
词汇(Key Word )

anime  日本动漫    Manga n. 日本漫画

cartoon   n. 卡通片,[电影] 动画片;连环漫画

protect  vt. 保护,防卫;警戒

product  n. 产品;结果;[数] 乘积;作品

furry  adj. 毛茸茸;毛皮的;盖着毛皮的;似毛皮的

feature  n. 特色,特征;容貌;特写或专题节目

fur  n. 皮,皮子;毛皮;软毛

indispensable /'ɪndɪ'spɛnsəbl/   in.dis.pen.sable   n. 不可缺少之物;必不可少的人  adj. 不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的

brand  n. 品牌,商标;类型;烙印; v. 败坏(某人)名声;给(牲畜)打烙印;

doll  n. 洋娃娃;玩偶;无头脑的美丽女人

# light 4种意思

n. 光; 灯

vt. 照亮;点燃;

adv. 轻地;清楚地;轻便地

adj. 轻的;浅色的;明亮的;轻松的;容易的;清淡的


So do I    =  Me too   我也一样

Hello, everyone. Good Morning/Afternoo/eveing.

My name is Loki

I'm going to talk about a product I like Nintendo Switch. We call it NS for short.What is NS?

It's a play games machine.so funny. if you have many people to your party at home . you can do use it.

there are three mode use it playing games:

1. Handheld model , you can just play to on your hands.

2. TV model, you can play to In your TV

3. Desktop model, Put the machine on the table and support it with the bracket

Its pros were easy to carry, funny, with friends playing together, you can enjoy a different game world.

Its cons were The game card and other parts is a bit expsive.

I rate this product five stars.It's excellent.


be able to do  =  can do  能够做






# 一些英语单词辅助记忆法

1. word tree;   【单词树】     such as: family tree

2.  Visual organizer  【视觉组织图 】  画一个中心物品,联想与之先关的单词

2. T-chart 【T型图表】  用于单词正反义词,脑海梳理

3. Mind map 【思维导图】  根据一个中心主题,进行头脑风暴,联想出与之相关的其他东西


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