
My product is NS(Nintendo Switch). it's a game machine. There are 3 advantages: Handheld mode(handy),  TV mode(fancy),  Desktop mode(funny).  Besides, you can play it with friends together.  But it has a fast power consumption .I rate this product 5 stars.

词汇(Key Word )

cheap   adj. 便宜的

expensive  adj.昂贵的

excellent  adj.优秀的

terrible  adj.糟糕的

chocolate  n.巧克力

smartphone  n.智能手机

earring  n.耳环

battery  n.电池

pro  n.好处;优点

con   n.坏处;缺点;弊端

excellent   adj. 卓越的;极好的;杰出的

great  adj. 伟大的,重大的;极好的,好的;主要的

good  adj. 好的;优良的;愉快的;虔诚的

so-so  adj. 平常的;不好也不坏的

well-designed  adj. 精心设计的;设计巧妙的

fragile  adj. 脆的;易碎的

heavy  adj. 沉重的;繁重的,巨大的;拥挤的;阴沉的    # 注意和名词的weight区分

broaden your mind  开阔视野;大开眼界      #  horizons  地平线

good quality  良好品质,高品质;好质量

fashionable adj. 流行的;时髦的;上流社会的

fancy   高大上;adj. 复杂的;昂贵的;精致的,花俏的;想象的;(食物)优质的;(花)杂色的;(动物)供观赏的


What item is very important to you?  对你来说什么东西很重要?

His camera is important  他的相机很重要

In my room, I have a very small, inexpensive compact disc player.


In my room at home I have a small CD player, a large-screen TV, and a laptop.


In my room there is a heavy computer, an inexpensive CD player, and a modern stereo


My favorite item is my CD player, because I can listen to music and I love music


I have a guitar. It is my favorite item, and my mother gave it to me.


This is my favorite T-shirt.


I like it  because the cause is very important to me


This is a favorite ring。 I love it because of its color.


My favorite item is my laptop because I have a lot of pictures inside it and I can go on the internet.


It's very cool. 它是非常酷

I like big earring.These earrings are from my boyfriend and I like them a lot.


My favorite gift is a camera because I love to take pictrues.


My favorite gift is a big box chocolate.




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