伦敦雷德蒙德(Redmond)的一个团队工作,但是他的工作非常专注并且“代码不会说谎”。 我怀疑在远程指挥一个完整的功能团队要比加入一个功能团队要困难得多。 这就是我搬工作并放弃我的团队的原因之一。 作为一个专注于个人的贡献者,我感觉更好。

Before I started on the ASP.NET Product Team, I used to run a team of folks when I worked in MSDN. Every one of us was remote. In fact, we were in all four corners of the US - Oregon, San Diego, New England, Florida.

在加入ASP.NET产品团队之前,在MSDN工作时,我曾经运营过一个团队。 我们每个人都很遥远。 实际上,我们位于美国的四个角落-俄勒冈,圣地亚哥,新英格兰和佛罗里达州。

Our jobs were discrete, directed and clear. We were laser-focused and each worked well remotely. Here's some things that have worked for me and others.

我们的工作是分散,指导和明确的。 我们专注于激光,并且每个人在远程工作都很好。 这对我和其他人都是有用的。

状态,状态,状态 (Status, Status, Status)

Remote workers need to make it easy for folks to answer the question "What is that person working on?" This is somewhat of a double standard, since they may have no idea what the person in the next office is working on, but that woman shows up every day, so she must be productive, right?

远程工作人员需要使人们容易回答以下问题:“那个人在做什么?” 这在某种程度上是双重标准,因为他们可能不知道隔壁办公室的人正在做什么,但是那个女人每天都在露面,所以她必须很有效率,对吗?

Regardless, when I ran the team, we'd send out a list of three things each Monday that we wanted to accomplish that week. We'd follow up on Friday with what happened to those three things - what worked and what didn't.

无论如何,当我管理团队时,我们都会在每个星期一发送我们希望在该周完成的三件事的清单。 我们将在星期五跟进这三件事的发生情况-哪些有效,哪些无效。

被看见 (Do be seen )

I used to come up every month, but since I travel to conferences and customers a lot (plus budget issues) I go to Microsoft about once a quarter. When I'm there it's a flurry of meetings as "relationship building." That's business-speak for talking, talking, talking so that they remember why they hired you. It's comforting to the locals when the remote shows up. Try to get to the office when you can.

我以前每个月都会来参加一次会议,但是由于我经常参加会议和客户(加上预算问题),所以我大约每个季度去一次Microsoft。 当我在那里时,会举行一系列的会议,如“建立关系”。 那是说话,说话,交谈的商务口语,以便他们记住为什么录用您。 遥控器出现时,对当地人来说很舒服。 可以的话,尽量去办公室。

We made a "virtual portal" from Portland to Seattle so that anyone could peek in an see either side. We just need to circle it in Orange and Blue.

我们建立了一个从波特兰到西雅图的“虚拟门户”,以便任何人都可以窥见对方。 我们只需要用橙色和蓝色圈出它即可。

团队建设 (Team Building)

When you ARE in a group, take any opportunity to "team build." I used to think this was touchy-feely nonsense, but truly, shared experience in a non-work context can totally transform relationships. I try to hang out with the team whenever I'm in town, and just check in with them, their families, and other non-work stuff.

当您在一个小组中时,请抓住一切机会进行“团队建设”。 我曾经以为这是轻描淡写的胡说八道,但实际上,在非工作环境中分享经验可以完全改变关系。 每当我在城里时,我都尝试与团队一起闲逛,然后与他们,他们的家人和其他非工作人员一起检查。

找一个有生产力的地方 (Find a Place to Be Productive)

Often just being a home can drive you nuts. I try to get out a few times a week. I've worked from the mall, from Starbucks, from McDonald's (free wi-fi, sue me) and from a park bench. I find that just having people walking around makes me feel more productive. Their movement and energy keeps me focused.

通常,仅仅是一个家就能使您发疯。 我试图每周出去几次。 我曾在购物中心,星巴克,麦当劳(免费wi-fi,起诉我)和公园长凳上工作。 我发现只有有人四处走走才能使我感到更有生产力。 他们的运动和活力使我保持专注。

Try different places, find your place, but don't be afraid to mix it up.


得到反馈 (Get Feedback)

During 1:1s with my boss I always come with lists and lists of what I'm working on and why it's useful. There's always this Spidey Sense that "well, it's been a good gig, but this remote thing isn't working out." He's very good and assuaging that concern, but it's still there.

