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Google’s Clock app can use songs from streaming services as alarm sounds, giving you millions of tracks to wake up to in the morning. Here’s how to set it up.

Google的Clock应用程序可以将流服务中的歌曲用作警报声音,从而为您提供数百万首曲目,让您在早晨醒来。 设置方法如下。

取得Google Clock应用程式 (Get the Google Clock App)

While there are many alarm apps on the Google Play Store, there’s only one that properly integrates with major streaming services. That’s the native Google Clock app, which is installed by default in Pixel phones. If you’re using a different phone, your smartphone manufacturer likely has its own clock app installed on your device.

虽然Google Play商店中有许多警报应用程序,但只有一个能够与主要的流媒体服务正确集成。 那是本地Google Clock应用程序,默认情况下已安装在Pixel手机中。 如果您使用的是其他手机,则智能手机制造商可能会在设备上安装了自己的时钟应用程序。

To get the Google Clock app, search “Google Clock” in the Play Store. Your current clock app’s alarm settings will not be carried over into Google’s app. Don’t forget to set them up and turn off your old alarm, so you won’t accidentally have two alarms playing in the morning.

要获取Google Clock应用,请在Play商店中搜索“ Google Clock”。 您当前时钟应用程序的闹钟设置不会被带入Google应用程序。 不要忘记设置它们并关闭旧的闹钟,这样您就不会在早上意外播放两个闹钟。

Using music streaming with the Google Clock also has an added benefit. If you wake up to a song that you enjoy, you can continue playing the rest of the tracks instead of turning off the alarm or hitting snooze. However, unless you have these playlists downloaded offline, make sure your phone is connected to the internet in the morning.

将音乐流与Google时钟配合使用还具有其他好处。 如果您醒来欣赏自己喜欢的歌曲,则可以继续播放其余曲目,而无需关闭闹铃或打sn睡。 但是,除非您可以离线下载这些播放列表,否则请确保您的手机在早上已连接到互联网。

Three music services can be integrated into Google’s clock app: Spotify, YouTube Music, and Pandora Radio. Here’s how to link each of them.

可以将三种音乐服务集成到Google的时钟应用中:Spotify,YouTube音乐和Pandora Radio。 以下是链接它们的方法。

如何将Spotify歌曲设置为警报 (How to Set Spotify Songs as Alarms)

Spotify is one of the most popular streaming services in the world. If you have an Android device, chances are that you already have a Spotify account. However, to integrate your alarm with Spotify, you need to have a Spotify Premium subscription.

Spotify是世界上最受欢迎的流媒体服务之一。 如果您有Android设备,则很可能已经有一个Spotify帐户。 但是,要将警报与Spotify集成在一起,您需要具有Spotify Premium订阅。

First, open the Google Clock app, and tap the bell icon under one of your alarms to go to alarm sound settings.


Select the Spotify tab, then tap Connect in the bottom-right corner. If you have a Spotify account on your phone, you will be led to a Permissions Screen. Tap Agree to connect your Spotify account to the clock app.

选择Spotify选项卡,然后点击右下角的“连接”。 如果您的手机上有一个Spotify帐户,则将进入“权限”屏幕。 点击同意将您的Spotify帐户连接到时钟应用程序。

Once your app is connected, navigate to the Spotify tab in the alarm sound settings. You’ll see several in-house Spotify recommended playlists, including “Wide Awake”, “Wake Up and Smell the Coffee”, and “Wake Up! Work Out!”. When you select one of these playlists, it will shuffle among the tracks in it every day. Tap a playlist to preview what kinds of songs are on it.

连接应用程序后,导航至警报声音设置中的“ Spotify”选项卡。 您会看到一些内部Spotify推荐的播放列表,包括“清醒”,“醒来并闻到咖啡”和“醒来! 锻炼!”。 当您选择其中一个播放列表时,它将每天在其中的曲目中随机播放。 点击播放列表以预览其中的歌曲类型。

You can also tap the search button in the bottom right to look through the whole Spotify database. You can select a single song, pick an album, shuffle through an artist’s entire discography, or use one of the millions of playlists available on Spotify, including custom playlists that you’ve made.

您也可以点击右下角的搜索按钮以浏览整个Spotify数据库。 您可以选择一首歌曲,选择专辑,在歌手的整个唱片目录中随机播放,或者使用Spotify上数百万个播放列表之一,包括您制作的自定义播放列表。

Spotify also lets you set a podcast as your alarm. This is great for daily podcasts. You can select one of the podcasts listed on the Google Clock app, or create a playlist full of podcast episodes and use that.

Spotify还允许您将播客设置为警报。 这非常适合日常播客。 您可以选择Google时钟应用中列出的播客之一,也可以创建一个完整的播客片段播放列表并使用。

如何将YouTube音乐用作闹钟 (How to Use YouTube Music as Your Alarm)

Aside from Spotify, Google’s alarm function also works with its music streaming service, YouTube Music. To link your YouTube Music account to the Google Clock app, you simply have to install YouTube Music on your phone and have an account. Like with Spotify, you need to have a paid YouTube Music Premium subscription for this to work.

除了Spotify之外,Google的警报功能还可以与其音乐流服务YouTube音乐一起使用。 要将您的YouTube音乐帐户关联到Google Clock应用,您只需在手机上安装YouTube音乐并拥有一个帐户即可。 与Spotify一样,您需要先付费订阅YouTube Music Premium ,此功能才能正常运行。

When you navigate to the alarm sound settings, tap the YouTube Music tab in the top middle. You’ll see a series of in-house playlists sorted by genre, such as “Relaxation”, “Today’s Hits”, and “Pop Music”. There’s also some personalization in the selection you’ll see. At the top, you’ll see the artists, songs, playlists, and albums you most recently played in the YouTube Music app.

导航到警报声音设置时,请点击中上方的“ YouTube音乐”标签。 您会看到一系列按类型分类的内部播放列表,例如“放松”,“今日流行”和“流行音乐”。 您还会看到一些个性化的选择。 在顶部,您会看到您最近在YouTube音乐应用中播放的艺术家,歌曲,播放列表和专辑。

Under the “Your Favorites” tab, you’ll also see your most played artists and albums. There’s also “Your Mix,” which is an automatic selection of music based on your listening habits. You can also search for any of the tracks or playlists on YouTube Music’s library by tapping the Search button.

在“您的收藏夹”选项卡下,您还将看到播放次数最多的艺术家和专辑。 还有“您的混音”,它可以根据您的收听习惯自动选择音乐。 您还可以通过点击“搜索”按钮在YouTube音乐库中搜索任何曲目或播放列表。

如何唤醒潘多拉收音机 (How to Wake Up to Pandora Radio)

If you prefer a more curated way of waking up in the morning, you can also select one of Pandora Radio’s stations as your alarm clock in the morning. To do this, you should have the Pandora app installed on your phone, and you must be signed in.

如果您希望在早上起床更有规律地唤醒自己,您还可以选择Pandora Radio的电台之一作为早晨的闹钟。 为此,您应该在手机上安装Pandora应用程序,并且必须登录。

Pandora Radio潘多拉电台

Select Pandora in sound settings. From here, you can select one of the recommended stations for waking up, such as “Upbeat Indie Morning” and “Laid Back Morning”. You can also browse through all the stations on the service using the Search button. Tap the station to preview the style of music on it.

在声音设置中选择Pandora。 从这里,您可以选择一个推荐的电台来唤醒,例如“ Upbeat Indie Morning”和“ Laid Back Morning”。 您也可以使用“搜索”按钮浏览服务上的所有电台。 点击电台以预览其上的音乐风格。



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