




给你一个矩阵,让你打印(0,0)(0,0)到(n−1,n−1)(n -1, n-1)的最短路径,最普通的bfsbfs,第二题就是在第一题的基础上改了下,输出最短路径的长度就好了,没什么技巧,我都是用STLSTL写的,所以代码比较简洁.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int dirx[] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
const int diry[] = {1, 0, -1, 0};struct Node {int id;int pre;Node() {}Node(int id, int pre = -1) : id(id), pre(pre) {}
};bool judge(int x, int y, int n)
{return x >= 0 && x < n && y >= 0 && y < n;
}int main()
{vector<int> mp;int x, n;while (cin >> x) {mp.push_back(x);}n = (int)sqrt(1.0 * mp.size());deque<Node> que;vector<bool> used(mp.size(), false);que.emplace_back(0);used[0] = true;decltype(que.size()) head = 0;int src = -2;while (!que.empty()) {if (que.cbegin() + head == que.cend())break;Node now = que[head++];if (now.id / n == n - 1 && now.id % n == n - 1) {src = head - 1;break;}for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)if (judge(now.id / n + dirx[i], now.id % n + diry[i], n) &&mp[(now.id / n + dirx[i]) * n + now.id % n + diry[i]] == 0 &&!used[(now.id / n + dirx[i]) * n + now.id % n + diry[i]])que.emplace_back((now.id / n + dirx[i]) * n + now.id % n + diry[i], head - 1),used[(now.id / n + dirx[i]) * n + now.id % n + diry[i]] = true;}if (src == -2) {cout << "nopath" << endl;return 0;}stack<int> ans;while (que[src].pre != -1)ans.push(src), src = que[src].pre;ans.push(0);while (!ans.empty())cout << que[ans.top()].id / n << "," << que[ans.top()].id % n << endl, ans.pop();return 0;







#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int dirx[] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
const int diry[] = {1, 0, -1, 0};struct Node {int id;int step;Node() {}Node(int id, int step = 0) : id(id), step(step) {}
};bool judge(int x, int y, int n)
{return x >= 0 && x < n && y >= 0 && y < n;
}int main()
{vector<int> mp;int x, n;while (cin >> x) {mp.push_back(x);}n = (int)sqrt(1.0 * mp.size());deque<Node> que;vector<bool> used(mp.size(), false);que.emplace_back(0);used[0] = true;decltype(que.size()) head = 0;int ans = -1;while (!que.empty()) {if (que.cbegin() + head == que.cend())break;Node now = que[head++];if (now.id / n == n - 1 && now.id % n == n - 1) {ans = now.step;break;}for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)if (judge(now.id / n + dirx[i], now.id % n + diry[i], n) &&mp[(now.id / n + dirx[i]) * n + now.id % n + diry[i]] == 0 &&!used[(now.id / n + dirx[i]) * n + now.id % n + diry[i]])que.emplace_back((now.id / n + dirx[i]) * n + now.id % n + diry[i], now.step + 1),used[(now.id / n + dirx[i]) * n + now.id % n + diry[i]] = true;}cout << ans << endl;return 0;

第三题:Text Justification


模拟两端对齐,每行最多L<script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-433">L</script>个字符,除了单词,剩下的就是空格,空格要均匀,多余的空格往左边加.




#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main()
{vector<string> words;string str;int maxSize = 0;while (cin >> str) {words.push_back(str);maxSize = max(maxSize, (int)str.size());}int n;stringstream sin;sin << words[words.size() - 1];sin >> n;words.pop_back();if (maxSize > n) {cout << words[0];for (decltype(words.size()) i = 1; i < words.size(); i++)cout << " " << words[i];cout << endl;return 0;}int sumNum = 0, sumLen = 0;vector<string> ans;for (decltype(words.size()) i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {if (sumLen + words[i].size() + sumNum <= n)sumLen += words[i].size(), sumNum++, ans.push_back(words[i]);else {if (sumNum == 1) {cout << ans[0];for (int i = 0; i < n - ans[0].size(); i++)cout << " ";cout << endl;ans.clear();sumNum = sumLen = 0;--i;continue;}int space = (n - sumLen) / (sumNum - 1);int rest = (n - sumLen) % (sumNum - 1);cout << ans[0];for (decltype(ans.size()) j = 1; j < ans.size(); j++) {int top = space + (rest-- > 0 ? 1 : 0);for (int i = 0; i < top; i++)cout << " ";cout << ans[j];}cout << endl;ans.clear();sumNum = sumLen = 0;--i;}}if (ans.size() != 0) {if (sumNum == 1) {cout << ans[0];for (int i = 0; i < n - ans[0].size(); i++)cout << " ";cout << endl;return 0;}int space = (n - sumLen) / (sumNum - 1);int rest = (n - sumLen) % (sumNum - 1);cout << ans[0];for (decltype(ans.size()) j = 1; j < ans.size(); j++) {int top = space + (rest-- > 0 ? 1 : 0);for (int i = 0; i < top; i++)cout << " ";cout << ans[j];}cout << endl;}return 0;

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