在与老板进行1:1交流的过程中,我总是会列出我正在从事的工作以及为什么有用的清单。 Spidey Sense总是有这样的说法:“嗯,这是一次很好的演出,但这种遥远的事情没有奏效。” 他非常出色,可以缓解这种担忧,但仍然存在。

Make sure you're getting feedback on your work and you know you're on track with you're working on. Ask for feedback. That means ASK. "Do you feel I'm on track with X? Are you happy with what you're seeing with Y?" It's hard but it's important.

确保您收到有关工作的反馈,并且知道自己的工作进展顺利。 要求反馈。 这就是说。 “您觉得我在使用X时进展顺利吗?对使用Y看到的内容感到满意吗?” 很难,但是很重要。

了解每个协作工具 (Know Every Collaboration Tool)

We use Lync at work, but I also use Skype, GChat, Join.me, straight VNC, Windows Remote Assistance, CoPilot and a dozen others. If one doesn't work for some reason, don't waste time, just move to the next one. If someone starts to associate you, the remote worker, as a symbol for technical difficulties it will slowly warp their perception of you. Make it easy.

我们在工作中使用Lync,但我也使用Skype,GChat,Join.me,直接VNC,Windows远程协助,CoPilot和其他十几种工具。 如果某人由于某种原因无法工作,请不要浪费时间,只需转到下一个。 如果有人开始与您(远程工作人员)建立联系,这是技术难题的象征,它将慢慢扭曲他们对您的看法。 轻松点

I have a small shared office space with a camera I can turn on remotely. This means a boss can walk in and "meet" me without them having to think. That makes it easier for a boss to work. Bosses need to manage, not mess around with cameras.

我的共享办公空间很小,可以带摄像头,可以远程打开。 这意味着老板可以走进去“见面”,而无需他们思考。 这使老板更容易工作。 老板需要管理,而不是与摄像机混为一谈。

能得到的 (Be Available)

A caveat to this one: Be Available During Work Hours. Don't overcompensate and be the person who is online at 5am or answers emails on Sunday. Just make sure that from 9 to 5 you are 100% available via SOME way that your boss knows about.

请注意以下事项:在工作时间内可用。 不要过度补偿,要成为凌晨5点在线或在周日答复电子邮件的人。 只要确保您的老板知道某些事情,您就可以从9到5保持100%的空闲状态。

How do you make remote working work?


相关链接 (Related Links)

  • Cloud-Controlled Remote Pan Tilt Zoom Camera API for a Logitech BCC950 Camera with Azure and SignalR

    适用于具有Azure和SignalR的Logitech BCC950摄像机的云控制的远程平移倾斜变焦摄像机API

  • Introducing LyncAutoAnswer.com - An open source remote worker's Auto Answer Kiosk with Lync 2010

    LyncAutoAnswer.com简介-Lync 2010的开源远程工作者的自动应答信息亭

  • Is Daddy on a call? A BusyLight Presence indicator for Lync for my Home Office

    爸爸在通话吗? Lync for Home Office的BusyLight状态指示器

  • Introducing Lync 2010 Super Simple Auto Answer Video Kiosk with Full Screen

    推出全屏Lync 2010超级简单自动应答视频亭

  • Review: Living, working and using the Cisco Umi personal telepresence system. All that and bag of chips?

    评论:生活,工作和使用Cisco Umi个人网真系统。 所有这些和一袋筹码?

  • Hanselminutes Podcast 242 - The Plight of the Remote Worker with Pete Brown

    Hanselminutes播客242-与Pete Brown的远程工作者的困境

  • 30 Tips for Successful Communication as a Remote Worker


  • Building an Embodied Social Proxy or Crazy Webcam Remote Cart Thing


  • Virtual Camaraderie - A Persistent Video "Portal" for the Remote Worker


  • Working Remotely from Home, Telepresence and Video Conferencing: One Year Later


  • Microsoft - Surviving First Three Weeks as a Remote Employee


Sponsor: Free eBook - 50 ASP. NET & SQL Server performance tips from the dev community, to help you avoid, find, and fix performance issues in your ASP.NET app. Download it from http://red-gate.com/50ways

赞助商:免费电子书-50 ASP。 开发人员社区的NET和SQL Server性能提示,可帮助您避免,查找和修复ASP.NET应用程序中的性能问题。 从http://red-gate.com/50ways下载

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/being-a-remote-worker-sucks-long-live-the-remote-worker



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